
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 18: Chase

The middle-aged man stood there, clenching his fists in anger, looking at the receding figures of Lin Yunhao and his group with an extremely ugly expression.

At the same time, he was secretly thankful in his heart that he had lured all the strong men around here before, so that the people of the Lin clan would have some concerns in their hearts. They were worried that if they killed this group of people, others would be in danger and would thus huddle together for warmth or even join forces to deal with them. Otherwise, he would have to admit defeat today.

"Boss Song Dao, please let go of this hatred for now. Wanjin Chamber of Commerce is the top priority. Moreover, Xia Wanjin and that Chief Steward Su have also come out. Our Blood Wolf Gang is following them. Once Boss Song Dao leads his men over, we will be able to wipe out Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. Hehe, by then, won't Boss Song Dao's losses be fully recovered this time?"

At this time, a figure hidden in the team came forward and spoke to Song Dao, but it was not quite the same as what he had thought before, after all, it was a different time. On the clothes of that figure, a blood-red wolf head pattern proved his origin, the Blood Wolf Gang.

Upon hearing this, Song Dao became even angrier, because this was not what Yue Shan had said in the letter he sent him before. And now this man dared to change the conditions privately, which was nothing more than bullying his Dao Tu Gang for losing two Yuan Dan Realm Minor Perfection warriors.

However, there was no sign of anything unusual on Song Dao's face. He not only nodded in agreement, but also took the initiative to offer to lower the price.

"Okay, this time I only want 30% of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce's resources. However, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce's Manager Su must belong to me. I want to use her to vent my anger!"

Imagining in his mind the scene of the mature and graceful Su Zongguan enjoying herself under him, Song Dao licked his lips excitedly and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

However, for some reason, Song Dao felt a vague sense of uneasiness in his heart.

The night was as cool as water, and the cold moonlight cast a layer of pale silver sacred light on the entire Tianyan Mountain Range. In the hazy moonlight, bursts of beast roars could be heard from time to time.

Lin Yunhao and his group set up camp in a relatively open area. Because of the shock during the day, other teams were some distance away from them, but not too far.

This way they can be on guard against the people of the Lin clan and ensure their own safety. After all, they have personally experienced Lin Yunhao's strength. They can't afford to offend him, but they can't afford to offend those monsters either.

As for the reaction of the Lin clan, well, this is not the Lin clan's territory. No matter how domineering the Lin clan is, they dare not drive them away directly.

It was indeed just as those people thought. Neither Lin Yunhao nor Wu Tao and others reacted at all. Only Lin Ke'er and others were indignant.

A few hundred meters behind the Lin clan and others, several old friends that Lin Dong was very familiar with stopped here.

Under the cold moon, the beauty sits alone, looking at herself in the mirror, feeling sad. It's a pity that only another woman can see this pitiful scene.

Xia Zhilan, dressed in green, stood behind Xuan Su. She sighed softly and came behind Xuan Su.

"Aunt Su, are you thinking about him again?"


Since they parted that day, Xuan Su began to miss the man she had only met once, and even went to the Lin family in person to deliver information, just to see him more often.

But Xuan Su had never seen him even once, not to mention several times. Every time, the Lin clan members told her that he was practicing in seclusion or concentrating on swordsmanship. And Xuan Su's understanding of him was mostly learned from the Lin clan members.

The longing grew stronger as time went by, and the love quietly penetrated into her bones, making Xuan Su deeply trapped and unable to extricate herself.

Seeing Aunt Su, who used to be calm and composed, now become haggard and dispirited, Xia Zhilan suddenly remembered the young man who turned the tide in Danxian Pool, and then spat softly.

"No man is good."

"Zhilan, you don't understand. When you really meet a man who you can give everything for your love, you will understand!"

Turning her head slightly, Xuan Su looked at the pretty girl's indignant expression, reached out and rubbed her hair, smiled gently, and sighed.

"I don't understand, and I don't want to understand."

When Xia Zhilan thought of the person she had never met before, her anger couldn't stop rising.

"Aunt Su, after going through so much hardship and coming to the Tianyan Mountains, just to see that man for the second time, is it really worth it?"

Worth it? Xuan Su shook her head. Not everything in the world can be measured by whether it is worth it or not.

Although Xuan Su and him only met once, and he may have completely forgotten about her, Xuan Su has always kept her in his heart.

Some people will not have any feelings even if they get along day and night, while some people, just one glance, is ten thousand years!

 Xuan Su never regretted meeting him that day, and she didn't regret that she decided to be obsessed with him for the rest of her life with just one glance.

