
Chapter 01

"Attention to all passengers, we will be landing at Incheon Airport in 15 minutes time. Please fasten your seatbelts to avoid any accidents from happening. Thank you !"

Mark Tuan Yi-En

He wasn't a male model but he should have been. The lush, golden blonde hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his rude health. His only blemish was that he was beetle-browed and they sometimes knitted in frustration.

The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority.

People had always remarked that his best feature was his entrancing, golden brown eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. Flamboyant of character, the room always filled with his sonorous, rumbling voice. He was also quick to crack a joke or fire off a humorous retort. His rakish clothes were a source of amusement to some, not least because they emanated an herbal smell

The airplane had the look of a billionaire's private jet. There were no rows of seats, only the most elegant leather couches and coffee tables with ornate cabriole legs. There were plush curtains at the windows and a plasma screen as large as a movie theatre.

Mark Tuan was seated way at the back where not many people sat so thankfully, he was able to enjoy some peace and quiet to close his eyes and relax his mind off the stressful studies he had been going on for the past few years. Now, he ie able to finally return home to his country, Seoul, South Korea. Well, he isn't born there but he gew up there since the age of 6. So technically, Seoul is his second home.

"Hello, Seoul city..." He muttered under his breath.

It was midday, the worst time to arrive. As Mark came out of the plane, he felt the heat reflecting off the tarmac. It was hard to breathe. The air was heavy and smelled of diesel. He was sweating even before he had reached the bottom of the steps, and the arrivals lounge offered no relief. The air-conditioning was broken and Mark soon found himself trapped in a confined space with two or three hundred people and no windows. The terminal building was more like a large shed than a modern airport building. The walls were a drab, olive green, decorated with faded posters of the island and looked twenty years out of date.

After a few rounds of identity screenings and security checks, he finally got his luggage and made his way out of the crowded airport. if he wants to be honest with himself, he was suffocating in there. Like a fish out of water, gasping for air.

Mark felt his phone vibrated inside his pocket. He then took it out and sees a notification on his lock screen and he unlocks the phone screen to see a message from his mother

'Mark, we left the house keys with the neighbours. They are very nice and they don't bite. So, please be nice to them and please take care of yourself. Your father and I will pay you a visit soon.'

- Mom

The word 'soon' sounds like forever... His parents are busy all year round. They never have time for him but Mark is already used to it anway. He has been living alone at the age of 13 as he wanted to be independant and not rely on his parents too much. Above all, his parents agreed as well, so he is okay with it.

Mark then trudged dowm the streets of Seoul and waved for a cab, heading to the house whuch he left for years to study aboard.


Inside the cab, he glanced out the window, looking at the crowd like it has a life of its own, the vibrant clothes shine in the morning light and the people move like enchanting shoals of fish. There is chatter between sellers and buyers, old friends catching up, new friends made. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brings a life to this city Mark wouldn't want to be without.

Mark thanked the driver as the cab came to a halt in front of the gate of his house.

"It has been a long time since I've been here...." Mark said while smilling to himself.

He then made his way to his neighbours house to ask for the house keys.


Inside the house, at the livin room, sat a young girl with an ugly posture . The table was filled with pieces of leftover potato chips with both of her legs on it. She kept munching and stuffing the chips inside her mouth while laughing hysterically at the television show that she was watching. Whereas in the kitchen, a young and pretty girl with shiny black hair nicely tied back in a bun, exposing her neck, was cutting up onions to prepare for dinner when she heard the door intercom rang, she quickly hasten her steps to answer the door.

The girl pressed the 'answer' button and a unfamiliar face shows up.

"Umm... How may I help you ?" She questioned

"Hi, my name is Mark and I was told by my mom that my house keys are with you ? As you can see, I live next door." Mark flashed a gentle smile.

The girl then remembered that Mark was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tuan who lives next door.

"Sorry, please hold on for a moment." She bowed in apology amd rushed back into the house and went up to her room to find the keys. Mark just stayed and waited outside for the girl to pass him the keys.

The girl who was unglamly sitting in the living room, stood up and went to look at the intercom. The instance she saw Mark, she was lovestruck by his handsome face and manly figure. She has fell in love with Mark with just one glance. Eun-Hee who was just going down the stairs with the keys in her hands was about to give the keys to Mark, when she was stopped by her .

