
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Changing history!


Asura groaned as he awoke from his slumber.

" She's so beautiful."

Asura said as he stared at the slumbering woman's face.

' He called me beautiful.'

Laura thought having awoken herself just moments before Asura.

Laura opened her eyes to see the man staring at her.

" Good morning."

Asura said to the young woman staring directly into her eyes, almost as if he was staring into her soul.

" Good morning."

Laura answered back.

The two stared at each other for what felt like minutes until Laura heard a voice in her head that angered her.

" What is it, Laura?" Asura asked seeing the anger on the woman's face.

' Is it Emma again?'

Asura wondered.

" Emma wants us to be in the danger room in 10 minutes. Can you take me back to my room so I can get some clothes?"

Laura asked

" I'll get us there without anyone seeing us."

Asura said getting out of bed with Laura in his arms, bridal carry style.

" Hold on tight, and keep your eyes closed."

Asura said before taking off towards her room. In seconds Asura and Laura were standing outside of her and sooraya's room.

" Thank you asura."

Laura said.

" You know, I wouldn't mind... uhm.. you know"

Asura stuttered through his words.

' Damn, why am I having so much trouble inviting her back? Oh, wait!'

Asura thought slapping himself in the face internally.

" Okay."

Laura answered

" I'd like that."

She said before going into her room with a smile. After a few minutes Laura re-emerged from her room in her standard Black top and jeans.

" You ready let's get down there before Emma throws a fit."

Asura said getting a nod from Laura.

Asura began to walk before he suddenly stopped.

" I'll lead the way."

Laura said realizing the man doesn't know his way to the danger room.

" Yeah, you probably should."

Asura said

After minutes asura and Laura arrived in the danger room. The danger room was packed with the remaining students with their powers.

" There's so many people here that I don't know. Laura I'm going to go say hello to some of them. Wanna come with me?"

Asura asked.

" I'll wait here for you."

Laura said.

" Okay, I'll be right back."

Asura said to the woman before walking off into the crowd.

' I wonder who I should talk to first? Oh, how about those three.'

Asura thought as he headed towards the three in one triplets. All of whom are daughters of Emma frost. Celeste, Mindee, and Phoebe.

" Hello, my name is asura."

Asura said introducing himself to the three girls. The girls all turned and looked at the man for a moment. Asura felt the tug of a psychic at his mind and blocked all three girls out. When he did the girls all stared at him in shock before trying again.

' Oh, I see what's going on. Here girls how is this?'

Asura said to the girls getting another shocked expression from them.

' You knew we were trying to get in? How?'

The girls all asked in unison.

' I've had my fair share of mental training, and even more battles against very powerful telepaths. Normally I wouldn't have let you girls in, but you don't seem to have any malicious intent. Unlike Frost over there.'

Asura said to the girls while gesturing over to their mother.

' So, you can shut us out at any time?'

One of the girls asked.

Asura simply cut the link and blocked the girls out of his head much to their surprise.

" Now, I believe you know my name. Can I ask you all to share yours?"

The girls looked at each other briefly before introducing themselves.

" We are the three in one."

They all said.

" I'm phoebe."

" I'm Mindee

" And I'm Celeste."

The girls all introduced themselves.

" It is a pleasure to meet you girls, next time if you want to speak just give me a slight nudge. As long as you don't try to force your way into my memories i have no problems letting you into my head."

Asura said before walking back towards Laura.

" Done already?"

She asked

" No, but it would seem like Frost is ready to inform us on why we are here."

Asura said gesturing towards Emma frost.

Sure, enough Emma frost stood in front of the students and began her speech

" Today everything changes. No more squads, no more field days."

Emma spoke up and said.

" What?" " You can't be serious." " We won't do it."

The three in one sisters said in protest against Emma Frost's actions.

' That doesn't sound good. It seems like the girls have already seen what it is Emma is planning.'

Asura thought.

" You came here to learn to use your powers and find your place in the world. Now we will see what you've learned and where your place is."

Emma stated.

" Laura, I don't like this. Stay close to me."

Asura said grabbing the woman's hand.

" I don't either. I got your back if she tries anything."

Laura said to asura. both of them giving each other a nod of apporval.

" There are two possibilities-- On the battlefield or on the sidelines. You will decide which. The exercise is simple. Every man for himself."

Emma said getting a raise from asura. His eyes burning with fury over the woman practically forcing everyone to fight each other.

" The last students standing will train to be X-men... The rest do not. Wallflower, Blindfold, Nezhno, Ernst. You are all excused."

Emma said

" What? Because of my arm? I can still--"

Wallflower/ Laurie collins tried to argue her point but was shut down by Emma.

