
Married to my Arch Nemesis

Arabella was a secret operative who worked for the government. but one cold night, someone killed her. She finds herself awakening in the body of Princess Raina Khitrov–the brain dead suicidal wife of the first Prince of Ramoni Kingdom. Tumbled into the noble world of royalty of the twenty-first century, Arabella was dumbfounded and frightened beyond her wits but with the help of a mysterious voice in her head, she began to live a new life of riches, glamour and power. What she didn’t know was that with every imbalance in the deviating working of the universe came a sinister price to pay. She realizes that the voice was beginning to controlling her actions, thoughts and consciousness. Strange gapes began to occur in her memory and much more disturbing things were happening around her. She comes to a shocking realization that she might just be a helpless marionette for the voice to play and an unpredictable danger to her new husband and their two year old son. She had no choice but to leave far away from there but her husband just blinked at her? He was puzzled looking at her. The bundle of burden he owned wasn’t the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form very completely altered. What will happen when Raina will realize the dark secret behind the voice or will her husband really want to keep her when he realizes that the new Raina might just be the worst evil?

ravenrose1 · Urban
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11 Chs

Are you Human?

when Raina wokeup an hour ago, her eyes were clearer than before and her while body was coursing with newfound energy akin to a recharged battery. her fingers itched with the need get up from the bed because her body felt like laying in the same position for a long time and she was quite satisfied after a much needed nap.

she got up from the soft bed and realized that she was in a different room. the magnificent grandeur with a hint of Roman touch up, the room was a thing straight out of a fantasy. something she had never seen before and her lips parted in awe as she took in ten foot long windows drapped with heavy black satin custom made curtains that shone under the golden light of the chandeliers Hanging over the dome shaped ceiling which was a piece of art itself with fine artistery that spoke of adroitness of a gifted craftsman.

everything in this room was a clever mix of Black and golden.

she twirled, as she took in the huge canopy bed stuffed with golden cushions and pillows over the silky black sheets. similar black curtains were tied with an elegant bow at each pole making Raina wondered about the spoilt owner of the room. who ever it was just be such a brat to one and sleep in such a room. if it were hers, she wouldn't even dare step on the thick expensive carpet on the floor. everything here was regal and screamed of wealth.

it took her to die and then miraculously rebirth in a new body to realize that royalty still existed in the twenty first century with the exotic taste of their ancestors.

her eyes flickered over to the wall opposite to the bed and she gasped. the wall was adorned with various sizes of frame ranging from mini to large one arranged in a particular way so that it was a sight for sore eyes.

as if her feet had a consciousness of their own, she found herself in front of a wedding portrait.

the woman was wearing a dazzling ivory gown and her dark hair were twisted into lose curls and hung over her willowy shoulders as she stated at the camera with a piercing stare. a man was standing beside her. he was dressed in a black tuxedo with one hand wrapped around the bride's waist rather possessively. but what caught Raina's attention wasn't the stunning couple but the face of the man which was deeply scratched so much so that she could spot some tears in the photo inside the frame.

to go this far...the original Raina must have hated her husband with a passion.

for some reason, she felt oddly agitated seeing Azazel's portrait like that. she wanted to clean the scratches off his face.

the door bursts open and Azazel stumbles inside. his dark eyes immediaty find hers and he stills. his chest was heading slightly as if he rushed all the way here. his hand reached out for her and Raina wondered if he was even aware of himself. before he touches her, Raina stepped back.

she watched as Azazels brows pulled in confusion and took a step forward. but the tension ebbed away from his body and he relaxed.

"you are awake..." it wasn't a question but a declaration.

Raina stared at him and his eyes accidentally flickered to the wedding protrait. as if a switch went off, his expression does a one eighty degree change and his lips curled in a mocking manner.

without sparing her another look, he stomped out of the room.

he was done with this woman and right now he wasn't in the right headspace to make any decisions about her.

he had to make one soon.

Raina watched him leaving with a frown. where she was confused, the voice in her giggled maniacally.

