
chapter 7

chapter 7(pregnancy)

it is been going to a year since Eva got married to this beast on human form who does not even think about her own feeling as his wife. Eva gets up from the chair and feels a little dizzy and the last thing she remembered was that she fell when the king who was just coming saw his wife on the floor he just walked pass her and if this is what you want to use to draw My attention you better stand up hiss says Alex

she remain on the floor until some maid that came to her rescue to take her to the hospital and then informs the king that his wife has fainted that is when Alex knew that it is not a joke so he quikly went to the hospital and get there he saw doc Kohler their family doctor who tell Alex that they have done some test and his wife his four months pregnant , congratulations king says doc Kohler. she is been discharged from the hospital and is told not to do any work nor think nor stress her self on the other hand Alex sit on his throne thinking he is happy that he is having a child but not from this woman then he can to a conculsion that he will take care of the child and divorce the mother.