" Leave now."

Emma said again.

" Why do they have to leave?"

Asura stepped forward confronting Emma on her decision.

" Their abilities aren't fit for the battlefield."

Emma argued.

" It doesn't matter what you think of their abilities. It should still be their choice on whether or not to participate in your oh so grand Idea."

Asura said arguing Frost down.

" She is ok with Miss frost excusing her. yes. Thank you for trying to help her though."

Blindfold said approaching Asura.

" If that is your decision then fine, but never allow someone to force their decisions on you. I don't believe we've had the chance to meet. My name is asura, may I know yours?"

Asura asked

" Yes. Her name is ruth. She is very happy to meet you, but She is also very sad."

Ruth said

" Why is that ruth?"

Asura asked

" She has seen your future. one against millions. ten days and ten nights you will fight to protect that which you love, but in the end, you will die with a hole in your heart."

The woman said

" Is that so?"

Asura asked

" Yes. She is sorry."

Ruth said holding her head down.

The room stared in shock over what ruth had said. The girl had the ability to see one's future, but they were never good.

Soon Asura's laughter filled the room. His sudden burst of laughter surprised everyone.

" She doesn't understand. Are you not saddened by the news of your death?"

Ruth asked

" Why should I be? If what you say really is true, then I will die a glorious death protecting what I love. As a warrior there is no greater honor than that. Though I must ask that if you see anything else of my future you do not tell me. If and when that day comes i want to be able to face my death with open arms."

Asura said shocking everyone in the room.

' He was just told he was going to die with a hole in his heart, and That's his response! He really is a monster.'

Julian thought.

" Whoa that guy is awesome."

One of the students mumbled out in awe.

" He's kind of cute."

The pink haired Pixie said.

" Okay, she promises not to tell you anymore of your future."

Ruth said

" Thank you."

Asura said before walking back off towards Laura.

" Thank you for returning to your spot Asura. Now then since you've been so kind as to step forward first, how about we have you demonstrate your abilities to everyone present?"

Emma asked

" Very well! I have no problems being handicapped."

Asura said stepping forward.

" Alright students everyone. And i mean everyone to the observation deck."

Emma said glaring at Laura.

Laura looked at asura wondering what to do. Asura seeing the woman's distress shook his head in approval and smiled at her.

" I will be alright, Laura."

Asura said with confidence.

Once all of the students were up in the observation deck, Emma came on over the loudspeaker.

" The goal is very simple survive for five minutes against these foes."

Emma said with a grin.

" Stop wasting my time already."

Asura said with venom in his voice glaring daggers at Emma.

" As you wish. Good luck."

Emma said before the room around asura transformed into a wrecked city. Suddenly multiple giants landed near him.

" Mutant signature detected. Eradication begin."

The sentinels said in unison. One of the sentinels raised its arm to fire a blast at asura, however before the beam could even be charged asura vanished from everyone's sight. Soon a loud bang was heard and five of the robots exploded, as Asura ripped through them like butter.

" Whoa he's tearing through the sentinels like they're nothing, this guy is a monster."

Julian yelled with a shocked expression on his face.

Though Julian wasn't the only one to have these thoughts. It was something everyone in the room watching shared, just none of them could find the strength to voice it.

The only one in the room not shocked by the display of power was Laura, having experienced just how powerful his fist was already.

' He's incredible. Why do I feel hot?'

Laura wondered.

" Is that all you've got She-Witch?"

Asura asked with a grin on his face. Suddenly the simulation changed. the sentinels disappeared and a large green fist appeared next to Asura's face Launching him across the room.

" Miss FROST!"

Julian yelled realizing simulation was running now.

" What is it Mr. Keller? Do you have a problem with my test?"

Emma asked glaring at the young man.

" No Ma'am!"

Julian said backing down with a sad expression.

All of the students shared a similar pained expression as even children know of the mighty beast in the room. They all expected Asura to lose quite handily now.

Suddenly A loud noise was heard from below.


Asura roared loudly forcing all of the students watching to cover their ears.

Asura reappeared from the smoke with blood dripping from his mouth. Other than that, it seemed like he had no Injuries at all. Asura and the green behemoth known as the hulk glared at each other before rushing into each other. Meeting in the middle of the room with their fists. The collision shook the room in its entirety, observation deck and all. The shockwave produced from their collision blew apart the floor of the danger room.

" Even if it's only a simulation, he's matching the Hulk in strength. I Can't believe how powerful he really is. He could have killed us easily if he wanted to."

Julian spoke up.

" He's a demon."

Emma said frightened by the man's power.