 Now, Xuan Su only hopes to see him again, to see his other side. She has seen him hide his sword and be calm and elegant, so she wants to see him once again with his sharp sword.

 Suddenly, there was a very faint movement, which was particularly harsh in the quiet night.

 "Who is it?"

 Xuan Su's expression changed, and after looking at the bushes not far away with a vigilant expression, she warned Xia Wanjin and others in the tent.

 As Xuan Su's light shout sounded, the tiny movement turned into a "rustling" sound. Obviously, the person in the dark knew that he could not launch a sneak attack after being discovered, so he showed up directly.

 "Haha, under the flowers and the moon, General Manager Su is wearing such a gorgeous dress. Is he waiting here to meet Song?"

 Looking at Xuan Su, who was dressed in red and had delicate light makeup on her face, and became more and more beautiful under the moonlight, Song Dao's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, and then his eyes showed a lustful look.

 "I wonder what the matter is that Boss Song is visiting you late at night?"

 Xia Wanjin stood behind Xuan Su at some point, and bowed to Song Dao. At the same time, he no longer restrained his aura, hoping that this would make Song Dao afraid and choose to retreat.

 "Haha, President Xia, Boss Song Dao and I came here just to borrow some resources from you. I just don't know if President Xia can lend a hand? Hahaha!"

 Another arrogant voice came from behind Song Dao, which made Xia Wanjin clench his fists and his mind tense.

 "Yue Shan!"


 In the camp of the Lin clan, most people were practicing or resting in their own tents. Only one Yuan Dan realm great perfection and several small perfection masters were on guard outside. Lin Yunhao did not sit on the tree to practice like last night, but returned to the tent because he had some enlightenment today.


 Suddenly, a violent Yuan force fluctuation came from a distance, which alarmed countless human masters in the dark night, and the people of the Lin clan were naturally awakened.

 After hearing the noise, the Yuan Dan realm master immediately asked a guard to investigate. At this time, Wu Tao, Lin Ke'er, Lin Dong and others also came out of the tent.

 "Who is fighting?"

 Wu Tao asked when he met them.

 The black-robed Yuan Dan realm master also shook his head and said,

 "I just sent someone to investigate. I think I'll come back in a while..."

 However, before he finished speaking, the black-robed old man swallowed his saliva and looked at the young man who appeared behind Wu Tao with awe.

 "Dead man, there is no need to spend energy to investigate!"

 On the way to Yancheng, because he fought with many monsters in the Creation Realm, Lin Yunhao's understanding of the sword was advancing by leaps and bounds. He could comprehend a sword, but after arriving in Yancheng, he fell into a bottleneck again. Today, he just realized something, but was interrupted! As

 soon as the murderous words came out, Lin Yunhao's figure disappeared on the spot.


 In the valley where Xia Wanjin and his companions had set up camp, countless figures were seen fighting in chaos under the illumination of the blazing bonfire. The sounds of fighting, the crisp sounds of swords clashing, and the sound of the collision of Yuanli came one after another. The strong smell of blood was particularly pungent in the dark night.

 "Song Dao, my Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and your Dao Tu Gang have no grudges in the past or today, so why are you helping the Blood Wolf Gang to make things difficult for us!"

 Facing Xia Wanjin's questioning, Song Dao smiled grimly, licked the blood on the edge of his knife, and said with a smile.

 "Take money from others and help them get rid of disasters. Gang Leader Yue offered a price that I am very tempted by. Of course, if President Xia can give me 80% of the resources of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, Song will leave now, how about that?"

 "Hahaha, Xia Wanjin, Gang Leader Song has long admired this bright and beautiful Manager Su, but Manager Su is indifferent, so this gang leader has to resort to this last resort to help others, hahaha!"

 Before Song Dao finished speaking, Yue Shan had already spoken.

 Song Dao was worried that Yue Shan would want to monopolize the resources of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and kill him to silence him. After all, he had lost his left and right arms, the two Yuandan realm small perfect masters.

 Yue Shan was also worried that if Xia Wanjin offered a high price, and then Song Dao's brain was twitched and turned against him at the critical moment, he might also be in trouble.

 It was because the two of them had their own ulterior motives and were wary of each other that Xia Wanjin was able to barely hold on despite the long battle.

 Elsewhere, Xuan Su used a palm to repel a member of the Blood Wolf Gang, and then killed Xia Zhilan's opponent with another palm. She pulled Xia Zhilan behind her and told her.

