


A beautiful lady with long black hairs and a body that would be the envy of any model was sleeping soundly in a very comfortable position

"Ever Scarlett"suddenly a young lady voice can be heard

"Ugh"Ever gave a sign of life but continued sleeping

This time voice grow louder "EVER SCARLET ,no time to sleep now "

This time Ever heard the woman voice ,but she was lazy to get up. Though for a moment she thought better I wakes up more than Disappoint my friend, Tara

"Oh! what takes you so long to wake up Ever? don't you know the date of today important in our financial stability and your still sleeping "Tara asked in neutral tone

Tara flashes a sadistic smile and approach Ever "Ever your mom is waiting for you down stairs, run now "

Ever suddenly open here eyes and look coldly at Tara "You won't fool me again, Tara! "Ever said in cold tone and sat up in bed

When Tara sees Ever middle size breast dangle in the red night gown she was wearing, she can't help but think "I don't think if my friend is single till now, may be she's hide her boyfriend from me to know "

Seeing Ever gentle smile, Tara stop thinking about random bullshit and speak "I am so sorry for being quiet bad to you because I remind your mother sorry "

Before Ever stat to speak a loud noise come out from the door

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boohooing!

"plz just a second, I will be there for you "Tara sighed ,after shot time Tara open the door and find a man in black uniform "what can I help you man, and what's your identity "she speaks will look her nails paints

"what you should help me is monthly payment of your apartment and my identity is money collectar "the man answer while look at Tara reaction who was standing motionless not to bealiving such a bad news

"sorry Mister today we can't pay you but you can come tomorrow morning "Tara speak in polite tone to convince the man

"okay by tomorrow morning if no money and you no house "after the man speak out he left to other rooms

Tara let out the breath of relief from sudden heart attack

"who was that f*cking Pearson "Ever speak while she try to get up from bed

"He wants the house rent of the month "


"Boom, boom, boom!!!

Both Tara and Ever run towards the door and open, "who are you again, what do you want from us young man "

"sorry for disturbing, I have brought this letters for Lady Ever "the man give two letters to Ever and note to sign then he left

In the seating room they Sat down will look at two letters and a small box

"Ever let's read the letter "

Ever open the first letter from her boss and read it slowly after finish she look at Tara with eyes full of worry "he fire me out of the job... just b... ous I reject to spend a night with that demon and he didn't want to pay my salary "

"what.... Sh*t,how fool is your boss my G how we will pay our house rent, but it's good you reject here stupid offer "Tara stands up and get a glass of water and give it to Ever "drink it first,how about the other letters '


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