
Married Off To A Cold Eyed Knight

Rosemary was born into royalty, but unlike the princesses in fairy tales, she doesn't enjoy the perks that come with the title. In fact, she's looked down on by those around her for failing to live up to what her society expects of her as one born into the Kuroriku clan's main family, strength, durability, and vigor. Rosemary was born with a frail body and inadequate mana, not like the other members of her family who were all born with hardy bodies and vast potential. The only ones around who seem to treat her nicely are her brother and his girlfriend, Artemia. Despite their moral support, Rose still desires to escape her unloving father and those around her who made her life a living hell. One day, the chance finally presents itself in the form of a tall, dark, and handsome upstart knight with a cold stare. Will she accept even though it might mean entering a loveless marriage. But, what if love were to bloom in the most unlikely of places? Or is that only a thing that happens in fairy tales?

sun_imperial · Fantasie
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457 Chs

Chapter 445: Playful Tornado

Rose PoV

After breakfast, I settled into a comfortable spot near the playpen, watching the little kids play. Anis was waving her elephant plushie around, her tiny arms flailing with joy as she let out delightful coos. It was so cute to see her so engaged with her toy.

I giggled as her cousin Azami watched her intently. He held his tiger plushie close to his body, his big eyes wide with fascination. Every time Anis waved the elephant, he would let out a soft "Goo!" as if he were trying to join in on the fun. The simplest things brought them so much joy, and it warmed my heart to see them interact.

"Look at them," I said to Saffron, who had joined me on the floor. He smiled as Anis played.

"They're so adorable," he replied, chuckling softly as Anis swung her plushie a little too enthusiastically, nearly knocking over one of the toys in the playpen. "I think they're going to be quite the trio."