 "Zhilan, I will try my best to tear a hole for you later. You escape from there. Don't go back to Yancheng. Go to your grandfather. If your father and I can survive, we will go back to find you."

 "Aunt Su, you..."

 Xia Zhilan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xuan Su.

 "He once said that the way of the sword is to move forward. I also want to see what the way of the sword looks like!"

 Xuan Su's eyes did not have any fear of death, but only determination, regret and a trace of relief.

 At this time, Xuan Su suddenly discovered the abnormality around her. She saw that the two sides who were originally fighting stopped fighting for some reason, but instead looked alert in the distance as if they were facing a great enemy.

 Not long after, Xuan Su felt a familiar breath, but for some reason, there was no such sharp feeling, let alone strong pressure.

 On the contrary, the people around them clenched their weapons tightly, their whole bodies tense, and beads of sweat kept falling from their faces.

 In the dark and silent night, only the bonfire that was still burning occasionally made "crackling" sounds in everyone's ears.


 As the footsteps sounded, everyone was extremely nervous, because the owner of that powerful aura had the ability to kill everyone in an instant.

 Among the crowd, Xuan Su, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress, stared at the woods in the distance with expectation. Although for some reason, she did not feel the strong oppression and extreme aggressiveness from that breath, she was sure that it must be him!

 A breeze blew, and the "rustle" that was getting closer and closer suddenly disappeared. Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they found that at some point, a young man in a green shirt and holding a black sword was standing quietly in front of them.

 Trying to suppress the fear in his heart, Yue Shan walked up to Lin Yunhao, bowed his hands, and said respectfully. "I don't know why

 you are here..."


 Yue Shan's words had not yet been finished, but he got an answer he absolutely did not want.

 "Then I don't know if we..."

 "You disturbed my sword practice!"

"I wonder how you are..."

"For a dead man, you have too many questions!"

Lin Yunhao's hand gently rested on the hilt of the sword. He raised his drooping eyebrows and glanced at Yue Shan. The next moment, Lin Yunhao's figure disappeared from everyone's sight!

"Ge... Ho, ho..."

Just as Yue Shan was about to say something, he saw a dazzling sword light flash by, and the next moment, he could no longer speak.

The pitch-black sword with its sharp sword light enveloped everyone. Xuan Su could even feel the sword energy passing by the side of her cheek. The sword wind made her already messy hair even more messy.

It seemed very long, yet it seemed only a moment, the sword light disappeared, and Lin Yunhao's figure reappeared, and everything was the same as before.

Someone let out a sigh of relief, and then all the members of the Blood Wolf Gang and Dao Tu Gang, including Yue Shan and Song Dao, had blood marks on their necks, and then their bodies fell to the ground with a bang.

Recalling that sword, those who are still alive are all amazed that there is such a sword technique in the world! Under that sword, it seemed as if the mountains and rivers were separated and the rivers stopped flowing.

Only Xuan Su was different. The way Xuan Su looked at Lin Yunhao was as if she was facing a god, with fascination, worship, longing and holiness. Or, in Xuan Su's heart, Lin Yunhao was a god who was high above the nine heavens and indifferent to the world.

There were many emotions in Xuan Su's eyes, but the only thing was not amazement, because in Xuan Su's heart, this was his sword, and only a sword like this that was enough to amaze the world was worthy of him.

In fact, Xuan Su and Lin Yunhao are very similar!

Lin Yunhao is chasing the peak of swordsmanship that seems out of reach above the nine heavens, while Xuan Su is chasing the him who seems out of reach above the nine heavens; in Lin Yunhao's world, swordsmanship is the most important thing, and it is also the main color of Lin Yunhao's world. The practice and comprehension of swordsmanship fills every moment of Lin Yunhao, while in Xuan Su's world, from the day that man appeared in her world, that man has dominated her entire world. Missing, infatuation and sadness have become Xuan Su's main things every day.

Sometimes, Xuan Su couldn't help thinking, how nice it would be if he could look at her more, how nice it would be if he could stay a little longer. But later, Xuan Su understood that she couldn't expect him to stay for her, and he wouldn't stay for her, because only in this way, he would be the one she loved deeply, and only in this way, he would be the god in her heart, who was high above the nine heavens.

Just as Lin Yunhao has always been pursuing his supreme swordsmanship with a humble attitude, Xuan Su has always been looking up at his back with a humble attitude, enjoying his majesty, and then trying her best to chase his shadow.

Although it was humble, Xuan Su enjoyed it.

This may be Xuan Su's love, humble, persistent and firm!