
Marvel’s Kryptonian

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


"Do not!!!"

  Zod fell to his knees, as if the Terminator appeared.

   It took a long time before he reacted again.

   "I am this, have I crossed again?"

  Zod looked around strangely, saw a piece of desert, and also saw a piece of green.

   That is a farm, planting slices of corn, a large green area.

   "Here, is the earth?"

   Zod reacted when he saw the corn. Did he directly reach the earth, but according to the timeline, Clark has grown up on the earth now?

   Zod is a Kryptonian, and he also crossed over to become a Kryptonian.

   After knowing that he was a Kryptonian, Zod was almost madly excited.

   This is the super race of the whole family of krypton gold!

   Kryptonians' superpowers alone include: super strength, super endurance, super speed, super senses, flying ability, steel body, heat rays, freezing breathing, super healing ability...

  Kryptonians' genes are very flexible, and the upper limit is so high that they are almost invulnerable.

   Because of the lighter gravity of the earth and the light radiation nutrition from the sun, they have gained extraordinary powers from the normal.

   Solar radiation fills the cells of Kryptonians with energy, thereby boosting their muscle strength and amplifying other senses.

   The super power comes from the large amount of stored solar energy. This phenomenon also allows them to derive other abilities, such as thermal sight, super hearing, super vision and so on.

   Although Zod has the same name as General Zod, their surnames are different.

  Zord's full name is Heath Zod, and General Zod's full name is Drew Zod.

The two look different. Zod is tall and handsome among the Kryptonians. He is about 1.9 meters tall. His strong muscle lines and figure are as perfect as ancient Greek sculptures, that is, he is not as strong as Henry Cavill. But the Kryptonians who are made of steel are qualified.

As soon as Zod crossed to become a newborn of Krypton, he faced the problem of destruction of Krypton. He did not want to be a corpse and tried to break the rules many times, but he was suppressed just like General Zod. Fortunately, Zod has a good father. He has not been imprisoned in the Phantom Prison after crossing the line so many times. With the birth of Carl El, Zod ventured to **** the central treasure and inject it into his body. When he was hunted down, Krypton was destroyed and a big explosion Rolled Zord in. When Zord was unwilling, he seemed to have entered a wormhole and disappeared.

   "Now you need to know what place it is, I hope it's not Gotham City or Metropolis."

Zod is confused about his domestic cities, not to mention foreign countries. He belongs to the kind of people who may get lost when going out in his own village. Of course, he is not as serious as being crazy about roads. He only needs to walk a few times. Lu will still remember.

   He entered this farm, and a middle-aged white man working in the cornfield immediately spotted him.

   "Wait, who are you!"

   The middle-aged white man was planning to pick up the gun, but he was stunned when he saw Zord's appearance.

   Where is this big star from?

  Although he was wearing a strange black armor, Zod looked like a white man, so the middle-aged white man was just wary.

After all, this is Texas. A few tens of kilometers further south is the US-Mexico border. Mexican smugglers are digging holes at the border like groundhogs, Mexican gangs, mules transporting drugs for gangs, etc. Wait, this sparsely populated piece of land has been out of police control.

   "Sir, I'm lost, may I ask where is this place?"

Zod asked. The armor on his body was naturally a special battle suit for Kryptonians. The Kryptonians who had just arrived on Earth in the original plot drew a tie with Clark who had been basking in the sun on Earth for so many years by relying on this high-tech battle suit. , And even crushed Clark, showing the power of this combat uniform.

   And the armor on Zod was made by his father using super-strength alloys synthesized from many cosmic minerals and advanced technology to crush the armor worn by General Zod and the others.

   "This is near the U.S.-Mexico border. If you get lost, I can call the police for you, but the police may not be willing to come over."

   The middle-aged white man, showing strong chest and abdominal muscles, said to Zord.

   Where is the US-Mexico border?

   Zod frowned, staying in Krypton for too long, I don't know anymore, but it's okay to understand English.

   In the end, he chose to learn about the world through white middle-aged people.

   After asking about the two strangely named cities, Metropolis and Gotham City, Zod didn't know what world he had come into.

The name of the middle-aged white man is known. He is Shelley King Judley. He is a native of Washington. The reason why he came to be a farmer in a place so far away from the big city is because he was previously unemployed. In order to continue to support his daughter to study, he must Don't run over to take over the farm left by his father.

   "Texas, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is famous for Texas."

  Zord knew that he had a weird face since he was in Texas in the United States. Texas has a high level of gun ownership, and there are many, many places where guns are sold in Texas.

   In the black area of ​​Houston and Chinatown, there are often cases of black people robbing shops with guns, and the number of crimes in Houston has remained the top 10 in the United States.

   And Zod is now on the most chaotic US-Mexico border.

   Fortunately, Zod has armor, so there is no need to worry about safety for the time being, and Zod disarmed the helmet after confirming his safety.

   At the beginning, he also immediately appeared in General Zod's unsuitability.

   Countless information flooded into the brain like falling into the ocean and being submerged by water, feeling that the whole person was hovering on the edge of suffocation. Fortunately, he quickly adapted.

   That uncomfortable feeling, Zod didn't want to try again.

   Judley still disagreed with Zod's staying next time, and then he was honest after being punched by Zod and punched a big hole in the ground.

   Zod also took this opportunity to arrogantly occupy Judley's only channel of contact with the outside world.

   In just three days, Zod figured out what the world is here.

  The main reason is that this place is too remote and the information is too backward, otherwise Zord can learn it more quickly.

   As we all know, to travel to the Marvel world, you only need to see Stark Industry.

  Zord also knew by this, and by the way, Osborne Industries.

   maddening genius, Playboy slept with all the young models of the young model magazine, and also flew a pair of young model sisters Tony Stark last night!

   His very arrogant appearance on the cover surprised Zod very much, mainly because he didn't have these things to watch when he was watching a movie.