

स्वीप एक नया दिन शुरू होता है, और काई यांग जाग गया। उसने सफाई की और छोटे से कमरे के कोने में पड़ी झाडू लेकर बाहर चला गया। सामने के दरवाजे पर खड़े होकर वह थोड़ा खिंचा। उसने भोर के आकाश में धूसर रंग के स्पर्श को देखा और गहरी सांस लेते हुए अपनी आँखें बंद कर लीं। वह शांति के इस क्षण का आनंद ले रहा था, अपनी आँखें फिर से खोलने से पहले, जमीन पर झाडू लगाने, गंदगी और पत्तियों को साफ करने के लिए। काले कपड़े पहने जो साधारण और साफ थे। बिना किसी कारण के वृद्ध कपड़ों का रंग यहां के युवाओं के अकेलेपन और अलगाव के वर्षों को उजागर करता है। काई यांग की रीढ़ भाले की तरह सीधी थी, और उनके चेहरे पर एक सूक्ष्म अभिव्यक्ति थी। भले ही वह सबसे कम रैंक वाली नौकरी पूरी कर रहा था। उसकी हरकतें बहुत शांत थीं, उसने झाड़ू पर ज्यादा जोर नहीं डाला, उसका शरीर उतना हिलता भी नहीं था। केवल अपनी कलाई घुमाने से झाड़ू सहजता से हिल गई। जब उसका शरीर हिलता था, तो जमीन पर धूल और कचरा जादुई रूप से उसके चारों ओर एक जगह जमा हो जाता था, जैसे वे एक जोड़ी फीट हो गए हों।

काई यांग स्काई टॉवर के प्रायोगिक शिष्य थे। तीन के लिए उसने स्कूल में प्रशिक्षण लिया था, लेकिन वह केवल तड़के शरीर के तीसरे चरण में ही पहुंचा था। फिर भी अन्य शिष्य जो उसी समय उसके साथ प्रवेश कर चुके थे, लंबे समय से उससे आगे निकल गए थे और उच्च स्तर पर पहुंच गए थे। वे सभी मुख्य भवन में प्रवेश करने, सम्मान देने और अपने भविष्य की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने में सक्षम थे। जबकि वह केवल बाहरी अदालतों में अपनी अपर्याप्तता के बारे में विलाप कर सकता है।

तीन साल में तीसरे चरण के स्वभाव वाले शरीर को बुरा या अच्छा नहीं कहा जा सकता है, लेकिन वास्तव में, वास्तव में औसत दर्जे का।

असहाय रूप से, काई यांग केवल बाहरी कोर्ट में ही बाहर निकलना जारी रख सका। खुद को सहारा देने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करना और प्रशिक्षण में कड़ी मेहनत करना।

स्काई टॉवर स्कूल एक बहुत ही अनोखा स्कूल है। यह विशिष्टता शिष्यों के बीच निर्मम प्रतिस्पर्धा के माध्यम से देखी जाती है। विद्यालय में बलवान राजाओं के समान होते हैं, जबकि कमजोरों का सफाया कर दिया जाता है। बलवान निर्बल को खाते हैं; स्काई टॉवर स्कूल में जंगल के कानून का सभी लोग सक्रिय रूप से पालन करते हैं।

अन्य स्कूलों में आप स्कूल के अनुकूल प्रतिस्पर्धा, भाईचारे के बंधन और एक ही लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक साथ काम करने वाले लोगों के लिए सक्षम हो सकते हैं। लेकिन स्काई टॉवर स्कूल में, आप केवल एक दूसरे का उपयोग करने और सत्ता में उठने के लिए झूठे बंधनों में सक्षम होंगे। एक दूसरे के शरीर पर कदम रखना ही एकमात्र रास्ता है।

स्काई टॉवर की सख्त प्रणाली के तहत, यह पूरे हान राजवंश में प्रसिद्ध है। हालाँकि मैदान इतने बड़े नहीं थे, लेकिन उनके शिष्यों के क्रूर स्वभाव के कारण, उनकी ताकत किसी से कम नहीं है! ऐसा इसलिए भी है, क्योंकि प्रत्येक शिष्य का कौशल एक बाघ की तरह है और बाहर निकलते हुए, सभी नदियों और झीलों में कोई भी उन्हें उकसाने की हिम्मत नहीं करता है।

