

She is a cheerful cafe owner who is hoping for her boyfriend to pop the question but is instead surprised to find out that he has been cheating on her.... He is a famous actor who is planning to propose to his girlfriend and even make their relationship public when she suddenly gets married to another man.... Both heartbroken souls set out to let out their grief and anger but things go out of hand when they spark rumours of being in a relationship.....forcing them into a marriage of convenience with one another.. Two strangers,same heart break...will they be able to heal each other or have their hearts gone cold from being heartbroken.... Follow Jiang Hao( HE) and Sang Yi( HER) on this journey of healing

asha_dayah · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
44 Chs



" What would make you think that I wouldn't listen to my wife..." he said as I tried to hold onto my heart which was throbbing hard because of those words, I don't know if he said it as a slip of the tongue or intentionally but they did make heart beat..." I'll go and buy us break fast.." I said trying to escape this really awkward situation.." There's no need..I bought you both break fast." Eric said as he showed me the bags.." Okay...I see." I said as I came to set it up for Jiang Hao," Make sure you eat alot..to refill your energy." I said to him as he nodded, Eric on the other hand just stood there and watched both of us eat..claiming that he had already had his breakfast before coming.



" You don't have to worry about me...I'll have the rest I need to." Jiang Hao assured me as I picked up my bag and set off for work," Drop her off on your way." he said to Eric as we left..I didn't trust him when he said he was going to give himself rest but I still needed to work any way..while in the car there was this silence between me and Eric I guess because we really didn't have much to talk about," Thank you for taking care of him." he said," It's nothing...that's as much as I could do for him." I replied," How long have you worked for him?" I asked," Well our relationship goes way back..we met in college and then when he became an actor..I asked to be his assistant." he replied," So you are technically brothers." I said as he smirked," I wouldn't call us that.." he said.



" Thank you for the ride." I said to him as we reached the cafe.." It's nothing." I replied as he turned to leave when Alia came out calling out to me," You finally here...it's my first day at work and iam going to be scolded because of you." she said as I apologized for being late.." Its okay...how's Jiang Hao." she asked," He's doing well..." I replied," Okay then..I'll talk when iam back.." she said as she quickly picked her bag and left for work.




Lying in the hospital has to be the kind of relaxation I've been wanting in so long..I mean not doing anything and just staring blankly at the white walls while turning in my bed and sighing, but with this audition coming soon,I couldn't have that rest.. atleast not as yet, I pulled out the script and read it again and again and again but for some reason it still seemed like i still wasn't ready enough.." Hello.." said a familiar voice as I was surprised by Jiang Li Li who was walking into the ward," What are you doing here?" I asked," What's that supposed to mean...iam your sister but I only find out about your illness from some website.." she said as she came and sat down besides me," And aren't you supposed to be resting..what's with the script?" she asked as I just quietly stared at her since she didn't give me a chance to speak," Why are you not saying anything?" she asked as I scoffed," Like you were giving me a chance.." I said," Look iam doing okay...you don't have to worry about me." I replied as she pulled out her phone," I sure do hope you are." she replied as she stood up and looked around the hospital," But how do you keep going back and forth between cities..is the company doing that great?" I asked..Jiang Li Li took on the responsibility of the company our dad left us and I must say she is pretty dominant and hardworking in that field," With a CEO like my self...the company doing well should be priority." she replied as she smiled and continued to walk around.




" Are you sure he will be fine on his own?" I asked Jiang Li Li as I helped her settle down in her room," Well yes..I made sure Eric is there with him." she replied as I noticed her smiling," What's wrong?" I asked," Well seeing you worry about him makes me happy..." she replied," I love that for him." she added as I wrapped up with the preparation," It's my duty." I replied as I asked her to take a shower and come down for dinner.

Jiang Li Li had a cheerful personality, she was pretty inquisitive and talkative and fun to listen too, we had meals and she told me all these childhood stories of her and Jiang Hao..we even watched her favourite series which also turned out to be my favourite series..we were just clicking and I loved that for us..." As much as I would love this to go on..I can't break my ' Make sure you sleep before 10' rule." she said as she stood up," You are right..I also have work tomorrow.." I replied as we both stood up and headed to our rooms.

While in my room, I sent a text to Jiang Hao asking him how he was doing,« Iam okay..thank you for asking.» he replied,« How are you and Lili..I hope she's wasn't much trouble» he asked,« She wasn't..I actually loved her company.» i replied as we continued texting more.. conversation between us never really needed to be forced, they all just came out naturally, one question led to another and before I knew it I was smiling with my phone in my hands and patiently waiting for him to text back..and it all felt good.




" Are you sure you don't need more hospital observation?" Eric asked as he signed my discharge papers," Iam good...plus I need to me ale final preparations for the audition." I replied as we headed to the car," Right..but don't stress yourself up for that again." he urged me as I appreciated his care for me.



" May I come in?" Sang Yi asked as she walked into my room holding a bowl of soup," Nanny lee asked me to give this for you..." she said as she placed it on a table besides me," Make sure you have it...and also make sure you have turns of rest between your practice." she added as she smiled to me and left...there is a strange way how whatever she did for me started becoming a big deal even to me...I started to care about the details of her actions towards me and I really wanted her to just keep being there or doing things for me.

After preparations for the remaining days, it was finally time for the audition and I was ready," I'll park the car..you can head in." Eric said as he went back into the car, I had to pass in the back door to avoid the news reporters who were all piled up at the entrance," Look who we have here." a voice said from behind me," I figured it was Yoh considering how your voice irritated my ears." I said on turning and seeing Han Chen," You still funny as always.." he said sarcastically as he came and tapped my shoulder," I hope you will still have time to make the same jokes after I win the role." he added as he turned to walk away," Congratulations on your marriage by the way." he added as he laughed maniacally and left..he always knew how to annoy me but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of me and securing this role