"Hey brat, who is that man at the door ?" The girl harshly asked.

"Oh, unnie that is the son or Mr. and Mrs. Tuan who is our neighbour. Remember ?" Eun-Hee told her.

They never really knew that Mr. and Mrs. had a son since they never seen him around. They only knew that they had a daughter.

Whatever it is, currious got the better of her and she wanted to know more about Mark. She roughly snatched the keys away from Eun-Hee and glared at her.

"Go inside and continue to prepare for dinner. I want it to be ready by 8.00pm do you understand ? Do not come out until I tell you to do so. If you don't obey what I say, punishment will be coming your way. Got it ? Now fuck off my face and get your work done." The girl commanded.

Eun-Hee only bowed and qickly resumed her tasks in the kitchen.

The girl tidied herself up and cleared her stained lips with her hands. She then walked out, pretending to be lady-like. The girl opened up the gate and looked at Mark. Mark just smiled and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Mark and I just came back from studying aboard at Australia." Mark greeted her.

The girl smiled back and her tone changed to a soft and gentle one. Unlike just now, in the house with Eun-Hee.

"Hello, my name is Kim So-Eun. I lived here with my younger sister, Kim Eun-Hee since four years ago. Nice to meet you." So-Eun said.

Mark smiled and asked her for the keys. So-Eun literally eyed Mark from top to bottom. Admiring every little detail about him. Mark called her name many tines but she could not hear because she was busy checking him out for the past five to ten minutes.

Mark then had to shout out her name in front of her face to snap her back to reality. So-Eun laughed awkwardly and passed Mark the keys.

Mark then thanked her for the keys and started to walk away.

After he was gone from So-Eun's view, she squealed. " Soooo handsomeee !"


When Mark stepped into the house, he was greeted by his favourite scent, lavender. It seems that his mother has been putring the effort to keep this house clean for him when he arrived here. He switched on the lights to find all the furnitures clean and polished very well. He bruehed his hands over them and not a speck of dust was even found. Truth to be told, he was definitely impressed. The television screen was shiny and floor was squeaky clean. Everything was so damn clean.

Mark then carried his luggage up to his room and he immedistely sprawled himself on his bed. Sniffing the pleasemt snd calming scent of the bedsheets. He misses his room and everything about it so damn much. Mark then decided to call hos big sister to inform her that he has safely arrived home.

"Hello there Markiepooh... Have you reached ?" - Sister

"Aish ! How many times have I told you  not to call me that ?! I am not a little kid anymore noona." Mark snorted.

"But you are still my baby brother to me Mark." - Sister

Laughter could be heard from the other line.

"Anyways, how is our home ?" - Sister

"Still the same as always." Mark said

"Okay. Just go and take a rest. You must be very tired from the flight." - Sister

"Okay. Bye noona." Mark ended the call and he decided to take a shower.


Back in the house, So-Eun is just happily lying on her bed in her room, fantasising about how handsome and hot Mark is. Just then, Eun-Hee came knocking on her door.

"Unnie, dinner is ready." Eun-Hee said.

"Ugh, come in." So-Eun replied while rolling her eyes.

Eun-Hee then came in and carefully placed the dinner on the night stand. She just stood there waiting for her big sister's next set of instructions but it never came. She just hang her head low like a lowly slave.

"Well,what are doing just standing there brat. Scram. Get the hell out of my damn room. Now." So-Eun barked at her.

Eun-Hee just bowed her head and began to retreat back out of the room when So-Eun spoke up.

"Stay away from Mark Tuan. He is mine. Got it ?" So-Eun said coldly.

Eun-Hee replied with a yes and went out of her sister's room. So-Eun started to get back to dreaming about Mark.

Eun-Hee went downstairs to clear the mess that her big sister made just now from eating potato chips. After that, she went to do the laundry and wash her sister's dirty clothes with her hands as her sister does not allow her to use the washing machine to wash it.  Next up, Eun-Hee went to the kitchen to pre-cooked the rice, so that her sister can straight away eat it the next morning.

After all that, she can finally go to sleep in her room, which is the basement.

The basement is filled with spider webs and dust. There is only one bed and that is where Eun-Hee usually sleeps. However, the pillow is giving off a bad stench and it is unbearable. Well, maybe this is her fate.

Eun-Hee then slowly closes her eyes and start to go to dreamland.