हालांकि स्काई टावर स्कूल का एक नियम है। यानी चौदह वर्षीय शिष्यों के लिए, उनकी स्वीकृति के पहले तीन वर्षों को परीक्षण चरण माना जाता है। इन तीन वर्षों में, सभी शिष्यों को भोजन, वस्त्र, आश्रय बाहरी दरबार द्वारा प्रदान किया जाता है। शिष्यों को केवल साधना पर ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता है। यदि इन तीन वर्षों में आप अपने स्वभाव को तराश सकते हैं, तो आप अपने बड़ों का सम्मान करने और उनके छात्र बनने के लिए आंतरिक दरबार में प्रवेश करने में सक्षम हैं। बेशक आपको अपने आप में एक शिक्षक और अभ्यास करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, लेकिन अपने आप से सीखने और शिक्षक होने में बहुत बड़ा अंतर है। एक तरह से, स्काई टॉवर के नियमों में कुछ लचीलापन और स्वतंत्रता है।

उन तीन वर्षों में यदि आप सफल नहीं होते हैं, तो आप या तो स्कूल छोड़ सकते हैं या एक प्रयोगात्मक शिष्य को पदावनत कर सकते हैं।

प्रायोगिक शिष्य है काई यांग की वर्तमान स्थिति! वह स्काई टावर स्कूल के लिए भी शर्म की बात है!

सामान्य शिष्यों की तुलना में उनका उपचार बहुत अलग होता है। प्रायोगिक शिष्यों को अपने भोजन, आश्रय, कपड़ों की व्यवस्था करनी चाहिए, क्योंकि बाहरी अदालत अब इन कूड़ेदानों पर खेती के संसाधनों को बर्बाद नहीं करेगी। एक बार प्रयोगात्मक शिष्यों के लिए पदावनत होने के बाद, आप मूल रूप से कभी आगे नहीं बढ़ सकते। जब तक आप अपने साधना स्तर को तेजी से बढ़ाने का प्रबंधन नहीं करते। तभी स्कूल आपको सच्चा शिष्य बनने का प्रयास करने देगा।

पूरा स्काई The servant who sweeps A new day begins, and Kai Yang woke up. He cleaned up and took the broom lying in the corner of the small room and walked out. Standing at the front door, he stretched a little. He looked up at the touch of grey in the dawn sky and closed his eyes while breathing in deeply. He was enjoying this moment of peace, before reopening his eyes to start sweeping the ground, cleaning away the dirt and leaves. Dressed in black clothes that were simple and clean. The aged clothing colour for no reason, highlighted the youth's loneliness and years of isolation here. Kai Yang's spine was as straight as a javelin, and with his face had a meticulous expression. Even though he was completing the lowest ranked job. His actions were very calm, he didn't exert much force on the broom, his body didn't even move that much. With only the rotation of his wrist, the broom moved effortlessly. When his body moved, the dust and trash on the ground seemed to magically accumulate in one place around him, just like they had grown a pair feet.

Kai Yang was the Sky Tower's experimental disciple. For three he had trained in the school, but he had only reached the tempered body third stage. Yet the other disciples that had entered at the same time as him had long surpassed him and reached higher stages. They were all able to enter into the main building, pay their respects and make advances towards their futures. While he can only lament about his inadequacy in the outer courts.

The tempered body third stage in three years cannot be called bad or good, but really, really mediocre.

Helplessly, Kai Yang could only continue to sweep out here in the outer court. Working hard to support himself and working hard in training.

Sky Tower School is a very unique school. This uniqueness is seen through the ruthless competition between disciples. In the school, the strong are like kings, while the weak are eliminated. The strong eat the weak; the law of the jungle, in the Sky Tower School is actively followed by all.

In other schools you may be able to school friendly competition, brotherly bonds and people working together to achieve the same goal. But in the Sky Tower school, you will only be able to false bonds, in order to use each other and rise in power. Stepping over each other's bodies is the only way.

Under Sky Tower's strict system, it's well-known throughout the entire Han Dynasty. Although the grounds were not that large, but due to the brutal nature of their disciples, their might is second to none! This is also because, each disciples' skill is like a tiger and walking out, no one in all the rivers and lakes dares to provoke them.

