

When a certain cat startes to vist Mari will he discover that he has feelings for her or will he ask a certain bug for help. (Adrians mom is alive in this book her name is Emilie but they call her Em)

lunareza20 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Masked [part 2]


Days it has been 5 days and we still haven't found the Akuma. The worst part is that the attacks are getting worse with every day passing. Chat and I are getting really irritated. Usually, it doesn't take long to catch the Akuma but this has got to mean that Hawkmoth has got something planned out. Master Fu has even considered adding new members to see if one of us can see where the Akuma might be hiding.

Today Adrian and I were called to see Master Fu. Once I got there Adrian was already there. "Marionette take a seat," Master Fu said. " know that we're all here I wanted to say that since its getting harder to find this Akuma I will be giving two more miraculous. I want you two to choose who will be getting them. Marionette if you could come with me I will be giving you the fox miraculous and Adrian I will be giving you the turtle miraculous. I'm trusting that they will be given to trustworthy people. You are excused."

Once Adrian and I step outside we turned to look at each other. "So do you have any ideas on who we should give the miraculous to." Adrian askes turning to me. "Well, we could always give Alya the fox one since this won't be the first time she will be using it. And we could maybe consider giving the turtle miraculous to Nino I mean he is our friend and it will be easier to tell them that we are the saviors of Paris." I said walking to school.

"Okay, we will give them the miraculous during lunch. We will have to tell them that we are Ladybug & Chatnoir," he said opening the door to class.

Time Skip to Lunch

"Hey, Alya," I said walking into the library. She looked up from the computer she was on. "Hey, girl," she said back. "Um, Alya I need to talk to you," I said sitting next to her. "Is something wrong." She asked turning around to look at me. "Alya I'm going tell you something but you can't tell anybody," I said looking at her with a serious face. "What I'm about to tell you I don't want you to freak out, treat me differently, or even post it," I said. "I'm Ladybug," I whispered loud enough for her to hear me. I looked up to see her expression her eyes were popping out and her mouth hanging open. I giggled a little seeing her face "Alya close your mouth you look weird." "Okay so let me make sure I got everything your Ladybug. What else is Adrian Chatnoir." She said looking at me. "Well now that you asked yea," I said looking at the table. "WHAT!!!!!" She screamed. "Alya I said to be quiet," I said pulling on her arm. " Well, now that I have said that I need to know if you would like to have trixx back. Master. fu wanted Adrian and me to find some new heroes to see if they noticed something different then Adrian and I saw. So what do you say do you want to have trixx back." I said taking out the fox miraculous. "Well, I would be honored to be Rena rouge again. But I have a question." She said putting on the necklace. " Ask away." " How am I supposed to keep this away from Nino." " You won't need to worry about that." As I finished telling her that the bell rang meaning that lunch was over.


Once Mari and I went to go look for Alya and Nino. I knew that Nino would be in music class. As I was walking in I could hear his songs. "Hey, Nino," I said patting his back. "Sup dude," he replied taking off his headphones. "Hey, I need to tell you something. I'm Chatnoir." I said looking at his face waiting for his reaction but, it never came. " Dude did you really think that I didn't notice. I mean come on its so noticeable and I'm a little surprised that it took you so long to figure out that Marionette is Ladybug. Like, come on its so obvious it did take me a little to figure it out but you were never there when an Akuma would arrive and you were tired all the time so after putting two and two together I figured it out." Well, that will be easier than what I thought. "Okay so then you know that Mari and I have been having trouble catching the Akuma. Master, Fu wanted us to give two people miraculous he thought that have more heroes will increase our chances to find the Akuma. And he gave me the turtle miraculous and I wanted to give it to you. That is if you want it." I said taking out the turtle miraculous. "Yea I'll take it but, how am I supposed to tell Alya this." He said putting on the bracelet.

"Well, you won't have to worry about Alya. But I want you to get to know you kwami." As I said that waze his kwami appeared which caused Nino to fall out of his chair. "Hello Nino I'm waze I will be you kwami," he said once the green lights around him disappeared. "Nino this is waze he will help you turn into Carapace. Hopefully Master. Fu lets you keep waze." As I finished telling him that the bell rang meaning that lunch was over.