
chapter one

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" was what the pope said.

well just few of our families were present and the groom was no where to be found . My father told me he had urgent business to handle few hours before my big day…. Pure sarcasm by the way.

Slowly slipping out of my wedding dress, flashbacks of how I was forced to marry a pompous mafia leader for my father's greed stings my heart.

Getting married without having to see the face of your so-called husband was the last thing on my wishlist . A man so arrogant to attend his own wedding was the last man I could ever love.

I scoffed as I made my way to the bathroom, atleast I had a big-*ss room with every basic thing I need, that's a bonus at my end.

I quickly had my bath and lazily climbed on my bed after drying up with a towel , I didn't even bother to wear my nightie because of how exhausted I was; plus I didn't think my so called pompous husband who couldn't attend his own wedding would want anything to do with me tonight or any other day.

As I lay on my king sized bed, my fathers word kept playing in my head " meemee you have to do this for us, for me" I have a reputation and business to maintain, After everything I've done for you this is the least you could do to pay me back. Once the deal is complete , AJ promises to divorce you and you'll be back before you know it "

Well I was left with no choice for starters, it's not like my dad was going to let me decline this marriage in the first place . He just wanted my approval because the rude mafia boss made sure they needed my approval for the contract to commence .

"AJ" I thought to myself, who names their child Aj and what does my mafia husband looks like?

Well I don't care and don't want to find out

I'd try my possible best to avoid him as much as possible.


Walking into the house I could see the lights turned on and everywhere was bright as 1pm. I glanced at my rolex watch customized with crystals and saw the time was 3:12am.

I slowly walked to the stairs because all I needed at this point was a good sleep because I had a terrible day at the meeting.

I walked into my room and surprisingly the lights were turned off. I made a mental note to question my house-keeper on why he left the lights on today.

I stepped out of my clothes as I made my way to the bathroom

After staying in the bathroom for what felt like forever I was finally calm and dried my body. Went to the room and flicked on the switch on.

"Who tf is on my bed"? I thought to myself.

I can't to that drunk to be imagining naked ladies on my bed. I blinked vigorously and she was still there. A petite but curvy light skinned lady, I could say she looked 19-21 because of how young she was. A cute face with a sharp jawline, her almond shaped eyes which were closed adorned with straight lashes and her thigh curly hair falling to the side of her face, small thin upper lip and a full plump lower lips,perky boobs that peeked through the towel that's almost loose, a round ass with tiny waist, a straight leg and meet toenails. I watched as she breathes slowly with my duvet spread across half of her body. Yes, back to my senses, who the hell is this and how's she on my bed? Then it clicked! Oh she was be the bride, Fernandez's daughter.

Fernandez wasn't able to complete a contract and we lost huge amount of money and since he's not able to pay back he offered a contract marriage with his only daughter and I accepted. It's not like I couldn't bag her type anywhere around the world but I just couldn't let his mistake go unpunished.

I moved to her side with the intention of waking her up to move to the other room because I hate to share my things, then I heard her murmuring about how she's not going to like her new husband who happens to be me.

"Let's see how that goes my dear" I said to myself. I

Picked up a few of my things and left the room.

I moved to the other side of the hallway and entered the room opposite mine, warm my pajamas and went to bed. " the next morning is going to be a very interesting one because I now have a mouse to play with, order around and make life miserable for!" I smiled myself to sleep thinking of new things I'd like to try with this little mouse, atleast a lot of my one night stands are going to come to an end. Except for Anna, who graduated from being a night stand and is now more like my concubine. "Fuck! I didn't think about Anna and her

Chaotic self before accepting this contract.

I pushed the thought away because I know she's only going to lose me if she lets her jealousy get the best of her, thousands of other Anna's are patiently waiting to get a glimpse of my God-like body.


I squint my eyes as the sun hits my face, the sun is high up and shining brightly. "Oh what could be the time" I asked myself.

I searched for my phone and just remembered I haven't unpacked so I'm certain my phone's still in my box.

I got down from the bed and made way for the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and had my bath

Made a mental note to get my skincare products and other things to the bathroom as soon as possible. I rolled the biggest box containing my underwear's and light clothings because the last thing I wanted to do was to impress this man with a nice or revealing dress. I put on a loose tank top with some joggers and put my hair in a messy bun. Looking in the mirror and seeing what I looked like made it impossible not to smile. Girl you are hot! I said turning around to inspect my much bigger ass than my frame could carry.

I checked for my phone and found it, luckily it was still on and had few percentage.

Thousand of messages and calls from well wishers till my eyes landed on a particular message

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU THE MOMEMT I LAY MY EYES ON YOU MEEMS, SEND YOUR ADDRESS ASAP!" I rolled my eyes dropped the phone because even I didn't know the address to my new home. Incase you're wondering, it was from lily, my best friend from forever. We grew up together and went to basically every school together. We got tagged as lesbians few times because we were inseparable even by our parents .