
Martha Jordan

‘‘What in God’s name is happening’’ Martha asked as she properly wore Marcus’ jacket and rolled the sleeve till it was her arm’s length. ‘The thing I have been shielding everyone from’ I answered running a hand through my hair. ‘’And what is that?’’ she asked pulling off her shoes. ‘Nothing you need to know about Milky way’ I said to her. ‘’You did not just mean that! I almost just got hit right now Sir and you are still telling me I need not know?’’ she asked in a slightly elevated hushed tone. ‘I’ll explain it all to you but do you see that car over there’ I asked pointing towards my car and she nodded. ‘I am going to cover you and I want you to run as hard as you can. Do you hear me?’ I asked looking at her directly. ‘’You might not know this but I am a level four combatant now but my dad put a pause to my trainings because of my studies so the least I can do is run’’ she said with a shrug of her shoulders. ‘I know everything about you L4 combatant. On my count of three, you run’ I said as I pulled out an Akdal Ghost TR01 pistol from the back of my pants. ‘One Two…’ I started but she cut me off, ‘’don’t get hit Milky Way’’ she said and I chortled lightly, surprised that she was still worrying about me even though I put her in harm’s way only a couple of seconds ago and at the nickname she just reciprocated in calling me. ‘I’ll try. Three!’ I said and she started running while I side ran with her shooting at the direction the bullet came from the other time. Because I was running, the bullets fired back did not touch me at first but before I got to my car, I was shot in my arm. I opened the door of the car to get in and was expecting Martha to do same but that was when I turned back and saw it. Martha did not make it to the car, she was sprawled on the floor, in her red dress, with her blood flowing from her side.

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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64 Chs



"Sir..Dr Matthew! I thought you were gone to work sir!" I said

"Nope Elizabeth. I was feeling some type of way and I decided to take the day off! Are you doing anything at the moment?" asked Dr Matthew.

"Yes Sir. I was asked to go grocery shopping immediately. I am done cleaning the house sir!" I said with my head bowed as I fiddled my fingers in nervousness and fright.

"Are you making up excuses or are you telling the truth Miss Stephan?" asked Dr Matthew.

"I could never lie to you sir. Your wife did ask me to!" I replied shakily. My knees wanted to buckle in fear but I tried to still my heart to be strong but nothing I said to myself was working.

"Alright then. Finish with the cleaning of the house and immediately you are done, call Rusev for me. He would be going grocery shopping in your stead!"

"Okay sir!" I said and I bowed deeply before taking two steps backward and I came to face the door. Immediately I was on the other side of the door, I heard Dr Matthew call from his room, "be back here by 10. Any later than that…you know the drill!" I am sure he would have given that lofty and dirty smile at the end of his statement.

I looked at the huge clock that hung on the wall in the hallway and I saw that I had barely nine minutes to be done with my cleaning. I needed to be faster than all super heroes of speed put together to be able to beat that time. I skipped three staircases at a time and hurriedly went to fix things around the house. I put my back into it and though I was not done, I knew that I had to leave the things if I wanted to save my head. As I climbed on the first step, I remembered that Dr Matthew asked me to call Rusev when I was coming. I rushed to the gate and saw him at his spot. I immediately informed him, before I started running up the stairs. I stepped on my gown as I ran and I crashed on the stairs. The fragile part I stepped on, rented up high into the frail garment. The linen still covered me though and I knew I did not have the luxury of going back to my room to get changed. I would only add fuel to the fire. I did not even have the time to do my usual breathe in and out preparation and talk to myself before my hand knocked in apprehension.

"Enter!" I heard his sickly hoarse voice call from inside. I turned the knob of the door and entered the room. I stood by the door with my head bowed and did not bother to check where he was in the room or what he was doing. As I locked my fingers, I noticed that I had bruised myself on my right arm. I immediately crossed my arms behind my back because the devil that owned the room I was currently standing in, loved blood and the trickle that was on my arm was enough to arouse him.

"What are you hiding?" he asked suspiciously. He had seen me!

"Come closer now!" he said and as I was about to take the first step despite the fact that the whole of me revolted against that, Ruseev's voice called from behind the door.

"At your service sir!"

I almost forgot that he was the one to help me with grocery shopping. If it isn't done, I could lose my head tonight and probably it would be tossed as a ball between my aunt and her husband.

"Take the card and go grocery shopping. The list of the things needed should be on the fridge as usual. Take your time Rusev!" said Dr Matthew.

He should take his time? I could not believe it! Was he planning on using me for some dynamic experiment today? I hope this isn't the day I die?

"Alright sir!"

Ruseev's foot steps were heard as he walked away and I stood there in a very uncomfortable silence for some seconds.

"I asked you to come Elizabeth!" he said sultrily.

I brazed myself and walked to him but as I was about three feet away, he commanded, "stop!" and I did that exactly without any contrary thought - like there could be.