Though the Sky Tower School has one rule. That's to fourteen year old disciples, the first three years of their acceptance is considered the testing phase. In these three years, all of the disciples food, clothing, shelter are provided by the outer court. Disciples only need to focus on cultivating. If in these three years you can breakthrough the tempered body, then you are able to enter the inner court to pay respects to your elders and become their students. Of course you don't need to have a teacher and practise on your own, but the difference in learning by yourself and having a teacher is very large. In a way, the Sky Tower rules do have some flexibility and freedom.

In those three years if you don't break through, then you can either leave the school or be demoted to an experimental disciple.

Experimental disciple is Kai Yang's current status! He is also Sky Tower School's shame!

Compared to normal disciples, their treatment is very different. Experimental disciples must provide for their food, shelter, clothing, for the outer court will no longer waste cultivating resources on these trashes. Once demoted to experimental disciples, you basically can never advance. Unless you manage to increase your cultivation level quickly. Only then will the school let you attempt to become a true disciple.

servant who sweeps A new day begins, and Kai Yang woke up. He cleaned up and took the broom lying in the corner of the small room and walked out. Standing at the front door, he stretched a little. He looked up at the touch of grey in the dawn sky and closed his eyes while breathing in deeply. He was enjoying this moment of peace, before reopening his eyes to start sweeping the ground, cleaning away the dirt and leaves. Dressed in black clothes that were simple and clean. The aged clothing colour for no reason, highlighted the youth's loneliness and years of isolation here. Kai Yang's spine was as straight as a javelin, and with his face had a meticulous expression. Even though he was completing the lowest ranked job. His actions were very calm, he didn't exert much force on the broom, his body didn't even move that much. With only the rotation of his wrist, the broom moved effortlessly. When his body moved, the dust and trash on the ground seemed to magically accumulate in one place around him, just like they had grown a pair feet.

Kai Yang was the Sky Tower's experimental disciple. For three he had trained in the school, but he had only reached the tempered body third stage. Yet the other disciples that had entered at the same time as him had long surpassed him and reached higher stages. They were all able to enter into the main building, pay their respects and make advances towards their futures. While he can only lament about his inadequacy in the outer courts.

The tempered body third stage in three years cannot be called bad or good, but really, really mediocre.

Helplessly, Kai Yang could only continue to sweep out here in the outer court. Working hard to support himself and working hard in training.

Sky Tower School is a very unique school. This uniqueness is seen through the ruthless competition between disciples. In the school, the strong are like kings, while the weak are eliminated. The strong eat the weak; the law of the jungle, in the Sky Tower School is actively followed by all.

In other schools you may be able to school friendly competition, brotherly bonds and people working together to achieve the same goal. But in the Sky Tower school, you will only be able to false bonds, in order to use each other and rise in power. Stepping over each other's bodies is the only way.

Under Sky Tower's strict system, it's well-known throughout the entire Han Dynasty. Although the grounds were not that large, but due to the brutal nature of their disciples, their might is second to none! This is also because, each disciples' skill is like a tiger and walking out, no one in all the rivers and lakes dares to provoke them.

Though the Sky Tower School has one rule. That's to fourteen year old disciples, the first three years of their acceptance is considered the testing phase. In these three years, all of the disciples food, clothing, shelter are provided by the outer court. Disciples only need to focus on cultivating. If in these three years you can breakthrough the tempered body, then you are able to enter the inner court to pay respects to your elders and become their students. Of course you don't need to have a teacher and practise on your own, but the difference in learning by yourself and having a teacher is very large. In a way, the Sky Tower rules do have some flexibility and freedom.

In those three years if you don't break through, then you can either leave the school or be demoted to an experimental disciple.

Experimental disciple is Kai Yang's current status! He is also Sky Tower School's shame!

Compared to normal disciples, their treatment is very different. Experimental disciples must provide for their food, shelter, clothing, for the outer court will no longer waste cultivating resources on these trashes. Once demoted to experimental disciples, you basically can never advance. Unless you manage to increase your cultivation level quickly. Only then will the school let you attempt to become a true disciple.
