
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Past, Present, Future! (R-18)

' The kids were saved, and now Stryker is dead, which means Lauri isn't going to be assassinated. Which means when Hulk comes knocking looking for Xavier and the others, Mercury won't be able to sway his mind. Which means. I get the World-Breaker all to myself.'

Asura thought with an internal smile.

" yer quite the monster aren't ya kid?"

Logan asked with a smile on his face, covered in blood just like Asura.

" Yes, I really am, aren't I?"

Asura asked solemnly, Laura watched the man's back in sadness.

' You're no monster.'

Laura thought to herself.

" Logan when we get back don't stop me."

Asura said sternly to logan.

" Kid, you know what I won't stop ya."

Logan said affirming his stance on the situation.

" Laura?"

Asura called out

" Yes? What is it?"

Laura asked

" Do you think I'm a monster?"

Asura asked the woman.

' Is he worried about what I think of him?'

" If you're a monster then so am I. I've done far worse things than torture a man to death."

Laura said in her own weird way trying to comfort the man.

' Is that her way of trying to make me feel better? She really is a weird one. But I think that's what draws me towards her.'

Asura thought with a smile on his face.

" Is there something I need to know you two?"

Logan asked sternly.

" Maybe, Logan. Maybe."

Asura said as he continued walking. Laura and Wolverine However both stopped in their tracks and stared at the man as he continued back to the school.

' Did he just?'

Laura thought in confusion.

' No, if he knew about my past, he wouldn't want anything to do with me.'

Laura thought sadly. Yet she still couldn't help but wonder. Would he accept her? Love has always been a foreign concept to Laura. The only person she's ever felt love for was her mother, and she killed her. Could she love someone else? Could someone else love her? That is the question she asks. Not knowing that to Asura The past and the future Mean nothing to him. Only The present. For that is the kind of man he is. No, Mistake future or past should influence your life. Only you decide the way you live life.

The group continued their journey back to the school and as they approached the front entrance they were greeted by the x-men standing guard.

' Gambit, Rogue, Angel, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Forge, Shadowcat, Iceman, Beast, Cyclops, and Emma frost. It would seem like things haven't changed since Laura, Logan and I left. Good. Cyclops, that bastard, if I wasn't here, we would be burying all of those kids.'

Asura thought with a scowl on his face.

" You guys are back. Did Ya'll find the attackers?"

Rogue asked.

However, Asura didn't say a word and increased the pace in which he walked. Making a Bline straight to Cyclops.

" Asura friend calm down."

Colossus said putting an arm up to stop Asura.

' He's trying to stop me. I'm sorry Pete, but I'm putting my foot down with this guy right now.'

Asura thought as he swatted colossus's arm away. Increasing his speed towards scott, a nasty glare spread across his face.

" Asura, listen i didn't know."

Scott said before Asura punched him in the face. Scott slammed against the front doors of the institute.

" Scott!"

Emma yelled

" You arrogant brat!"

Emma yelled as she diamonded up ready to fight Asura.


Laura popped her claws and stood between the X-men and asura and let out a low growl. Warning the others not to get involved.


Asura yelled as he kicked scott in his stomach slamming him back into the school's doors.

" Comrade Asura that is enough! We are all grateful for what you did, but will killing scott help the kids?"

Colossus Said

" I wasn't going to kill him. I needed to wake him up and make him realize something. Something, I should have realized already."

Asura said as he grabbed Laura's hand and led her towards the building.

" What is this something mein friend?"

Nightcrawler asked as Emma helped scott to his feet.


Asura said with power in his calm voice.

" What do you mean?"

Scott asked as he leaned on Emma.

" Scott, if any of you and I mean any of you were to ask me to die fighting to save these kids I would do it without a thought or hesitation. It's just who I am. I'm a warrior. I was born on the battlefield and on the battlefield is where I will die. And just like I would give my life to protect all of you, there are people out there who will give their lives to kill you. It's just a cold and painful truth. As long as we exist there will always be someone who will want us dead."

Asura spoke. His words shaking the X-men and Laura to their core.

" Are you saying we will never be safe?"

Kitty asked.

" Maybe! Maybe not! One thing I know is that our generation will not be the one to the one to achieve that dream of peace. That job must be entrusted to the future generations starting with those kids in there, whether they have X-gene or not. I will protect those kids no matter what, and anyone foolish enough to endanger their lives will face the full force of my WRATH, be they my friend, my brother, or even my own child."

Asura said before entering the school with Laura, Leaving the X-men to think about what he had just said.

" He's right Scott."

Logan spoke up.

" Of course, you would agree with that psychopath Logan."

Emma said.

" No Emma, he's right. I believed that because they were no longer mutants that people wouldn't attack them, but I was wrong. They didn't care if their powers were gone, they were still mutants in their eyes. I made a bad call and almost caused those kids to die."

Scott said hanging his head down.

" What do we do now scott?"

Nightcrawler asked

" i don't know kurt. I don't know."

Scott said.

