
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 5 Sword Intent

In the early morning, the fog enveloped the secluded Qingyang Town, blurring people's vision with its white mist.

On a mountain near Qingyang Town, Lin Yuan exerted his strength without using Yuanli, slowly descending with a massive boulder. Each step left a deep imprint in the ground, a testament to the boulder's weight.

Lin Yuan's robe was drenched in sweat, veins bulging on his forehead and arms. His small hands, tightly gripping the boulder, bore traces of red blood among the sweat.

Having already broken through the Body Tempering Realm, Lin Yuan's physical strength was formidable. Yet, carrying such a weight without Yuanli demanded utmost caution, especially along the cliff-side path where a misstep could be fatal.

To outsiders, Lin Yuan's relentless training might seem insane, but to him, it was essential.

The path of swordsmanship was arduous. Talent alone wasn't enough; continuous hard work and unwavering persistence were required to walk it steadily and far.

Yesterday's encounter with Lin Dong had stirred Lin Yuan's usually calm demeanor. According to the unfolding events, Lin Dong would soon seize his opportunity, rising like a dragon in the skies, unstoppable.

Despite Lin Yuan's current strength far surpassing Lin Dong's, he couldn't dismiss the rapid growth Lin Dong displayed. Even someone with Lin Yuan's supreme physique felt a twinge of concern about being surpassed.

Lin Yuan disdained relying on others' opportunities to gain an edge over Lin Dong.

A true overlord would ensure no one could surpass him, regardless of the opponent's trump cards or opportunities.

The swordsmanship Lin Yuan pursued embodied ruthlessness and desirelessness. Even against a dominion realm powerhouse, he'd draw his sword without a trace of fear.


After more than an hour of labor, around noon, Lin Yuan reached his destination: a colossal ancient tree. With a fierce heave, he hurled the boulder, causing the earth to quake.


Panting heavily, Lin Yuan withdrew a bottle of Foundation-Building Liquid from his robe, gulping it down before seating himself cross-legged beneath the ancient tree, closing his eyes in meditation.

As time passed, Lin Yuan slipped into a focused state. His pallid face gradually flushed, bloodshot hands recovering, and the sweat on his brow evaporating.

Today's training focused on strengthening his physical prowess, saturating every fiber of his being with explosive potential.

"Almost time to rest. I can give it a try."

At noon, Lin Yuan, emerging from meditation under the ancient tree, eyes brimming with anticipation, energy coursing through him.

"I wonder what my current stats are."

Murmuring to himself, Lin Yuan opened his interface, scrutinizing it intently.

[Name: Lin Yuan]

[Age: 13 years old]

[Gender: Male]

[Realm: Earthly Yuan Stage]

[Weapon: Sword]

[Weapon Proficiency: 53%]

"Passed halfway in weapon proficiency?"

Reflecting on these stats, Lin Yuan muttered before dismissing them from his thoughts.

Three years of relentless sword training had laid a solid foundation. Now, he aimed to refine his swordsmanship further.

Swordsmanship encompassed Sword Momentum, Sword Intent, and Sword Energy.

Sword Momentum, achieved without drawing the sword, exuded formidable pressure, quelling adversaries' will to fight.

Sword Intent, also known as Heart Sword, fused the wielder's perception into their sword, enhancing attack or defense.

The deeper one's comprehension of swordsmanship, the more potent their skills.

Sword Energy, generated by wielding the sword, was akin to Yuan Force-based martial arts but harder to control.

Sword Energy required the fusion of Sword Intent and Sword Momentum to unleash its full might. Solely relying on either would render the sword energy ineffectual, akin to a tiger without fangs.

Lin Yuan's current sword power, honed over three years, was unmatched. However, his Sword Intent and Sword Energy lagged behind, barely reaching average levels.

Arriving in this world, Lin Yuan's foremost ambition was to vanquish all adversaries, crafting an unmatched Sword Intent: one that no one could rival.

"Nobody in the world can compare to me!"

Regrettably, his comprehension of the peerless Sword Intent remained superficial, hampering his Sword Energy to the point where it couldn't even fell a tree.

Lin Yuan believed combat against the monster-infested wilderness near Qingyang Town would hone his skills, enhancing his combat prowess and sharpening his Sword Intent.

He sensed his unique Sword Intent required trials by fire, where life and death choices forged strength.

"I eagerly await the day I reach my true potential."

Gazing at the sun overhead, its brilliance forcing him to squint, Lin Yuan anticipated cultivating his peerless Sword Intent upon returning, perhaps even achieving a breakthrough.