
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

Chapter 127 Sneak Attack

Inside the palace, Lin Yuan's figure flashed by like lightning. After about a few minutes, the passage in front of him finally came to an end, and a huge iron door appeared in Lin Yuan's sight.

Looking at the iron gate in front of him, Lin Yuan knew that once this iron gate was opened, he would be greeted by endless battles.

Of course, Lin Yuan was not afraid. Without any hesitation, he punched the iron gate.


With a loud bang, the sturdy iron door exploded in an instant, and iron pieces splashed everywhere, but the iron pieces that fell on Lin Yuan were shattered into pieces.

Lin Yuan blasted the iron door with a punch and stepped in. Behind the iron door was an extremely spacious hall. The hall seemed to be made of black iron, giving people a feeling of oppression.

Lin Yuan took a step and walked slowly into the hall. Then, he paused and fixed his gaze on the center of the hall. There, there were two figures with their arms folded across their chests, staring at him with cold and pitying eyes.

Lin Yuan's eyes swept over the two people, and then his pupils shrank slightly, because he found that although the two people were wearing different clothes, they were standing side by side, as if they had formed an alliance.

According to the rules, this first round of levels will be a three-person level. Three people will walk out of the intersecting passages and then meet here, but only one of the three can continue to move forward.

Generally speaking, these three people will be from different sects, and this will be a melee, but once two people form an alliance, it will undoubtedly be a very bad thing for the third person.

Because no matter how they decide who can go on, at least they will join forces to defeat the last person first.

Of course, it didn't matter to Lin Yuan at all, because even if everyone attacked together, he could still win, it would just be a little more troublesome.

"Be careful, he is from the Huangpu clan."

The man in blue on the right looked a little serious and reminded his teammate beside him.

"Humph, he's just a little brat, what strength can he have?"

The man in red on the left didn't care and looked disdainful.

In his opinion, a fifteen-year-old kid, no matter how talented he was, was at best a trash at the Yuandan realm. How could he be compared with them, the powerful men at the third realm of creation?

"Little boy, don't blame me for being merciless."

With a strange laugh, the man in red came in front of Lin Yuan in an instant, raised his left hand casually, and slowly moved it towards Lin Yuan's neck.

His speed is not fast, it can even be said to be very slow.

The man in red did this on purpose because he enjoyed the desperate look of the other person who was struggling hard but unable to escape.


Just when the man in red was immersed in his fantasy and couldn't extricate himself, Lin Yuan moved. Without too much fanfare, he just stretched out a finger, and a ray of extremely domineering sword intent suddenly shot out, instantly knocking the former away, and slamming him hard into the wall, where he was stuck and unable to move.


After glancing at the man in red with disdain, Lin Yuan ignored the shocked man and walked past him easily.

After a while, Lin Yuan arrived in front of the bronze gate.

"Rumble..." A vibration was heard and the bronze door slowly opened.

At this moment, the man in blue came back to his senses, his expression slightly gloomy.

As a talented disciple of the family, he had never been ignored like this before, and Lin Yuan's disregard made his anger reach its peak.

"Don't underestimate me, kid."

With a roar, the man in green pulled out the dagger in his arms, and Yuanli poured into the dagger continuously. Then he quickly danced the dagger in the air, leaving a series of black marks.

"Round Dance Dagger Slash" countless black rays gradually approached Lin Yuan, with a hint of fierceness, and rushed straight to Lin Yuan's heart!

"To throw an egg against a rock."

Lin Yuan sneered, and moved his right index finger slightly. A powerful sword energy was instantly released. The sharp and domineering force directly tore apart the green-clothed man's moves.

Afterwards, the man in green was also hit by the remaining sword energy. He flew backwards, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fainted on the ground with a trace of shock and resentment.

With one move, Lin Yuan defeated the enemy. Without much hesitation, he stepped into the bronze gate.

Behind the bronze gate was also a long passage. Lin Yuan walked in it for several minutes before a light was released at the end of the passage. Lin Yuan walked slowly along the light path. What appeared in front of him was a giant hall that was twice as big as the previous one. Inside the hall, huge stone pillars were like Optimus Prime.

At this moment, the hall was silent. Lin Yuan moved and appeared in the center of the hall. Then his eyes turned to another passage leading to this place. However, it was a dark passage and nothing could be seen clearly.

"Hasn't come out yet?"

Lin Yuan murmured to himself. He knew that there would be another person, just like him, who would defeat the two men and successfully come here to fight him.

Lin Yuan stood silently in the center of the hall, his eyes closed, gathering his strength, waiting for another person to appear.

Lin Yuan did not take this match too seriously. After all, he was much stronger than these people. Even if the so-called favorites to win, such as Lin Langtian, Lin Dong, Du Yun and others came together, it would only be a little trouble for him.

The silent waiting lasted for nearly ten minutes, and Lin Yuan's brows gradually furrowed during this waiting. He looked at the deep passage. After such a long time, could it be that the man still hadn't been able to deal with the two opponents in the first round?

However, just as Lin Yuan fell into deep thought, the shadow of a stone pillar behind him, illuminated by the light, suddenly began to move strangely, and then the shadow turned into a blurry figure, and stabbed towards Lin Yuan at an extremely alarming speed!

The attack of this shadow was extremely strange. There was no sound or fluctuation at all, but it was so fierce that it was chilling.

However, despite such a strange attack, Lin Yuan didn't care at all, and even stayed quietly where he was. The vital energy of heaven and earth around him moved slightly, forming an invisible protective shield.


The attack hit the protective shield hard, and it didn't move at all. The black shadow wanted to retreat, but Lin Yuan didn't give him the chance. His index finger moved instantly, and the powerful sword energy hit the chest of the figure as fast as lightning.


With a muffled sound, the black shadow flew out and landed on the ground, revealing the figure of a thin man.