Down in the room below the two Beasts of rage continued their war of fists each landing crushing blows on the other, however the simulated hulk began slowing down and Asura kept speeding up his fists getting faster and faster. No, not only faster, but heavier as well. And with one last mighty roar.


Asura drove his fist through the fake hulks stomach tearing through it and ending the simulation.

" Huh. huh. huh. HuuuuuuAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Asura yelled as he raised his fist towards the ceiling in victory.

The crowd watching above was silent as the man proclaimed his victory. Once he was finished, they all erupted into a loud cheer. Clapping and cheering for the man having done something that no one has ever done in the danger room before. That simulation was always meant to build teamwork to take down a foe much stronger than you are. No one ever expected to see the day it was cleared by one man alone.

" Are you pleased?"

Asura asked glaring at the woman.

" Yes."

Emma said with her eyes closed.

" Alright, everyone, but the ones I told to leave earlier head down into the room It is time to find the remaining members."

Emma said as the students left the observation deck.

Once the students were all in the room. The battle began. Students began attacking each other left and right, attempting to take one another out. Many if not everyone avoided Asura. Asura himself saw no reason to attack the others if they did not want to fight him.

' Hm, it seems like they are all more powerful than even I thought. They really are awesome. I regret not reading about them more. But now that I'm here physically I can learn more about them than any comic book reader could.'

Asura thought with a smile on his face.

He observed the room and noticed that Laura was acting weird. Almost like she couldn't move.

' Oh, that upstart psychic bitch!'

Asura thought as he rushed towards Laura and yanked her from the crow trying to swarm her.

" You ok?"

Asura asked as he picked Laura up.

" I couldn't move. Thank you."

Laura said as asura floated them both down to the ground.

" It would seem there are only a few of us left standing."

Asura said

" Enough."

Emma's voice rang throughout the room signaling the end of the free for all.

" Mercury/Cessily. Dust/sooraya. Hellion/Julian. Elixir/Joshua. Rockslide/Santo. Surge/Noriko. You six will move on to train as new x-men. The rest of you I will adress later."

Emma said much to the annoyance of Asura.

" She picked four hellions... There's a shocker."

Hisako said sarcastically.

" Don't you mean eight, Emma? You forgot to include Asura and Laura."

Cyclops said as he walked into the room, followed by the three in one.

' Those girls are fucking awesome. Hey girls can you hear me?' Asura called out psychically to the girl's'

' Yes, asura we hear you.'

They all said in unison

' You girls are amazing can you show me Emma's face please?'

Asura asked


the girls said with a grin on their faces.

' You Girls are awesome.'

' Thank you Asura. That was quite the impressive display earlier.'

The girls said

' Why thank you girls.'

Asura said before cutting the link.

" And we'll discuss this little "EXERCISE" Later."

Cyclops said before leaving the room.

Emma looked at the students for a second before addressing them again.

" There will be an assembly in the auditorium fifteen minutes for all mutant students. Oh, and by the way Mr. Keller... Surge will be the new team leader."

Emma said with venom in her voice.

" What!?"

Both Julian and Noriko said in shock.

'She really is a vindictive bitch.'

Asura thought with a scowl on his face.

" Oh, this is going to suck."

Elixir said.

" Now, now Josh don't be negative. We are a team now. So, whatever transgressions we have against each other we have to bury them now."

Asura said grabbing Laura's hand.

" Or we hold onto them, and possibly lose our lives because of them. So, which is it going to be?"

Asura asked. No one, but Laura answered in her own way. Giving asuras hand a squeeze.

fifteen minutes later. The students who retained their powers all gathered in the auditorium. When they arrived, they were meet by the X-men. Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat. Hank Mccoy/Beast. Piotr Rasputin/Colossus. Bishop. Scott Summers/Cyclops. Anna-Marie/Rogue. Bobby drake/Iceman.

' Wow, It's the x men Now that's a damn good line up even if Emma is up there.'

Asura thought to himself.

" Look around you... For this is all that remains. Many of you only know the world where mutants thrived, and we were on the rise. Where we influenced culture, built our own cities and even a country. A world where we numbered in the millions and charles Xavier's dream was finally within our reach... The world we knew is gone and with it most of our hope for survival. We are scattered across the globe numbering in the hundreds. The few of us on this stage have faced some of the dangers that await us. But I fear Nothing has prepared us for what is to come. You are at your childhood's end. You are mutants in a world that hates and fears you. it's time to grow up. The remaining human students that haven't left already will board a bus in forty-five minutes to take them so place safe. If you want to say your goodbye, Now is the chance."

Emma said with a pained expression of sorrow on her face the entire time.

" So That's it? You're all just going to abandon them? Just like that?"

