

When a certain cat startes to vist Mari will he discover that he has feelings for her or will he ask a certain bug for help. (Adrians mom is alive in this book her name is Emilie but they call her Em)

lunareza20 · Fantasie
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16 Chs



As I threw a pillow at Mari's face she looked at me and said: " I hope you know what you got yourself into because this means war kitty."

Mari grabbed a pillow to throw at me, but I dogged the pillow easily. She then got another one and started beating me with it. I tried covering my face with my hands. I then flipped her over and I was now on top of her.

I stared at her with a slight red covering my face. I leaned close to her face and said: "what happened did cat get your tongue." I stared at her and saw that she had a mad look. I couldn't help myself she looked so cute when she is mad I had to kiss her so I leaned into her. I noticed that she didn't want to kiss me back, but soon after she gave in and started to kiss me.


I pushed him off of me to be able to get some air. We stayed there for a while. After I asked if he wanted to watch a movie. I had explained that my parents were going to be gone for a month. So chat just nodded.

Soon the morning passed by quickly. It was 3:00 pm and I told him that I had to go make pastries for tomorrow. Being the gentlemen he is he offered to help me. And all I did was walk to the bakery. I stopped before we could go in and said: "okay chat I am trusting that you will not make a mess in my kitchen."


"Purrrinces you think I would make a mess in your kitchen." She looked at me and then opened the doors to the kitchen. Her kitchen was huge. "Wow I mean I've never been in a kitchen before but I know they aren't this big." I hadn't realized that I said that out loud until I heard Mari giggle. "Why are you laughing I didn't do anything" "no kitchens aren't this big but I mean this is a bakery." She walked in and handed me an apron and got one her self.


He looked at me weird and then I put the apron around his neck and tied it behind his back. I walked up to the shelf and looked through a couple of recipes. Chat put his had on a page and said: "can we make this." I looked drown and show the recipe for croissants I nodded and put the book down. I was looking for everything we were going to need. I then felt Chat pick me up and sat me down on the island in the middle of the kitchen.


Mari looked at me confused but I said "tell me where everything is and I'll get it for you. Ok." Mari gust nodded. "Okay. Tell me where the first thing is." "Well we are going to need land o lakes,butter,purposes flour,a carton of eggs,milk,sugar,water,2 bowls,a mixing spoon,and Nutella.(I'm sorry but I don't cook so I might not know what everything is called, or what you need to make the food so bare with me.) I looked like a little kid going throw a kitchen I couldn't find anything.

I could hear a little giggle. Mari was looking at me laughing her but off. "Well, would you like to tell me where everything is because I fell like I'm making a mess." "Fine."

"Okay so the land o lakes are in the last cabinet on your right, the butter is in the fridge, the purpose flour is next to land o lakes, the eggs are in the fridge, the milk is also in the fridge, sugar is in the middle cabinet, the bowls are in one of the last cabinets, the spoon is on the counter, the Nutella is in the pantry, and we also need 3 cups of water."


The chat was moving all over the just kept nodding and he didn't have as much trouble finding the things as I thought. After he got everything he had a look of satisfaction. I tried hard not to laugh because I knew that this was only the beginning. I couldn't help myself I had to laugh.


She started laughing at me. She looked at me warmly, sighed and patted my back. She went to go get the recipe book. "Okay, kitty crack 3 eggs in a bowl add milk and open the flour. OMG chat what did you gust do I turn around for one minute and the flour is all over the place."

"Sorry princess I was opening the bag and then 'poof' it exploded on me."


"Its okay gust help me clean up before we start." He just nodded. When we got the kitchen clean I helped him make the croissants. When we finished we were both covered in flour.

"Okay Chat 'giggles' I need to get cleaned and so do you soon. I got it there's a bathroom down this hall you can take a shower there and I'll take one in my bathroom okay. Here follow me. Okay, meet me in my room. OKAY."

As I got in the shower I started singing. Little did I know that Chat had already finished. And was listening to me sing. As I finished I got dressed. I was wearing a black shirt that 'MEOW' and black shorts. As I got out I was startled to see Chat right outside the door. "Chat you scared me I thought you weren't done yet."


