
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 20 Tianyuan Realm

At some point, the dark clouds slowly dispersed, the violent storm suddenly stopped, and a fiery red sunset hung in the sky, so beautiful.

The people in the audience experienced the storm, but not many people left. Their eyes were still fixed on Lin Yuan on the giant stage.

At this moment, the pain on Lin Yuan's face had disappeared. Instead, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his pale little face became less pale and more rosy.


After an unknown amount of time of silence, someone in the audience couldn't help but ask, but no one responded to him.

At this time, the expressions of Lei Bao, Luo Cheng, Xie Qian, Lin Zhentian and others gradually became colorful, with shock flashing in their eyes.

"Father..., what happened?"

Lincoln, who was standing by, noticed Lin Zhentian's abnormality at the first moment and asked in a low voice.

Lin Zhentian did not answer Lincoln's question. He stood up trembling all over, and then burst into crazy laughter.

This burst of laughter startled everyone, and made everyone feel confused and powerful. They all looked at the Lin family members in confusion, hoping that someone could give them an explanation.

"Brother, Lin Yuan...has advanced to the Tianyuan realm!"

Behind Lincoln, Lin Xiao looked at Lin Yuan on the stone platform with a complicated expression and said in a deep voice.

"You…what did you say!?"

Although Lin Xiao's voice was not particularly loud, it was like a bomb in the absolutely quiet Beast Horn Field, instantly exploding a huge wave!

"Lin Yuan... has advanced to the Tianyuan realm!"

"No, that's impossible."

"I think it's probably true. Didn't you see how ugly the Lei and Xie family heads looked?"

"I never thought that such a genius would appear in Qingyang Town..." For a moment, everyone in the audience was talking about it, and there was a hint of envy and jealousy in their eyes when they looked at the Lin family.

Everyone understands that a teenager who achieves the Tianyuan realm at the age of fourteen will be one of the top powerhouses in the entire Qingyang Town, or even the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

From this moment on, no matter the Lei family, the Xie family, or the two families together, they could not stop Lin Yuan's steps, nor could they stop him.


Lei Bao's face was extremely gloomy, and the energy in his body was quietly surging.

The feud between the Lei and Xie families and the Lin family cannot be resolved. Both Lei Bao, Xie Qian, and Lin Zhentian understand this. Therefore, Lei Bao cannot allow a peerless genius to appear in the Lin family, which is their enemy.

"To attack or not to attack!"

Lei Bao was in a state of hesitation. If he took action now, he was 90% sure of killing Lin Yuan on the spot, but this would likely offend everyone present, and the Lei family would then be in an irretrievable situation.

But if he doesn't take action, judging from Lin Yuan's talent, within a few years, he will definitely grow to a point where even he won't be able to do anything to him, and even the entire Lei family will be destroyed.

The same was true for Xie Qian, who had the same idea as him.

The power of the Lei family and the Xie family is indeed strong within this hundred miles, but their enemies are equally strong, such as the Lin family and the Kuangdao Martial Arts School.

Once the two families offend all the forces within a hundred miles, Lei Bao and Xie Qian believe that the two families will never sit idly by, especially Lin Zhentian of the Lin family. It is estimated that he will do everything he can to retaliate against them. By then, the Lei and Xie families will no longer exist!

For a moment, Lei Bao and Xie Qian were in a dilemma.

"Lin Xiao, keep a close eye on the Lei and Xie families. Don't allow them to do anything to harm Lin Yuan!"

How could Lin Zhentian not think of what Lei Bao and the other could think of? Therefore, his attention has always been on these two people. Once they make any move, Lin Zhentian will attack without hesitation.

The talent displayed by Lin Yuan is not weaker than that of Lin Langtian, and is even better. Lin Zhentian is confident that in the next clan competition, Lin Yuan will be able to lead the Lin family back into the inner clan of the Lin family. This is the only wish that Lin Zhentian has been waiting for for decades, and he will never allow anyone to destroy it!

Lin Xiao nodded seriously, staring closely at the people from the Xie and Lei families, not daring to relax even a little.

The strange atmosphere gradually spread to the entire Beast Horn Field, but no one broke it. Luo Cheng from the Mad Blade Martial Arts School narrowed his eyes, looked at Lin Yuan in the field, and thought in his heart.

On the stone platform, Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and a powerful aura belonging to the Tianyuan realm was released. Lin Dong, who was closest to Lin Yuan, had a slightly pale face and watched all this silently.

Lin Yuan looked up at the sky with a smile on his face.

No one knew what kind of pain Lin Yuan had gone through, and no one understood how relaxed he was at the moment.

"Although the process is painful, the result is always good."

Lin Yuan felt the powerful force in his body, waved the iron sword in his hand slightly, and a look of satisfaction appeared in his eyes.

Although he went through a life-and-death test, Lin Yuan also obtained blessings that others could not obtain, which would make his future cultivation journey easier.

"I wonder if I can compete with Lei Bao and others now."

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan looked at Lei Bao in the audience stands.

Lei Bao naturally noticed Lin Yuan's gaze, and his expression gradually became calm, but a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes from time to time.

"Tsk, you're just a pretentious guy."

Lin Yuan saw through Lei Bao's thoughts at a glance, and a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You want to kill me but you hesitate. Let me help you."

Lei Bao couldn't hear clearly what Lin Yuan was saying, but by looking at the shape of Lin Yuan's mouth, he could roughly understand what Lin Yuan meant. He finally regained his calm state of mind, but became murderous again.

"It's a good opportunity to test my strength."

Lin Yuan didn't care about the others in the audience. At this moment, he only had Lei Bao in his eyes, so he raised the iron sword in his hand without hesitation, and then swung it heavily at Lei Bao in the audience.


A ten-foot-long sword light crossed almost the entire beast horn field and slashed towards Lei Bao.

The sword light was long and slow, but the aura it exuded was terrifying. Even Lei Bao, who was far away, could sense the danger.

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me!"

Facing this terrifying sword light, Lei Bao laughed coldly without any fear.

He was originally hesitating whether or not to kill Lin Yuan, but now he didn't have to hesitate at all, because it was Lin Yuan who made the first move, and even if Lei Bao killed him, no one else could say anything.

Thinking of this, Lei Bao no longer held back his strength to ensure that he could kill with one strike, and gathered all his thunder force and energy in his palms frantically.

As the thunder force gathered, the light became stronger and stronger. Later, it turned into a shrinking ball of light, rolling wildly in his palm.

"Fourth-grade martial arts, Thunderbolt!"

When the ball of light appeared in Lei Bao's palm, Lin Zhentian and others' faces changed drastically almost instantly and they screamed.

"This old guy is so shameless!"

Lin Zhentian's face was filled with anger, and the energy in his body was surging. He wanted to stop it all, but it was too late.