
Marsil The Mage - LITRPG - Fantasy

Marsil, an unknown man with an unknown past, lives in the Grimrock Silver Mine Prison for three months. He did not know that his future and destiny would change in a heartbeat because of some words from a fellow prisoner named Eval. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/72337/marsil-the-mage-fantasy-litrpg ( Early Read)

GoldFear · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 6 - Headhunters - Resting

Marsil continued to move forward. He tried to stay away from the main road as much as possible. Currently, he was still within the territory of Whiterock City, so it didn't make sense to travel on the main road.

"When I enter the Southern Region, I'll be able to move more freely."

"I will continue towards my goal and find a way to become a true wizard. I'll never spend time in prison again."

His homeland was far away from where he is now. He was currently on the mainland called "Lmyrim," which was divided into four different regions: North, West, East, and South.

In these regions, there were different empires and city-states. Marsil's birthplace, Memphis Island, was a five-day ocean journey away from his current location.

"I am really far from home."

"My true thoughts and emotions will remain hidden in my mind and heart."

"I will only reveal myself and be heard when I can truly sense the power and magic within me."

"I will cleanse Memphis Island from pirates and evil-doers!"

Marsil continued to praise himself and keep his spirits high. As he moved forward, his physical state became more exhausted and weakened. If it weren't for the courage and mental strength he derived from his purpose and convictions, his body wouldn't be able to endure all that he had gone through.

"I haven't encountered any danger so far. But I need a sword as soon as possible."

"With the two years of training on Memphis Island, I can fight against two or three people at once, and I'm not afraid of most wild animals."

As Marsil complimented himself, his heart was filled with determination. He tried to keep himself as calm as possible. However, his sharp ears picked up a rustling sound from the right side. Marsil immediately crouched down, took a deep breath, and began to listen carefully.

He heard a woman's voice echoing in his ears, followed by a thick male voice responding to her. From their tone of address, Marsil understood that they were good friends. This also meant that they had good coordination, and it might be more dangerous to fight against them.

"If we catch one of the escapees from Whiterock Prison and bring them back, Whiterock City will reward us handsomely," said the woman in a calm and relaxed tone.

A few seconds later, the middle-aged man with a deep voice replied, "Your words are nice, but we've been searching the area for hours and haven't come across anyone yet."

Marsil's heart was beating fast, and he could feel cold sweat trickling down his forehead. From what he heard, the Headhunters were only about twenty meters away from him. If he was careless, they would spot him, and he might end up in a dangerous situation.

"I must be more cautious."

"I've been too careless."

"I should rest for a while. After a few hours, I'll move again, but this time, I'll be even more quiet."

Marsil made a new plan and started waiting while resting.

A few hours passed quickly, and Marsil resumed his journey. He looked around carefully, trying to understand his surroundings. He tried to move as slowly and silently as possible.

"But if I move too slowly, I'll increase my chances of getting caught."

He thought this through and slightly increased his pace. His arms and legs were covered in cuts and scratches from the thorny bushes, but Marsil didn't have the luxury to worry about such minor wounds right now.

In the end, these kinds of things are his last problems. Considering that he is being hunted and feeling too weak due to fatigue and malnourishment, Small cuts are nothing to care about.