
Golden Dragon

*golden dragon*

Elaine looked at the bacon and eggs on the table but she didn't want them anymore so she just reached out for tea and relaxed back on her seat while sipping

"Your highness, is everything to your liking, I could ask the kitchen to make something else" a maid said sincerely concerned

Elaine looked up at the maid, it was the same maid that helped her get dressed

'she must be my personal maid' Elaine said in her mind

"Um, everything is fine, I guess am not used to eating alone" she replied sincerely and forced herself to pick up a fork and stab the bacon

"See am good" she said and ate the bacon feeling sad

"Can I keep you company" she heard a voice say, but not the voice of her husband, it was the crown prince

She looked up and saw him smiling brightly at her

"Greetings crown prince" she stood up and greeted

"Good morning Elaine, please call me Kevin" he said nicely

"Hmm" she couldn't say it

"I insist" he drawled playfully making her blush slightly before whispering

"Kevin" she finally said and her ears turned red

"So may I have breakfast with you" he calmly said

"Hmmmm" she was hesitant

"The crown princess went out with the princess Victoria and victory, so I feel a bit lonely, am not used to eating alone" he convinced her and she nodded understanding what she thought was his feelings

"Your highness, should I announce your arrival" Xavier said to Alexander who was watching his wife and brother from afar

"No" he said simply

Elaine was happy and the hunger she felt came back and she ate forgetting about the crown prince who barely ate, he just looked at her lovingly

When Elaine was done eating she drank tea and wiped her mouth, that was when she noticed at her

"Elaine" the crown prince called and she looked at him

"About Alex" the crown prince tried to talk but got cut off

"Your highness, I don't want to believe the rumors about my husband, I only know that he is nice and understanding, if there's any other thing he will tell me and we will settle things okay" she said nicely

"But at least listen" 

"No, after the way he was treated in the dinner table and he still didn't retaliate, how could anyone doubt his character" she questioned

"He is a monster, A very dangerous monster, he is a monster!" The crown prince suddenly lost his temper because she was protecting Alex again

"Am so sorry for yelling, but....do you know you could have died last night if he consumated his marriage to you" Kevin continued

"And did he?, I'll try to believe what you are saying, did he kill me, am I dead, there's only one thing I know, Alex is not a monster" Elaine said calmly

"Thanks for keeping me company your highness" Elaine said trying to hide her anger as she walked away'Kevin left Alex's quarters in anger. Alex who had been watching both of them all this time had a smug on his face as he looked at Elaine's retreating back in a new light

Elaine decided to take a stroll in the beautiful garden with her personal maid so as to cool off steam

"What's your name" Elaine asked the maid

"I'm Halsey your highness" she answered with a bow

"Halsey, am a bit bored here to be honest" Elaine said

"Would you like to take a stroll around the castle" she offered and Elaine immediately agreed

Halsey took her to every inch of the castle except for the Royal quarters, and Elaine never showed even the tiniest bit of boredom. Why would she be bored, it was a very beautiful castle decorated with mostly gold and emeralds. 

"Your highness, the last place is the library" she said as she led Elaine in.

"Um.....Halsey, please get me some books" she requested

"What type your highness" she asked

"Something relating to history war and others" she said nicely

"Oh and..." She hesitated a bit 

"Forget about it just get me the ones I requested" she said and Halsey left to get them

"Should I" she thought hard before going in search of a book

She search each section carefully and her eyes caught something. A historical looking book with different patterns on it. She touched the book cover and felt some kind of energy in it

She opened it and saw a painting of a Golden dragon, then saw something flash in the eyes. She immediately kept the book and hid it because she heard Halsey coming

"Bring it to my room" she didn't let Halsey speak and she left in a hurry

Elaine returned to her room feeling disturbed, she couldn't take her mind off that book, she tried reading the history books she got from Halsey and she learnt a lot about the history of Alvania and it amazed her that Alvania was once a very poor land where only a few people lived until a few travelers found diamonds and they started mining, Alvania has a lot of riches underground. They found gold, diamonds, silver, emeralds and even Jaspers. The once poorest country became the richest country in the whole continent. Which caused war with alot of country's but no country could defeat them.

Elaine was amazed by the history of Alvania that she forgot about the book she saw in the library

Elaine had her face buried in the book that she didn't even notice when Alexander came in.

He walked over to her and snatched the book

"Hey" Elaine screamed at him before her gaze softened at the sight of those mesmerizing Golden eyes

"Really?" He said with an arched brow

"Oh Alex" she said

"Come, your maid told me you refused to eat all day because of a book" he said and looked at the book cover 

"Your so interested in the history of Alvania huh?"