"Are you trying to seduce me Elizabeth?" asked Dr Matthew.

"What?" I asked in shock as I raised my head up. There he was, sitting comfortably on his latest Roman chair. "You lifted your head Elizabeth!"

I balled my fists by my side.. Apparently, lifting my head was a crime as he loved appearing mysterious. He was in his briefs and had a bow tie on his neck - the look was eerie to me. My name on his lips was so dirty and did not feel like what it should be. The only person that gave that name meaning was long gone and had only his skeletons left in his coffin - I was also gone, along with the name. I hated the name 'Elizabeth!'

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't quite understand you!" I said as I bent my head back down.

"When you came in the other time, your gown was not torn but now, it is torn like you are trying to make me become creative and think of what your pussy that I have fed from endlessly would look like!" he said.

"It isn't like th…" I started but he cut me off.

"It is whatever I say, it is Elizabeth! You went against two rules today and I hope you are ready for your punishment" he said and I wanted to ask what I did wrong but I knew he could make up two more freaking rules and daring to defy him would add to my already existing 'Crime!'

"I would be a bad person if I don't tell you what you did wrong, won't I now? You were twenty nine minutes behind time my love and you raise your head up, to look at me Elizabeth. Two grave crimes! Now rent your garment with your hands."

"Sorry, I do not understand what you mean sir!" I said but did not raise my head up again. I was close to tears because - I fully understood what he meant.

I bit my lip hard to stop the tears.

"Oh really! I guess you would understand if I were to do it. Do you want that?" he asked.

"No Sir!" I immediately said and I heard him giggle. Evil bastard! He was too rough and most marks I had on my neck were due to how rough he had yanked on my attire.

I moved my finger to zip it from the side but he said, "I said rip it off you not unzip! You should know the difference between those basic English words Elizabeth"

Picking my dress from below, I said a goodbye in my heart to one of the few dresses I owned before ripping it off me as he had said. His breaths became a little pronounced as I became naked. When I was standing naked before him, he stood up from the chair. I felt like a wasted soul and like an empty shell. As usual, he sniffed my hair first. He pulled my arm that had the bruise and lifted it to his face.

"Pleasant! You should have more of this often." he said before running his wet tongue over my wound and I sucked in a sharp breath in utter disgust. He licked it like the animal he was. I raised my head to look at him licking my bruises with his eyes closed, like it was the most amazing meal he had had in his entire life. As I saw his eyes flutter to open, I closed back mine.

"You have been a bad girl today and I am in a very good mood. I would forgive you your sins but you I have to put on those for you!" he said pointing close to the table where he was seated.

On the table, there was a pair of nipple clips and I closed my eyes in frustration before opening them again. The earlier the better this was over with.

I walked to the table and brought the nipple clips to him. He expertly fixed them on my nipples and pulled at them a little in a bid to stir a reaction from me - hopefully a possible moan. All I felt was disgust and pain.

"Fix yourself!" he said and I knew what he meant. I climbed on his bed and knelt. I lowered my upper body to the bed also as I gave him a full display of my core.

He walked over to me from behind and spanked my ass. I flinched but I ate into the sheets - he had hit me so hard and I was sure my bum was a burning red.

I did not feel his hands on me and I knew he was pulling down on his briefs. He wanted to take things faster today, he could have a meeting in the evening. I felt his hand on my waist before I felt his dick enter into my dry core. He rammed into me like the mad man he was as tears fell from my eyes but no word left my lips. He kept growling like a wild beast and when he was about to release, he pulled out and spilled his ugly seed on the floor. I can only pray he would not ask me to lap on it, off the tile.

I jerked as I woke up from the horrible nightmare of my past. How? It had been a long time I had such.I even felt like I had forgotten his face totally but the truth is that his face was still somewhere in my memory and only the thought of that, was sickening enough.

My dad, brothers and friends were all by my side as I woke up and seeing this was an assurance that I was no longer in that life and I had been liberated and I cried even harder. My dad patted my back and was saying some soothing words when I realized I was in a hospital gown, ok an hospital bed and that also, Ferran was also in the hospital.

"How is Ferran?!" I asked immediately.

"He is doing good and he asked you when he woke up" said Daddy Two.

"He is awake?" I asked.

"Yes he is, child but he has gone back to sleep. Apparently, his body is quite weak and is taking him a lot to recover" said Daddy Two.

"You made me scared Martha!" said Lily softly, uncertainly and shakily and I saw her eyes already brimming with tears…

"I'm sorry Lily. I'm sorry that you have to be in this same situation, crying because of me…again. When I'm discharged, we would go on a girl's night together…only the both of us!

"What about me?" asked Marcus.

"As long as you agree to put on a bikini or a cute onesie!" I said and he placed his thumb and index together and made a zip closing expression to his lips.