
He Must Be Safe At All Cost

Avilina Varian stared at the former Linolian guard who kept on surprising her since he made a decision to stay and work for her. At times... no... almost all the time, she couldn't understand what was on his mind.

He was too hard to read.

Nevertheless, she wasn't really in a mood to think of such things or to argue. As such, she turned her head away from him without saying any more words.

"You wouldn't say?" Vincent asked her with that same calm voice. "While I don't think it's not good for you to remain like this."

"You -"

"Your leg is healed now, right?" Vincent Chazin interrupted. "Do you want to go hunting again once the sunrise? We didn't get to hunt any last time."

Once again, Avilina shifted her gaze to Vincent and looked at him for a while. "Did you hear anything from others?" She asked, suspiciously. 

"They told me to be careful for today," Vincent simply replied and added, "That's all."