
Chapter 1,love of my life

Zara and her boyfriend went to shop for their new house, but Before they could even leave Zara's mother come out of the house next door with a man that Zara never Seen Before. Zara. didn't know what her mother was doing over there so she sat in here car and watched what her next move when her mother left she went on about her business. then they went to bath and Beyond they pick out the stuff the wanted for their new house

When they got the their house they set everything up and her mom called she said"hey honey how is the new house coming"Zara said how's your new life going and oh yea coming out next door neighbor's house ugh just nasty your a disgraced mother your not even going to be in my baby's life"wait what your pregnant"yeah if you were in my life I would have told you but you been such as Bitch ever since Dad left and he left Because you cheated"DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME"Don't get mad at me Because dad left ugh"Zara hung up the phone"Bae why did you yell at your mother like that.s he shouldn't have been in the neighbor house well your right!!

Zara didn't know that Raheem her Boyfriend was her Brother they really Didn't grow up together like that