
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

chapter 47 Incomplete Map

"Today's second auction item is a fourth-grade spiritual medicine. Its main function is to increase a person's strength in a short period of time."

As the woman in red spoke, the maid placed the red spiritual herb on the auction table on a jade plate.

"Red Blood Grass!"

In the audience stands, everyone looked at the magical herb with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Red Blood Grass is a fourth-grade spiritual medicine. After eating it, it can speed up the functioning of all parts of the body and greatly enhance the strength. It is a rare life-saving straw and is very rare.

"I believe everyone is clear about the effect of the red blood grass, so I won't explain it here."

The red-dressed woman glanced at the audience and said with a smile, "The starting price of the second auction item is 5,000 Pure Yuan Stones, and each bid must not be less than 1,000 Pure Yuan Stones."

"I'll offer 7,000 pure Yuan stones!"

After the woman in red finished speaking, a customer on the third floor made an immediate offer.

"I'll give you eight thousand!"

This is another person who made a decisive bid.

"I'll give you nine thousand!"

"I'll give you 10,000!"

…After a fierce scramble, it was auctioned off to a Pei family for a maximum price of 38,000 pure Yuan stones.

"The third item today is Blood Coagulation Powder. The auction price is 500 Pure Yuan Stones. Each bid must not be less than 100 Pure Yuan Stones."

After the woman in red finished speaking, the maid took out a shiny wooden bottle.

"Why is a therapeutic drug so expensive?"

"We want to see the effect!"

When the woman in red finished speaking, she stood still without any intention of demonstrating again. Everyone in the audience was unhappy and shouted one after another to express their dissatisfaction.

The woman in red had already anticipated the requests from everyone at the table, so she did not show any panic and was very calm.

Of course, she did not stop the people in the audience from venting their dissatisfaction. She just listened with a smile until the noise died down, and then she finally spoke.

"Everyone, I, Wanbao Pavilion, promise once again that everything in our store is absolutely worth the money, and we will never deceive customers. You can bid with confidence.

As for the requirement of test results, we are unable to do so."

The words of the woman in red were undoubtedly a bomb, which almost blew up everyone in the venue. They looked at the woman in red in the center of the venue with unfriendly faces, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

Facing the unfriendly gazes of tens of thousands of people, the woman in red felt overwhelmed, as if she was about to collapse to the ground at any moment.

And at this moment, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from the sixth floor. It was like a sharp blade, piercing straight into everyone in the audience, causing everyone present to change their faces!

In a private room on the fourth floor, the two members of the Blood Wolf Gang also had heavy expressions on their faces. Faced with this powerful aura, they had no power to resist at all and were sweating coldly.

In another private room, Mina and the maid named Ling'er also felt uncomfortable, especially Mina. There was a hint of surprise in her eyes, because she was a genuine Tianyuan realm powerhouse, but she couldn't resist this aura.

About three seconds later, this terrifying aura disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

In the audience, there was no longer the arrogance and boldness as before. Everyone was silent, and their eyes were filled with varying degrees of fear.

"It's the man next to Li Quan!"

The young man from the Blood Wolf Gang had a sullen face and spoke in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

"Except for the gang leader, no one else can give me such a terrifying feeling.

The person next to Li Quan is definitely at the Yuan Dan Great Perfection!"

The man said with a serious face.


You mean there is a Yuan Dan Great Perfection Realm expert in this Wanbao Pavilion!"

There was a hint of fear in the young man's eyes and his face was full of shock.

If someone else had said this, the young man would definitely not believe it, but if it was said by a man, the young man would have believed it halfway, so he was extremely shocked.

Not only the two people from the Blood Wolf Gang, but also Mina from the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and everyone sitting in the audience, they also deduced the strength of the powerful person who exuded this aura and power, so they were also shocked.

In the field, the woman in red breathed a sigh of relief, her smile widened, and she asked, "Does anyone need this bottle of blood coagulation powder?

If no customer wants it, then our store will remove it from the shelves."

The words of the woman in red woke everyone up. They all looked at the wooden bottle in the center of the field, thinking in their hearts.

"I'll offer one thousand pure Yuan stones!"

Just then, a voice neither loud nor soft was heard from the audience, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

The man was wearing a black robe and his face could not be seen clearly. One could only judge from his voice that he was not very old.

"Congratulations to this gentleman. If you trust Wanbao Pavilion, you will never regret it."

The woman in red smiled and said this, then took the item away.

After the auction, all the items sold will be given to their owners.

The following products did not cause the same disturbance as before, and as time passed, the audience gradually forgot about what had happened. The atmosphere slowly improved and became lively.

More than an hour passed in a flash, and the auction items finally came to the final stage. Everyone looked at the center of the stage eagerly, wanting to see what the secret weapon of this auction would be.

As everyone was looking forward to it, the maid brought up a yellowed and tattered scroll on a jade plate.


Lin Yuan looked at the scroll, his eyes full of thought.

"Everyone, this is the second to last item in this auction, a torn map."

After more than an hour of auctioning, the woman in red had many sweat stains on her face, but her smile did not diminish and her voice was still as loud.

"It's just a map. What's so great about it?"

A man in the audience couldn't help but ask.

This is the question that everyone wants to know. After all, it cannot be that simple to be the second to last item in this auction.

The red-dressed woman didn't intend to hide it, and said with a smile: "This is a map of the cemetery of a fallen strong man, but no one knows how powerful that strong man is, so the starting price of this auction item is one pure Yuan stone."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone frowned at the same time.

How dare you put such a vague and ethereal thing up for auction? Isn't this just fooling people?

But although they thought so in their hearts, no one dared to say it out loud. After what happened before, they didn't want to go through it again.

"I'll offer one hundred pure Yuan stones!"

Mina held up a slender finger and said with a smile.

"One hundred stones for once, one hundred stones for twice, one hundred stones for three times. Congratulations to Miss Mina from the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce for obtaining this incomplete map."

The woman in red smiled and spoke, then went to prepare the last item.