
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 136: Destruction of the Wang Family

Deep in the primeval forest, the atmosphere was still depressing, and most people's eyes were focused on Mo Jingtian, wanting to see what decision he would make in the end.

At this moment, the strange movement was still continuing. The pillar of light that symbolized the exit of the Holy Spirit Pond became dim and dull, appearing and disappearing from time to time, as if it would disappear at any time.

"Your Majesty, you have been considering this for so long, but you haven't made a decision yet?

Can you bear to see the Great Yan Dynasty destroyed because of this?"

Seeing that Mo Jingtian did not respond for a long time, Wang Lei knew that he could not delay any longer and had to force him to make a choice, so he continued to use righteousness in an attempt to make Mo Jingtian surrender.

"Wang Lei, don't go too far."

Lin Fan frowned and looked at Wang Lei's arrogant face. He felt unhappy and spoke out.

In response to Lin Fan's words, Wang Lei simply snorted coldly and rarely retorted.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Lei would not do this, but today he has offended Mo Jingtian. If he offends the Lin family because of such a small matter, then he will offend an existence that is no weaker than the Wang family.

This result was not what Wang Lei wanted, so he wisely did not get entangled with Lin Fan. He just kept his eyes fixed on Mo Jingtian, and the energy in his body quietly stopped running.

"Wang Lei, you..." Wang Lei's giving up instantly made the already dim light column even dimmer, and gradually closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene made Mo Jingtian's face frighteningly gloomy. A powerful aura leaked out of his body uncontrollably, causing everyone's faces to change slightly.

Wang Lei had been paying attention to Mo Jingtian's every move. Seeing his aura becoming violent, he became alert in case the latter suddenly attacked.

Lin Fan was surprised to see Mo Jingtian getting angry.

Mo Jingtian should be very clear about Lin Yuan's origins, otherwise he would not dare to let him participate in the competition on behalf of the royal family.

But if he knew Lin Yuan's origins, why did he act so furious?

Is it true that Lin Yuan's relationship with the royal family is so close?

While deep in thought, Lin Fan frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"call out!"

Just as the atmosphere on the scene became tense, a sound of breaking through the air was heard out of nowhere, and a long sword with blazing flames stabbed straight towards Wang Lei's chest.

The sudden attack made Wang Lei's face change slightly, but his reaction was not slow at all. He raised his right palm, and the pure white energy flowed into his palm, and then he slapped it heavily.


The long sword with blazing flames collided with Wang Lei's right palm, instantly generating an extremely violent fluctuation of earth energy. The ground beneath Wang Lei's feet could not withstand this fluctuation and collapsed, forming a small pit.


Seeing his father being attacked, Wang Yan's eyes showed a hint of hostility. He scanned the entire place with his sharp eyes, but did not find the person who attacked.


Just when everyone was wondering who had made the move, the flaming sword suddenly exploded. Wang Lei was accidentally hit by the explosion and flew backwards for several miles before he stopped. There was a faint trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

"Within three days, the Wang family will be destroyed..." Amidst the smoke, a pillar of fire shot up into the sky, and a figure stepped out of the flames with an indifferent expression.

This person was dressed in green and holding a sharp sword with an ancient charm. Although he did not deliberately release his aura, he still carried a terrifying pressure that shocked people.

This person is actually the person Wang Lei wants to kill, Lin Yuan!

"You..., refined the demon blood!"

Wang Lei suddenly opened his eyes wide, feeling a violent burning breath, and said in disbelief.

Wang Lei's words were like thunder out of the blue, shocking Mo Jingtian, Lin Dong and others. Even the little marten hiding in the stone talisman was shocked by Lin Yuan's behavior.

The demonic blood of the ancient mythical beast has existed for countless tens of thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to get close to it.

Even with Mo Jingtian's current strength, he cannot do it.

And Lin Yuan not only got close to the demon blood, but even refined it. How could this not be shocking?

"Xiao Diao, do you think that with Lin Yuan's current strength, he can destroy the Wang family?"

Lin Dong had no good feelings towards the Wang family, and even hated them very much.

He has always remembered that Wang Lei shamelessly tried to kill him yesterday. He has not forgotten it. He will only seek revenge when he has enough strength in the future.

It was also because of this that Lin Dong not only did not object to Lin Yuan's proposal to destroy the Wang family, but was very happy. However, at the same time, he was also a little worried.

Although Lin Yuan is a strong man in the Nirvana realm, as one of the four major clans, the Diwang Family is far from being as simple as it seems. Can Lin Yuan really do it?

Lin Dong was worried and couldn't help but ask Xiao Diao in his mind, hoping that the latter could give an answer.

"If he has really refined the blood of the ancient beast, then he may be able to do it."

Xiao Diao thought for a moment and responded.

That drop of demon blood contained extremely strong energy. Once refined, it would definitely greatly enhance Lin Yuan's strength. However, Xiao Diao was not sure to what extent it could be enhanced, so he was not so sure when he replied.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't satisfy you."

Lin Yuan smiled faintly, his eyes filled with coldness as he stared at Wang Lei not far away. A desolate sword energy kept circling around the ancient sword in his hand... Previously, although he had been in the Holy Spirit Pond, he was very clear about everything that happened in the outside world.

Wang Lei used the righteousness to force Mo Jingtian to close the entrance, thus trapping Lin Yuan in the Holy Spirit Pond forever, which completely angered Lin Yuan.

After refining the demon blood, Lin Yuan resolutely decided to erase the Wang family from the history of the Great Yan Dynasty before entering the Hundred Dynasties War!

"You shouldn't have messed with me."

Thinking of this, the terrifying aura on Lin Yuan's body was quietly released, and the invisible pressure made Mo Jingtian, the strongest person present, secretly frightened.

"It seems that the Wang family is really going to be destroyed..." After feeling the terrible pressure emanating from Lin Yuan, Mo Jingtian understood that the Wang family might really be destroyed.

"Humph, you think you can destroy my Wang family? You are dreaming!"

Wang Lei had a gloomy face, his heart was burning with anger, but he couldn't vent it.

As the patriarch of the Wang family, one of the four major clans, he was threatened by a young boy today. Where is his dignity?

Therefore, Wang Lei secretly swore in his heart that as long as Lin Yuan took action, he would use his strongest trump card and kill him directly.

In this way, even if Mo Jingtian wanted to cause trouble for him afterwards, he could say that it was Lin Yuan who attacked first and he was just defending himself.


In response to Wang Lei's disdain, Lin Yuan did not continue to refute, but just smiled indifferently and said: "In this case, let's wait and see." Wang Lei heard this, murderous intent emerged, the Yuanli in his palm surged wildly, and a powerful breath gushed out of his body.

"Wang Lei, what do you want to do?"

Mo Jingtian stepped forward, looked at Wang Lei who was full of murderous intent, and asked coldly.

Seeing Mo Jingtian coming forward, Wang Lei knew that if he continued like this today, he would be the only one to suffer, so he stopped harassing him and turned away.

"Wang family, we await your arrival."

As he disappeared, a voice with a hint of murderous intent reached Lin Yuan's ears.