Asura and Laura made their way through the school.

' I see now just how bad the mutants really have it. Leaders who are blind to their own follies and enemies who despise them for reasons beyond their control. I won't'

Asura's thoughts were cut off by the student presence in front of him.


The students all yelled rushing the two.

" Thank you, man."

Brian Cruz said hugging the man

" It is alright. I'm glad you are all okay. Forgive me for being a bit rough with the bus."

Asura said as he pushed the young man off of him gently.

" You may not have your powers anymore, but you are all still our family. And as long as I'm around I will protect each and every one of you."

Asura said to the student body. The students themselves all listening to his words intently.

" We are at a crossroad in our lives. Right here, right now we must choose. Will we die on our knees the dogs of society?"

Asura asked.

" NO!"

The students all yelled. Both mutant and now human.


Asura asked Raising his fist in the air


The unified student body yelled raising their fists to the sky with Asura.


The students chanted.

After a few minutes the crowd quieted and one of the female depowered students raised her hand and asked.

" What is going to happen to us who lost our powers now?"

She asked the entire crowd turning to asura for an answer.

" I do not know yet. What I do know is that you have all suffered enough for one day. Spend the rest of the night with your loved ones and rest. Tomorrow we will discuss what will happen to all of you, my sister. But know this, no matter what happens I will always protect you. All of you."

Asura said. and after another round of thank You's the crowd of students dispersed. All of them except the hellions and the new mutants.

The first one to approach asura was surprisingly the one who had hated him the most of the students. Julian Keller.

" I want to apologize to you and the clon- Laura for what I said to you all before. Thank you for saving my friends."

Julian apologized shocking everyone still present in the room.

" Do you remember what I told you earlier Julian? If we are going to make it as a team, we have to bury our grudges against each other. You want to apologize to me Julian, then consider this our new start."

Asura said extending his hand to the boy.

" You got it."

Julian said grabbing Asura's forearm in a tight grip.

" I'm sure you all have a lot you want to say, but for now I think it's time me and Laura got washed up."

Asura said getting a nod from everyone.

" You ready Laura?"

Asura asked squeezing the woman's hand.

" Yes."

Laura said as she and Asura went upstairs to wash up.

' I don't know what's going to happen for now. With this tragedy averted who's to say that another one just as bad if not worse is bound to happen.'

Asura thought as the hot water from the shower ran down his body.

' I hope I can protect them.'

Asura thought before hearing rustling behind him. Asura turned and saw Laura there naked in the shower with him.

" Laura? What are you doing here?"

Asura asked in his usual calm voice. Albeit a little redder.

" I wanted to talk to you."

Laura said moving closer to the man.

" What is it? Did something happen?"

Asura asked as his manhood grew larger and larger.

' He's so big. He's bigger than any man I've ever been with.'

Laura thought.

" Yes, something did happen."

Larua said to the man.

" What happened?"

Asura asked cupping the woman's face in one hand and pulling her close with the other.

Asura and Laura stared into each other's eyes. his bright red stars staring into her emerald, green gems. Her breasts rubbing up against the man's chest.

" This happened."

Laura said as she pulled herself up to the man's face and kissed him.

' What the hell? Is this real?'

Asura questioned, but soon forgot as he relaxed into the kiss. Pulling the woman closer and opening his mouth to let the woman's tongue in. Laura doing the same, moaning as their tongues danced in each other's mouths. His hard penis pushing against the lips of her pussy.

' He wants me.'

Laura thought as she rubbed her pussy against Asura's dick. Rocking back and forth on him. Moaning as his hands explored the rest of her body. One hand grabbing and squeezing her soft ass, before moving up to her soft yet firm breasts. The two kissed each other passionately for what felt like hours only separating when they needed breath.

" Laura? Are you okay with this?"

Asura asked hesitantly.

" I want this. I want you."

Laura said kissing the man again this time with more ferocity than before. Her tongue briefly overpowering his. Asura broke the kiss one more time.

" Bed. Now!"

Asura said picking the woman up. Laura wrapping her legs around the man's body as he walked them out of the bathroom.

Asura kicked the door of the bathroom off its hinges and placed Laura down on the bed. His hands massaging her breasts. Asura broke the kiss again this time placing kisses down her body. Starting from her neck then moving down to her collar bone sucking hard on it leaving bruises all over her neck area.

' He knows what I like. My pussy it's so wet. I want him.'

Laura thought while moaning through the pleasure.

' She likes this, I'll take my time before moving down then.'

Asura thought as he placed kisses down her body. Once He came to her breasts he took one in his mouth, sucking on the light brown nipple while his other hand continued to massage the other one.

" Ah!"

Laura gasped as asura bit down on her nipple in his mouth.

" Mmmmm. That feels good Asura."

Laura moaned.

Asura continued sucking on her nipple until he felt it was time to move on. Once he was done with that one, he moved on to the other one. Repeating the same process. Laura grunted as she pressed her pussy up against his penis trying to force it inside of her. Asura grunted in response before moving down her body again. Placing kisses all the way down to the woman's navel.