Raina winced. she had to admit that the more time she spent with the voice, the more she wanted it...gone. she didn't feel free. she felt as if that voice was a bit too overbearing for her. it wanted Raina to listen to it and it only.

'looked him pfffttt...that look was so satisfying!'

"why does it matters to you? you're sounding like a bully." Raina's words dropped with sarcasm.

'none of your bussiness!'

Raina didn't understand why this voice disliked Azazel. when she was unconscious. they had a long talk about things she needed to know. but the voice refused to talk when Raina inquired about the orignal Raina. the voice got angry and bitchy. Raina thought it was suspicious. she also realized that whenever the voice talked about Azazel, it sounded way too amused with his precarious situation.

but why the hell is she even thinking about such stuff? she got to live instead of just perishing like other humans after death. she didnt want to poke her nose in complicated stuff.

just then James steps into the room. his face ashen with a look that could only be described as bewilderment with a hint of wild curiosity.

he stoped in front of her, his lips struggling to form words but again and again he seemed to be at loss of words.

"Are you human and not some..some..?" at his sudden question Raina's eye slightly twitched.

"what are you trying to say?" Raina found herself blurting. her tone came out hard and unexpected.

she didn't mean to say that...

"oh, Pardon me Princess." James didn't mind her. he admitted that he misspoke.

"I am the attending royal physican of the royal family but I mostly work for his Highness Ramoni first therefore, I have been assigned to you for the past few weeks..." he calmly explained as he analysed her deeply.

for weeks? was st out for weeks this time? but she thought only a few hours passed judging by the short conversation she had with voice inside her head.

"I-I feel fine. better than before."a said in a smal voice. James was having trouble reading the princess. her expression woukd turn from fierce to gentle to confuse. maybe she was facing some ad effect from the trauma to her brain.

"is that so? if thats the case please allow me to check you up for a final time so that i can report it to his highness."

after a series of weird examinations that went on forever. Raina was left in the care of marribelle to reprobate and despite her insistence that she r completely healthy, st wasnt allowed to leave the bed.

she was stupid to realise it later that it was all for the baby and not her.

she spent the next few days resting on the room with burly men guarding outside making sure she doesn't escape again.

her face was pulled in to a scowl from frustration and annoyance. Arabella was strict and hard-working agent. she would work without rest until she had satisfied her curiousty and rummaged through every lead at her disposal. her audacious colleagues used to call her 'the witch' behind her back much to her chargin because of her high IQ level. a strange feeling of heaviness began to weigh over her shoulders thinking about those day.

will she ever be able to go back or this was going to be her new life until the end?

Arabella very restless. the weird predicament she was stuck into was a mystery her skin was itching to dig deeper into. it was a glaring fact that no normal person would just easily accept their circumstances and would live the rest of their life wondering about it, but scared to actually look into it. but Arabella wasn't someone who just sat and pondered only, she was someone who wouldn't take a breath in relief until she wasn't feeling brimming with questions and no answer to. being a federal agent, it came as a natural for her to want to investigate this situation.

here was another thing that the voice in her head was refusing to talk anything about the original Raina. when Arabella was unconscious, she tried to coax out some details about the previous owner, but the voice just snapped and threatened to paralyze her. so Arabella was on her own if he wanted to know about Raina. she could discreetly ask maribelle. she wasn't afraid that wanting to know about the supposed her set would raise suspicion for she was

confident in her skills of manipulation.

just then the door creaked open and Maeibelle rushed to her side. her breathing was erate, confusing Arabella of it was the result of running or something else.

"my lady! that snake of a woman is back in the palace! you must do something or she might play her dirty tricks on you again!"

"what woman?" Raina frowned in confusion.

"lady Julliet! she's here and I personally witnessed her with my own two eyes conversing with his highness!"

lady julliet. Raina could swear on her parents grave that name didn't ring a bell, but what was that strange feeling? she was shocked when she felt her hands trembling slightly and her skin simmering with an emotion that could only be explained as pure rage. it was as if she was slowly losing control of herself and before she could calm down, she jumped out of the bed like a possessed woman and Marribelle yelped in fright.

it seemed like his mistress was finally back to being her real self.