
Mark discovers Water

Mark has jumped into the portal. It was a rational decision, considering the alternative was to wait in darkness for eternity.

Mark wouldn't know the troubles that would come.

Mark awakened in a vast field, littered with junk of all kinds.

"What is this place?" Mark asked himself.

It seems that this place is unfamiliar to Mark, as he needs to survey it some more.

Mark stands, and walks through the large piles of trash that line the horizon, polluting the air and the ground.

"Who has done this?" He asks himself.

The answer is not coming to him, he doesn't know where he is, who he is, or how he is, because of the void.

He long lost his inner peace and little bubble that surrounded him. He lost it all once he was defeated by Jesus and his army of American Tanks.

"How did he even get those?" He asked himself.

Jesus was a kind man, many knew him for his generosity, and most know him by his self proclaimed status as the son of god. Mark knew this to be true, he had inside knowledge on the mythological world from a very young age.

It all started when he was a little boy. His parents, not that he remembered their names, had always given him little necklaces to wear and show off to everyone else. Mark didn't know at the time, but what was happening was that the necklaces were engineered to collect soul power from nearby humans, increasing the wearer's magical power beyond the scope of human limitation.

He was grateful to his parents for that, he got out of many fights by using his abilities.

He got too cocky and challenged god, then got shown his place.

Mark sees a line of trees on the horizon. It seems the trash heaps have stopped appearing. Strange.

Mark advances to the forest, not knowing what awaited him. He managed to get to a small pond, clear as glass.

"I really need a drink, I didn't get one from god so I might as well..." Mark mumbles as he brings his mouth to the water of the pond.

Suddenly, a being emerges from the pond.

"Stop! Don't drink me!"

"W-water Chan?!"

"I'm a Pond! Not just water! And what are YOU doing here anyways? This place is a wasteland!"

"I fought god and won, so he called his son Jesus to come kick my ass with American Tanks. Then I went through a portal and landed here."

"What! You fought God? And won! Bullshit!"

Mark forms an angry scowl on his face.

"Then why don't I prove it to you, puddle!"

"DON'T CALL ME PUDDLE!" shouted the angry Pond, forming a water fist supported by it's vast resources.

"Not a small puddle now eh?" The puddle smugly said as if it won the argument.

"Hmmf." Was all that was heard as Mark snapped his fingers, causing the water fist to vaporize entirely.

"WHAT! MY WATER!" screamed the puddle, forming spikes of water to try and recapture some of the moisture that has left to the sky, which doesn't return.

"Heh! Not so mighty now huh?" Mark teased, grin clear as day.

"How can you say that..." The Pond sighed in a defeated tone. "Without that water, I'll surely starve..."

If water spirits could cry then the pond would've then and there.

Mark was actually feeling bad now, he had ruined this innocent little pond's life like a monster. Surely he could do something to help?

"Is there any way to get more water for you?"

The pond stopped crying, and gave a clear reply. "There is, but I need to find a larger body of water to take water from, and there isn't any more water around here for hundreds of miles."

What will Mark do? Will he find the water spirit a new source of water, or will he be a big ol meanie and let it starve? Stay tuned!

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