
Marriage at the Wrong Place

On the day of her wedding, Xi Lana entered the wrong church.

monoinstress · Allgemein
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4 Chs

Ch. 3

Xi Lana and Hui Xiaojun entered a different church together, where the guests were fewer and screamed wealth. She suddenly got cold feet, as she- unwillingly, hook her arm on his. However she wouldn't even budge, it seemed that walking one step is walking down her own grave.

"H-hey, wait... I'm not feeling well." Coughing, she lowered her head and acted queasy as if she'd faint anytime.

The more Lana glance at him, the more she find him attractive, especially his sharp jaw. He has refined sculpture-like features that can attract both male and female. Damn, he could even beat Apollo for that.

Even so, she isn't willing to marry a stranger who ruined her 'real' wedding and be forced to marry the stranger instead. But she wanted to know if what he said earlier is true. Being sold in exchange of money is so ancient, why does it still exist?-- she thought

Xiaojun frowned. He smelled her unrealistic acting in every aspect, head to toe, externally and internally. "I used to be a theatre actor. You can't fool me with your lame antics." He tugged her arm to make her walk.

On the sidelines, Xia mused while looking at his boss and the 'girl'. Hui Xiaojun and Xi Lana resembled a master taking his dog out for a walk. Very fitting.

"Pa, uncle Hui's right-hand man is weird. Why is he giggling alone, what's funny?"

Lana felt like she walked for a century, upon reaching the altar she wasted no time. "I do." Everyone fell silent and laughed afterwards.

The priest chuckled, thinking how excited the blushing bride is, "Bride, there is no question yet."

Indeed she became a 'blushing' bride. She felt blood rushing up to her face resembling a cherry. Hui Xiaojun found it amusing, he was thinking whether to send her to the hospital after the wedding to give her blood transfusion.

Very well. ""I, Hui Xiaojun, take you, Xi Lan, to be my lawfully wedded wife ... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part," He smirked, showing his perfect set of pearly white teeth.

Without wasting any time, he took a step forward and reached for the veil. He was met with watery eyes that showed contempt. She didn't even bother to hide her hatred towards him. Only then the Hui Xiaojun realised the beauty in front of him. He closed the distance between the two of them and no one stepped in to stop.

Everyone held their breath.

Hui Xiaojun was never fond of any form of contact. Even shaking hands is no exception and seeing him kiss someone... who would've thought..

Before the wedding began, the groom's best of friends bet if XiaoJun will give a peck or a longer kiss or none and it has been more than 10 seconds.

"Calm down! Your wife ain't running away!" The shout made the mood lighter -for the males present only of course. The female are either jealous or jealous.

'That's right. She won't, we are.' Hui XiaoJun picked her up that she did not have the chance to react.

The way he ran while holding her 'bridal' style was like a scene from a movie. It was majestic, magical that every girl present would feel envious.

"That was lovely."

"Hmph! My ex did that on our wedding day too! He ran away with his dumb tramp instead."

'Good Lord, have mercy!' The priest shook his head, focusing on the groom and bride who just left. 'I wasn't really needed, was I?'

Hui Xiaojun's present brothers can't help but shake their heads. They can't believe the guests wait longer than the actual wedding procession. They just kissed and left! No exchanging of rings or anything. Everything happened so fast.

"Don't worry. Mother will surely give them a wedding of her preference. We weren't spared from that misfortune and so should Jun."