
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 81 Fierce Battle

Changle Gang, most of the houses have become ruins.

On top of the ruins, several figures looked at each other, and the fighting spirit in their eyes gradually increased.

"You're not a local, are you?

Why don't you just leave now? If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to the Li family to find me, and I will help you."

Although the eldest elder of the Li family did not know who the masked man was, he was very sure that there had never been such a person in Tianshui City before.

A strong man at the third level of Creation is one of the top strong men in the Great Yan Dynasty.

For any force, such strong people need to be kept firmly in mind to avoid accidentally provoking them in the future.

Therefore, in Dahe County, the great elder of the Li family knows all the strong men in the three realms of creation, their names, and their strengths.

And among these people, not one matched the masked man in front of him.

Since there is none, it means that the masked man is not from Dahe County, but has just arrived in Dahe County from other places.

Facing a person who had just arrived, the eldest elder of the Li family felt that he did not necessarily have to fight this person to the death. He could choose to resolve the matter peacefully, so he said such words.

"The Changle Gang will be of great use to me. I cannot meet your condition."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly and said very calmly.

The Changle Gang is the core force that Lin Yuan will use to protect the Wanbao Pavilion in the future, and Lin Yuan will not let anyone destroy it easily.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan had promised Huang Puzhi that he would help him eliminate the mysterious general, and the Li family was the force to which the general belonged, so they were destined to be eliminated as well.

Since the outcome was already determined, Lin Yuan would not sit idly by and watch the Changle Gang being annihilated by the Li family.

"No matter what the Changle Gang promised you, I believe that my Li family can still do it. Why do you still refuse?"

The Li family's eldest elder frowned slightly and said with a faint smile.

"This old thing...

How shameless! "

Shi Tianzhi looked at the eldest elder of the Li family with anger on his face. Even though he was furious, he couldn't vent it at this moment.

Faced with the olive branch extended by the eldest elder of the Li family, Lin Yuan remained calm.

It's not that what he said was not attractive, but he had already made a deal with Huang Puzhi, and the first point of the deal was to destroy the Li family. Therefore, no matter how much reward the Li family's elder gave today, he could not win over Lin Yuan.

"Everything has already been decided. Don't waste your energy. Just fight me with all your strength."

After saying this, Lin Yuan's expression suddenly became serious, and a sharp aura unconsciously emanated from his body and gradually spread to the surroundings.

"Since you insist on doing this, don't blame me for being merciless."

Such a fierce aura made the face of the Li family's great elder become very solemn, and then a powerful aura burst out. It was the terrifying aura of the great perfection realm of the Qi Creation Realm!

"This is my first real fight, and I don't know how strong I can be."

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually became sharp, his mind was filled with daydreams, and he slowly stretched out two fingers. The green sword energy mixed with pure Yuanli reached his fingertips and shot straight out towards the great elder of the Li family opposite him.

Faced with the tentative moves, the eldest elder of the Li family remained calm and did not take the attack seriously. He just gathered all his energy in front of him, forming an invisible wall to block the sword energy.


The sword energy shot out and hit the invisible wall, causing violent fluctuations in energy.

After a few seconds, the invisible wall slowly broke and was finally penetrated.


The eldest elder of the Li family was a little surprised. He never expected that this small sword energy could be so powerful that it could easily break his barrier.

"Disperse for me!"

The eldest elder of the Li family flicked his sleeves lightly, and a powerful energy contained in his sleeves instantly blew away the already weak sword energy into the sky and earth.

"Just now it was just a trial run. Now it's the real deal. Watch carefully."

Lin Yuan showed an excited smile, and then countless sword energies surged out of his body, crisscrossing the sky and earth.


As the word fell, the sword energy that spanned the heaven and earth madly gathered together, slowly merged, and finally formed a green sword.

This green sword is no different from an ordinary sword, except that the power it contains is much stronger than the latter.

"The world is traversed by my sword.

The first sword that destroys heaven and earth, one sword to kill the enemy!"

With a loud shout, the green sword suspended in the air made a sword sound, as if responding to its master.

The expression of the eldest elder of the Li family changed slightly, and then he frantically urged the energy in his body. He slowly spread out his right palm, and the azure lightning slowly condensed in the palm of his hand.

The violent lightning of the "Thunder Palm" burst out with a dazzling blue light, which was even inferior to the sun's light.


Lin Yuan moved his fingers slightly, and the green sword slashed towards the Li family's eldest elder.

Powerful sword energy gathered on the blade of the green sword, and an intimidating sword pressure pressed towards the face of the Li family's eldest elder, making him feel slightly uncomfortable.


The eldest elder of the Li family shouted softly, and then he slapped out with a palm, and the violent lightning hit the green sword hard.

"Zizi..." The violent collision between lightning and the green sword made a sharp and high-speed friction sound. Even the strong men in the Qi Creation Realm found it unbearable to hear this sound and frowned slightly.


Suddenly, the green sword burst out with an even more powerful force, and the Li family's eldest elder was unable to stop it for a moment and retreated continuously.


Being easily repelled, the eldest elder of the Li family was furious, and a lightning bolt several times more powerful than before burst out from his palm, and then he pressed hard towards the green sword.


Under this terrifying and huge force, the green sword gradually showed signs of weakness, and was finally severely shattered, turning into countless light particles and dissipating in the air.

After defeating the green sword, the anger on the face of the Li family's eldest elder gradually disappeared, and he became calm and peaceful.

"You are more powerful than I expected. It looks like I will need to use all my strength to kill you."

As he spoke, the Li family elder once again burst out with a powerful force, and a hint of cold murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"There were so many people like you who thought they could kill me, but they all went to hell."

Facing this cold smile, Lin Yuan's eyes were as calm as water, without any fluctuation.

"And, up to now, I haven't used my full strength!"

Sword energy emerged from his fingertips again, and then condensed into three green swords, quietly floating in the air above him, with the sword tips pointing at the Li family's eldest elder. The sharp sword pressure once again pressed towards the Li family's eldest elder!