Asura spoke up.

" Asura now is not the time."

Cyclops tried to speak but was cut off by asura.

" With all due respect Scott, Now is the time."

Asura said walking towards the stage.

" You aren't the only ones who have had to face the dangers of being a mutant. I know from experience there is no such thing as a safe place in this world for our people. Not yet anyway. And your grand solution Is to send Mutants who can no longer defend themselves out into the world without guidance or support?"

Asura berated the group on the stage.

" They are not mutants anymore."

Beast spoke up.

" You think that matters to the people out there? You think someone like Stryker is going to care whether or not those kids are mutants anymore? No, once a mutant always a mutant. Some of them are lucky they were never ousted as a mutant, but for those who were sending them out there alone is painting a giant fucking symbol on their backs."

Asura spoke gathering the attention of the remaining students.

" Then what would you have us do?"

Ice man spoke up and asked

" Do what you promised those kids you would always do. Protect them."

Asura said. The sadness was apparent on all the faces of the X-men as even though they realized what he had said was right, being at the school only threatened them more.

" I'm sorry asura, but that is no longer possible. This is for their safety. it is the only option we have left. This decision is final."

Cyclops said before leaving the stage followed by the other X-men.

" Ah'm sorry kid."

Rogue said before leaving.

" I'm sorry too."

Asura said knowing full well even with his limited X-men knowledge what was coming next.

' I can stop those rockets. I just hoped those kids wouldn't be put in that scenario in the first place.'

Asura thought as he left the auditorium, all eyes still on him.

forty-five minutes later and the students had begun to pile on the bus.

" Logan! Laura!"

Asura called

" What is it kid?"

Logan asked as he and Laura approached the kid.

" Keep your noses up. I don't care what the boy scout says, I know when a perfect opportunity presents itself. Things are too quiet and in my experience that means somethings about to go drastically terrible."

Asura said sternly to the two

" Alright, we hear ye loud and clear kid."

Logan said. As asura turned to leave Logan grabbed his shoulder.

" I heard about what you said in the auditorium kid, and you're right. I'm sorry that the others didn't agree with you."

Logan said

" Thank you logan, but that doesn't matter anymore. All i care about is making sure they all stay safe."

Asura said.

' Seeing everyone this sad breaks even my heart.'

Asura thought as the last student was loaded onto the bus.

" Asura, where are you going?"

Julian asked

" I got a bad feeling about this I'm going to follow the bus."

Asura said before hearing a loud noise.

PAF! Rang out as a missile rocketed through the air.


Asura yelled Getting the attention of everyone around him.

Asura raced towards the bus and just before the rocket hit. Asura Grabbed it and threw it back towards the forest line where it had come from.


Asura yelled to the students on the bus before he picked it up and jumped back towards the school. When he arrived, he put the bus down on its side and tore the roof off of the bus.


Asura yelled as he grabbed Laura and logan raced off towards the forest to hunt down the would-be assassins.

" Rah! How did you know that was gonna happen kid?"

Logan asked.

" Because if I wanted to send a message against a race of people I wanted dead, That is exactly what I would have done."

Asura said as the three of them ran through the forest.

" Stay close to me Laura. And kill them all."

Asura said getting a nod from Laura.

" Father Stryker help us!"

The soldiers all yelled. The rocket they had fired themselves had been sent back at them and had killed or severely crippled all of them. Stryker went to run away and leave his so-called children, but before he could the three angry mutants arrived at his location. And what followed was nothing short of a blood bath. Laura and wolverine tore the soldiers that could fight to pieces with their claws. tearing their throats out, ripping open their stomachs and decapitating them. Asura was just as violent tearing the soldier's limb from limb with his bare hands. Bashing their skulls in. Tearing their heads and spines out all at once. All three of them walking through the gun fire and explosions. Once the last of the capable fighters were killed Asura, Logan, and Laura stood over Stryker. Stryker looking at the three as if they were giants.

" You thought you could kill us with this?"

Asura said gesturing to the bodies of Strykers men taunting the man in the process.

" You filthy Demon mutant. God will destroy your soul and purify the earth of your kinds plague."

Stryker spat at the man.

" God huh!? You know, I was just thinking about how to kill you Stryker and i finally know. You see Stryker there was a famous way Vikings used to kill their most hated enemies to appease their gods."

Asura said with a hint of malice in his voice. Logan and Laura having been trained in many various ways of torture and death both realized what the man was thinking of and considering what Stryker had tried to do. Smiled at the man in agreement.

With a horrendously evil smile, showing his sharp fangs, Asura stared into Stryker's eyes one last time and asked the man quite sinister question.

