
Married to the dead lord

"That means I'm dead" she said in a low voice as a feeling of fear hovered around her heart. "You aren't dead, but you are alive, but you are here for a purpose" he said, going to pick up a glass of water that was placed on the small table beside them, he walked back to where she was giving it to her for her to drink, which she drank. "What purpose?" she asked looking at him with a curious look in her eyes. "Well, Ivy that's something that shouldn't be know." "But I want to know" she went on, pestering him for him to answer her curiosity. "Like I said before, sweetheart, something is better off not known." he said with a grin on his face, making her a little bit angry. ******* Vernica being born to one of the king's most trusted and highly knight, was treated like an outcast, each day of her life bringing a scar to her what happens when a mysterious man becomes her husband, taking her far away from the ordinary, bringing her to a new revolution. Veronica seeing hm as her only source of hope while him seeing her as the only source of peace between the land of the living and the dead. She is brought as a truce unknown to her, but she continues to live on. What happens when she finds out the truth? would he be a disaster to her more than a source of hope....

Vicchie_5 · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 10: Construction of the garden.

Veronica had gone back to her room when the sun had completely settled leaving everywhere dark, she had taken a warm bath and had changed into a silky nightgown. Veronica laid on large spacious bed that had a very soft mattress, she laid down on the bed where her mind, went to think about the things that Ralph had told her that evening. A soul eater? She thought, why would a soul eater be following her? It was not that she was close to dying then why was it so adamant in taking her soul? She thought further, her eyes getting hazier as her mind explored the different events that had happened to her during the week, soon, it did not take long for her to fall into a deep slumber.


The next day, Veronica had woken up earlier than usual because of the sightseeing she was unable to complete yesterday, she walked around the passage where huge pillars supported the top-roof, as she was mesmerized with the beauty of the palace, she saw Ralph floating around the passage a little bit lost.

"Ralph it looks like you have something weighing on your shoulders, would you like to share it?" she asked him, conveying the conversation first which was very rare because he was always very chatty, but now after spending quite some time with him she felt that he was a close friend that could be trusted.

"Ah-Lady Veronica is no big deal, your mood seemed brightened today, it looks like things been going well for you."

"Yes indeed, but it seems the opposite for you" she said back, which made him a little bit off balance, he let out an awkward laugh, before he went ahead to tell her the problem.

"It's just that things are really getting difficult around the palace and even the lord's right hand is doing little to nothing to help" the lord has a right hand who helps him with activities that he could not finish off, Richard had helped the lord with the strenuous activities that was getting overloaded day by day as he was his right hand.

"It looks like it's a problem"

"It's not just any problem Lady Veronica it's a huge one, the work is getting over piled that even with the help of his right hand things aren't done quickly and you know it would lead to failure in other problems"

"Then why don't I help" she suggested which brightened the ghost mood a little before it dampened back again, "I mean, after all I am his wife and indirectly the queen around here, so at least I can reduce the strenuous works around." She further explained but the Ralph didn't feel better, his mood was like before; worried.

"Lady Veronica, you know I have told you several times that the land of the dead is not like your actual world, it's different. Even if you're the lord's wife, yes people would respect you, your ranking would be high but… you wouldn't have a single right to partake in the palace's activities especially when you're a human."

"But why?"

"I don't know Lady Veronica but if you're so curious you can go and asked the lord." He said, noticing that the Veronica would take this problem up, he knew that he had made a very huge mistake by telling the lady of the problems the were having, so as to change the subject he asked; "Lady Veronica it looks like you have forgotten about the garden you wanted to construct a while ago."

"Oh- I forgot it's just that I have been occupied." Ralph gave her a questioning look; one brows raised up,

"You've been occupied?" he asked and it left a red blush on her face that she had been caught, "I never knew Lady Veronica did things around the palace" he continued off where Veronica looked embarrassed and ashamed for being caught.

The ghost wasn't really dumb, she thought, but instead of him to allow the conversation to end because of how embarrassed she felt, he pressed on which made her much more embarrassed, Ah this ghost!

"Oh! Did I say occupied? No it was not what I meant to say," she lied and she felt guilty of the fact but she had to cover up her embarrassed form and lie to protect her pride.

"If that was not what Lady Veronica wanted to say then what was it?"

"Um…" she paused thinking of an excuse but it just seemed like her brain had turned off and there was no idea coming in.

"You don't need to stress yourself Lady Veronica I already know that you are lying, just say that you are shy to meet the lord after what happened…." He said which made veronica to turn beet red, she was so embarrassed of getting caught in her lie.

"Um… yes, but-"

"You don't need to say an excuse probably if you meet the lord the construction would happen faster, brazen up and talk to the lord." He said before he puffed away.

At some point she felt the urgent need to go and ask the lord for the construction of the garden, even though she was shy of the event that took place in his bedroom she still had to visit him. After gathering up some courage, she went back inside the palace and went into his office. Ashton was sitting on a huge chair with one hand holding a lit up cigarette which he took smoke from, even though Veronica didn't like men that smoke because of how suffocating the environment could get because of the smoke, he looked really alluring at the moment.

When he noticed someone's presence in the room, he looked up from the documents he was holding in his other hand, his eye brows crooked as if asking her what she was doing here, even though she noticed his questioning gaze, she did not answer him right away, instead, she pulled the seat backwards which made a little screeching before she sat down, clearing her throat she asked;

"I hope I am not disturbing you at the moment? Cause I would like to borrow some of your time" she looked into his eyes, which held no emotions, he had the most charming eyes she thought where she felt something strange with her body, she felt very hot for some reasons she couldn't understand, and she started having flashes of what had occurred in the room a few days back, her courage started demolishing where she felt utterly naked in front of him even with her clothes on.

"Yes you may have some of my time but don't waste it" he answered back dropping the document on the table, before looking at her, he tried to change the position of the chair to a better one, resting his back on the chair which bent slightly before he crossed his legs under the table.

"I know this is your kingdom but I would like to add a few of my own changes"

"Changes?" he asked placing his thumb at the end of the cigarette to turn off its fire before he dropped it on the plate that was by his side.

"Yes some changes"


"I would like to use a portion of the land to grow flowers a very fertile one if you may please"

"You want to make a garden?" he asked which she nodded her head to.

"I would only want the help of two maids"

"But why I thought you want to build a garden."

"I do Ashton but I would want to plant the flowers myself the garden won't be that big but at least I would be happy that I planted the flowers by myself" Ashton looked a little bit shocked at her proposal but it didn't show on his face, every woman that he had met had always wanted the help of a maid and the always wanted his attention which he hated the most, but this his wife was different, she found pleasure in doing things on her own and it made him curious.

"Then if that is what you want then It would be done," he turned to his side where he rang a small golden bell that was attached to a rope, immediately a man appeared at the door, it was Richard the lord's right hand, "Richard I would want you to make a project for the construction of a garden, arrange few maids which would accompany her but make sure the land isn't that large as she might not plant that much."

"But… lord you know the kingdom is going through huge challenges an-" before he could even finish his statement Ashton shot him a glare, "I mean it would be done right away lord" he said, reconstructing his words before he left the room quickly.

Veronica felt bad that even though she knew about the problems they were having she added more to it, she wanted to reject, but it was already too late, Ashton would certainly ask her why she rejected the proposal and she didn't really want to make him feel bad, she breathed in a few sums of air to calm herself down before she stood up.

"I would be taking my leave" she said before she left the room, was her request bad at all? Would the see her as someone who spends a lot and put stress on her husband? She thought letting air pass through her lungs before she left to her room.