
Married To A Tycoon

Lona Lim, a simple human girl fights with nature for survival of a perfect life with her only sister, Sammie after the unlucky and mysterious death of her parents. She meets with her childhood crush who seemed to be the most popular young tycoon tyrannizing the business world. Griffin Lyn, her childhood crush falls deeply for her after several encounters.

JOY_ZEKERI · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Lona walked through the partially dark street with only few dim street lights lightening the place. The sky was dark tonight and the whole place was unusually quiet and empty.

Lona was dressed in a baggie pink shirt and big blue pants with her hair tied in a high, tight ponytail. she held a leather in her hands and she hummed a song as she moved along, swinging her arms by her sides.

Just then, she noticed the three men sitting in a corner on the opposite side of the road staring at her, weirdly.

But she knew only one of them. And that was her drunkard neighbor.

" hey!". her neighbor called out to her and she immediately quickened her pace. she didn't want to get harassed by him tonight. No one was going to save her if she was.

" come back here!". the man growled in drunkenness as he stood up and went after her. his other two friends followed behind as their eyes lust over Lona.

Lona did not bother heeding to what he said and only kept moving fast.

"what the heck do they want from me?" she muttered looking back at the men just to see that they are still after her.

Frightened, she took to her heels and one of his friends shouted,

"stop right there!". they chased after her

She continued running but she felt she was not putting enough speed because she could hear their own pace draw closer and closer to her and she was already becoming tired.

" gotcha!". her neighbor stretched his arm and caught the back of Lona's shirt. He pulled her roughly making her fall to the grounds with so much force causing a bruise on her arm.

"ouch!". Lona winced out as she raised her hand to see where she was pained.

"trying to run away this time?". he asked as he crouched a little to her level where she was.

Lona raised her eyes and shot him a glare.

" oooh. I'm scared". he said staring deeply into her eyes. He noticed the way she glared at him and he was amused by it.

"what are you doing, Scott?". she asked even if she was fully aware of what he is planning to do. She pushed herself up and dusted the dirts off her cloth and looked down at her scattered things on the ground.

Scott looked at his two friends and burst into laughter. He gazed at her and put on a silly smile,

" c'mon Lona. you know what I want..." he said as he took his left hand to caress Lona's cheek but she yanked his hand away from her face and moved back from him.

" stop it. I'm not ready for any of your nuisance this evening. just let me go" she said as she bent to arrange the vegetables back into the leather.

Scott briskly grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her up to him.

" come here! I've tolerated enough from you already". he spoke hoarsely, dragging her with him to a dark corner.

" you're drunk, Scott.... you're hurting me!". she whimpered as she tried to free herself from his tight grip.

" let me go or I'll shout..!" she warned and she felt him loosen his grip a little, but he didn't stop. His two friends were giggling stupidly behind her and she felt like dashing both of them punches till they go unconscious. are they not supposed to talk Scott out of what ever he was planning to do with her.

With force, Scott pushed her on the ground again.

" no room for escape today". he laughed hysterically for a moment with his friends and then rushed down on her clothes, tearing them maniacally.

Lona did not just keep quiet, she screamed on top of her lungs.

" help me.... help me please" she cried for help and tears gathered the edges of her eyes.

"help me". she struggled as she raised her leg and hit him in his groin.

" ahhhhhh". Scott winced out in pain as he held where he was hurting. he'd already fallen backwards and Lona thought this was the escape moment.

"are you okay?" one of his friends asked Scott.

" are you blind?" Scott shot back with pain and anger.

Lona stood up and tried to run away when the other one held her back.

" he's not done with you, yet". he said and Lona had her brow raised.

was she to wait for him to do what he wants to do with her?. crazily impossible.

but once she leaves her, she was sure to have him reported to the cops and he'll spend..... no, she needed to escape first before she thinks of how to deal with the three rascals.

" how dare you?". Scott was back on his feet and was walking, no actually limping a bit towards her. his eyes were angry.

now, she's in trouble.

" don't you dare come near me". Lona warned as she paced back. Most part of her upper clothing was torn and she was using one arm to support it from falling off.

Scott did not speak again and only moved forward to her till there was only an arm length distance between them.

" if you touch me again, I'll have you arrested!". Lona said again.

Her legs were shaky with the way Scott was staring at her right now.

Scott raised his arm and pulled on Lona's hair.

" ahhhh" she whimpered and then a heavy punch landed on her cheeks, sending her to the floor.

" you hit me....". Scott chuckled loudly as his two friends joined him. He stopped laughing and gave her strong kick on her stomach. He chuckled out again.

Lona was already becoming dizzy and she wished someone would come to her rescue.

" you....." Scott bent over and tore the remainings of her clothes leaving her in her undies.

" Ras...ras....cal. you're a rascal". Lona said in a faint voice as her eyes became very heavy. her sight was becoming blur and she could not see their faces anymore. she didn't want to believe that all she has been protecting was going to be taken away by this man. she swore to have them arrested.......


My first book. but I'll really appreciate if you guys can encourage me by dropping your comments.

love, Joy

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