" You're so beautiful Laura."

Asura said staring at the woman in her naked beauty.

Asura spread the woman's legs and placed his head between her legs.

' Her pussy is dripping wet, and it smells so good.'

Asura thought before digging into the woman's pussy with his tongue.

" Ahhhh!"

Laura gasped as the man's tongue entered her pussy. Lapping her fluids up ferociously.

In an attempt to pleasure the woman further, Asura used his tongue to spell out the alphabet inside her. The sound of Lauras moans filling the air and even spilling out into the hallway outside Asura's room.

Asura continued his assault on the woman's insides feeling the walls of her pussy starting to constrict his tongue.

' Just a bit more.'

Asura thought as he inserted two fingers into her pussy and began thrusting them upwards scraping the walls of her vagina, moving his tongue up to the small bud of flesh just slightly above and sucking on it. The combined assault finally pushed Laura over the edge.

" Ahhhhhh!"

Laura yelled as her orgasm rushed forward. Her back arching and her pussy squirting all over asura's face until she collapsed exhaustedly on the bed.

Asura repositioned himself pushing his body forward and placing the tip of his penis at the entrance to the woman's vagina. Asura took one glance at the woman and when Laura gave the ok he thrusted inside of her.

" Ahhh!"

Laura grunted as blood trickled out of her pussy.

' Wait! She was a virgin?'

Asura questioned

Laura noticed the expression on the man's face and spoke up.

" I have a healing factor, so anytime my hymen tears, it reforms later."

Laura said with tears forming in her eyes.

" I'm so sorry Laura."

Asura said feeling pain over the woman.

" It's okay. I want this, to feel you inside me. Please Asura. Don't stop."

Laura said and with a nod Asura began thrusting into the woman slowly at first giving the woman time to adjust to his length.

" Faster."

Laura said.

Asura began picking up his pace thrusting faster and harder into the woman's pussy.

" Ah! That's it right there. right there. Fuck me Asura."

Laura yelled making Asura thrust harder and harder bouncing the bed against the wall. On the other side Julian and Brian both could hear the sounds of Laura's moans.

" Damn, that poor girl."

Brian said

" Is he trying to kill her?"

Julian asked annoyed by the wall's constant banging.

" Asura yes! I'm close. I'm so close don't stop."

Laura cried out.

" I am too."

Asura grunted.

With a few hard thrusts Laura came once again. Wrapping her legs around Asura's waist as her pussy clenched around the man's shaft. The feeling of Laura's orgasm forced asura over his own.

" Laura!"

Asura yelled as he came inside the woman's pussy painting it white inside.

After a few minutes the two finally settles down from their shared orgasm. Their privates disconnecting with a wet noise.

Asura collapsed beside Laura as they both tried to catch their breaths. Laura's pussy slowly pushing out Asura's cum. Asura grabbed Laura by her waist and pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms tightly around the woman. The two cuddled in silence for a few minutes before Laura finally spoke up.

" Can we talk?"

Laura asked.

" Of course, Laura. What's wrong?"

" I wanted you to know about my past. The things I've done before I met you."

Laura said nervously.

" Laura, you don't have to be nervous. There is nothing you can tell me that would change how I feel about you."

Asura said gently squeezing the woman closer to him.

" You heard about me being cloned from Logan's DNA, but what we didn't tell you was that I was borne naturally from a woman her name was Doctor Sarah Kinney. She was my mother and I killed her."

Laura said through tears.

" I was trained from birth to be a ruthless killer. The ultimate assassin. To make sure I never disobeyed an order they gave me a trigger scent and when they used it, they ordered me to kill her. I couldn't control my body, I was conscious of what it was doing, but it was like someone else was moving me. I couldn't stop, and yet she still loved me until the end. She even gave me a name."

Laura said the tears now falling down her face.

" When I got free, I didn't know much about the world other than how to kill. I couldn't survive by myself. So, I chose an occupation that would be easy to thrive off of. I Became a prostitute."

Laura cried.

Hearing these words Asura began to shake. The rage and pain on his face evident by the tears that were forming in his all-white eyes.

' I didn't know that'

Asura thought while shaking.

" It was easy to get used to. All I had to do was lay down for the most part and let them use me. My mouth, my vagina. All I had to do was make sure they were happy and I would be paid. There were times when i didn't please them. They would use my other hole to punish me. Sometimes using different objects."

Laura said.

" I want this, Laura. I want you. It hurts me to know how much you've suffered Laura. I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you."

Asura said in his calm voice. Trying to fight back the anger that welled up within him.

" You still want me after all of that?"

Laura asked in tears.

Asura pulled the woman into a strong embrace. Asura lifted the woman's chin up and stared into her soft eyes and kissed her passionately.

" Yes, I do."

Asura said

" Will stay by my side Laura?"

" Yes."

Laura said burying her head into the man's chest.

" Will you stay by mine?"

Laura asked

" ALWAYS!!!!!"