Dam I never knew that Mari had a good voice. "Well, purrinces you never told me that you had an amazing voice." "Chat you heard me I uh no no-one has ever heard me sing b-before I mean like I never knew if I sounded g-good but I guess if you say so." "Its okay come on let's go to sleep you look tired." She nodded at me and lead me to her bed.

~~~~~~~~~~Next day~~~~~~~~~~


A while later I woke up I decided to take a shower. As I got out I noticed that there was someone in my bed. As I went to see who it was I sow Chat was there, and all of a sudden his transformation wore off I couldn't believe that Adrien was Chat. I was in shock I mean I like Adrien but I didn't think he liked me back. "Hey, Adri-Chat wake up."


As I woke up I noticed I wasn't in my room that I had stayed over. I heard Mari try waking me up but almost said Adrien. She looked at me a little concerned that's when I looked down. I couldn't believe that I had transformed back to my normal self. "Okay, Mari I can expl...


I couldn't believe it I liked Adrien and he liked me. That's when he started talking I had to shut him up because I knew that I was also lying to him so I hugged him. "Its okay Kitty I mean I wasn't completely honest to you either. But I mean we like each other and that's all that counts right." "Wait what do you mean that you weren't completely honest Mari." Adrian broke the hug and looked at me confused.

"Adrien I meant that we were both blind I mean how did I not figure it out. But know that I know if you do look alike I mean you both have the same hair still, same eye color, the same cute smile, same voice omg how did I not figured it out I mean you were my boyfriend. O that's if you want to, of course, I don't expect you to say ye....


"Princes, of course, I want to be your boyfrie... wait what do you mean by not being honest." "Adrian I'm LADYBUG." "Mari omg your Ladybug your My'laby so that means that I fell for both sides of you."


"Adrien we are going to be late for school we can talk about this after school. Okay." I walked out of my room Adrien follow behind me. When we left my house I asked him "so Adrien your my kitty omg that's what I'm going to call you. Okay so kitty now that we know are identities how are we going to do this I mean I love you and all but I can't be having a stray come in my house every night. Because I will also want to spend time with you. And we can't let no one know that Ladybug and Cahtnoir are dating. And we will have told our friends about us dating. How will Alya react about us two dating? I mean she is my best friend. I can't keep this lie from her I have to tell her kitty."


"Okay so what if we do this you, tell Alya that we are dating so that she doesn't suspect and we will keep it a secret from everyone else. Okay." "Okay. But what about Nino I mean Alya and him are dating so if Alya tells him for us it will look like we didn't want to tell him. So you tell Nino and I'll tell Alya."


Something is of "hey Nino why is Marinette with Adrien I thought she could nearly get a word out. Much less a sentence." "I know right I was about to ask you the same thing"


As we were walking towards Alya and Nino they just stared at us. , "Hey, guys what's up." "We could ask you the same thing you two." "Well, we came to talk to you about something." Mari took Alya inside witch left me and Nino.


I know my dude is acting weird lately but he came with Mari. I mean come on there has to be something there right. "Dude I know that you and Mari are dating." Adrien looked at me surprised. "Hey look it doesn't take a genius to figure this out. I mean you look at Mari the same way I look at Alya. And the way you wanted to hold her hand when you two were walking. I Alya doesn't figure it out I will be surprised. And I like that you two are dating. Everyone had an OTP about you two. We even shipped you names together. Adrienette by the way." Ddiinnngggg. "Come on dude lets head to class.


When I told Alya she seemed okay with it. Of course, she asked me how we started dating which I had to lie because I couldn't tell her that Adrian is ChatNoir and that he has been visiting me for the last couple of months.

Alya told me if we agreed on Adrian and I would sit together. I knew all she wanted was to sit with Nino but I mean sure why not.


I was ecstatic to hear that my OTP had come true. As we headed to class I took Adrian's seat which made him stare at me confused but then he got the idea and went to sit next to Mari.