
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 22: The Lin Clan’s Harvest

Although the formation had been broken, no one dared to make any move, simply because that man was still standing in front of the broken formation.

Until that person went in, no one dared to move. This was a sign of respect and awe for the strong.

 Finally, under the eager gazes of countless people, Lin Yunhao slowly stepped into the ancient tomb house!

After entering the ancient tomb house, Lin Yunhao went straight to the bottom hall. Along the way, whether it was spiritual treasures, elixirs, or talismans, Lin Yunhao didn't stop at all, because there was a man waiting for him there!

"You are very anxious!"

"My sword is eager!"

"But we are not anxious."

"I can wait!"

"Haha, okay, then wait until the end, and I will risk my life to fight you!"

"It's to discuss swords with me!"

While everyone was still eagerly searching for treasures, a strange thing was happening in a hall somewhere unknown to anyone!

I saw a young man sitting cross-legged, with a dark and simple long sword on his knees. Opposite the man was an unsealed sarcophagus. Inside the sarcophagus, a withered skeleton was slowly sitting up, and then sitting opposite the man. Judging from the movements on the man's face, it seemed that he was talking to the withered skeleton!

Above the heads of the man and the withered skeleton, a light ball emitting green light was floating quietly, and the emerald green Nirvana heart that countless people dreamed of was in it! Neither the young man nor the withered skeleton in the tomb looked up!

The moment Lin Yunhao's figure disappeared, everyone who was still in the camp rushed in with all their strength, and the Lin clan was no exception.

Because of Lin Yunhao's sword before, the monsters in the entire mountain were hiding at this moment. As long as no one provoked them, they would not take the initiative to attack. Everyone's target was the ancient tomb, so naturally they would not provoke those monsters!

Therefore, if you want to enter the ancient tomb before others, you either have a good position and are closer to the top of the mountain, or you are much faster than others!

And Lin Dong happens to have both of these points! The Lin clan's residence is the closest to the top of the mountain. In terms of speed, except for the four young top masters, others can't compare with Xiao Yan who is about to break through to the Formation Realm. After Lin Dong, it is Lin Ke'er and others. The foundation of the Lin clan is not in vain!

As soon as he rushed into the stone gate of the tomb, a feeling of oppression came over him. Although the Nirvana Realm master had fallen for many years, the tiger's death was still there. The residual power of the Nirvana master was enough to make the flow of Yuanli in the bodies of the masters below the three realms of creation stagnate slightly.

"The Nirvana Realm master is really terrifying. The remaining residual power can still be so powerful after countless years. I really don't know what kind of style this master was in his heyday!"

Lin Dong said with great emotion. The feeling of oppression here made Lin Dong feel a little dignified. At the same time, he was more and more amazed at Lin Yunhao's strength.

"The residual power of the Nirvana strongman made me very uncomfortable, but the young patriarch was able to defeat him head-on. I really don't know how strong the young patriarch will be after entering the Nirvana realm!"

Just as Lin Dong stood there stupidly, Xiao Diao's voice sounded at the right time.

"Lin Dong, don't sigh, take the fifth passage on the left."

Hearing this, Lin Dong was slightly startled. After reacting, he immediately patted Xiao Yan, and the man and the beast turned into a black and red shadow, and then projected directly into the fifth passage on the left.

He believed in Xiao Diao. Since Xiao Diao asked him to take that passage, he must have his reasons.

There are many stone houses on both sides of this passage, but they are all relatively costly. Xiao Diao also asked Lin Dong to go directly, so Lin Dong did not stop at all, and ran directly along the passage towards the depths.

After running for several minutes, Lin Dong's eyes flashed, and he gently patted Xiao Yan with his palm. The latter understood and stopped. Lin Dong's eyes were looking at the seemingly ordinary stone house in front of him, because from the stone house, Lin Dong sensed a strong fluctuation of Yuan force.

"Lin Dong, there is a mechanism behind the stone door of this stone house. You can open it by eroding it with your mental power. Hurry up, I sense that someone is rushing


Lin Dong nodded slightly, and his mind moved. The mental power surged out from the Niwan Palace, and then it wrapped around the stone door and quickly entered it. After a while, the stone door suddenly shook, and then in Lin Dong's extremely surprised eyes, accompanied by a rumbling sound, it slowly opened.

"Pure Yuan Pills? So many Pure Yuan Pills, no, hurry up, Xiao Diao, you also help me!"

Sometimes, the timing of coincidence is really clever.

Just when Lin Dong had just put away the last pure Yuan Dan, four figures also rushed over from a distance, obviously they also noticed the Yuan force fluctuations coming from the stone house.

One of the Yuan Dan realm small perfect masters had a fierce look in his eyes and approached Lin Dong step by step.

"Boy, hand over your Qiankun bag, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, the man was stopped by another Yuan Dan realm small perfect master.

The man arched his hands to Lin Dong and said to him apologetically.

"Sorry, we disturbed you, little brother. It's our fault. We will leave now!"

After saying that, without waiting for Lin Dong to react, he pulled his companion and left with the other two Yuan Dan realm masters.

Lin Dong was very surprised to see this. Just now, he was planning to join forces with Xiao Yan to quickly deal with them and then explore. At this time, the whispers from afar made Lin Dong sigh that big families are good!

"Why are you pulling me? That kid is alone, and we are four..."

The words of the fierce man were interrupted by his companions again.

"If you want to die, don't drag us down. That's a member of the Lin clan. I've seen him in their team before. If that person knew..."

"Let's go, let's go to the next place. I don't believe that there are people from their Lin clan everywhere."

On the other side, Lin Ke'er, Lin Xue, and Xuan Su also found their way to a treasure place. As for Xia Zhilan, her strength was only at the peak of the Tianyuan realm, so she could only follow the large group to sightsee.

Lin Ke'er and the other two did not have Xiao Diao to guide them, so facing the energy protection of the treasure room, they could only take the most primitive method and forcibly destroy it.

"What is this? Twin Lotus Pregnant God? It turned out to be such a divine object!"

Lin Ke'er entered the stone room and saw the Twin Lotus in the spirit pool in the middle of the stone room at first sight, and she exclaimed directly.

Suddenly, Lin Ke'er's expression changed, and she hurriedly urged Xuan Su and Lin Xue.

"Sister Su, Xue'er, hurry up and take it down. Remember, both of you must take it down at the same time. And don't resist when it absorbs the energy in your body! I'll go stop the people outside!"

After saying that, Lin Ke'er retreated outside the stone chamber, alert for anyone who came over after hearing the


"Wang clan, Wang Pan!"