

The world has always been made up of connections. Invisible, flexible, intangible connections between each and every person on the planet. Upon meeting another person, a connection is formed, and can change, evolve, and vary between people over the course of a lifetime.

Everyone is connected in some way, and many pieces go together to create those connections.

You have the yellow link, which is called friendship. People who get along, enjoy one another's company, often having similar interests, and care for one another. This link is valued heavily throughout the world, with people placing value on their friendship links. People often do whatever they can to help someone they have a yellow connection with. As such, it had become a symbol of loyalty.

Another kind of connection is a blue link. These links represent neutrality, mere acquaintances. This is one of the most common links on the planet. Every person knows a thousand other people, and meets a thousand more within their lifetime, but these relationships do not always evolve past this point, remaining forever neutral. It is estimated that a single person has up to five thousand of these links.

An antagonistic link is the crimson link. Crimson like blood, this connection represents hate or anger. Individuals do not always connect well, due to difference of belief, contrasting personalities, a dislike of an action one has taken, or a rough history. These are the links of anger and hate, and are one of the only links that can cause intense negative emotion.

Each person is like a web, with a thousand connections attached to their souls. Sometimes these links remain with a person forever. Sometimes they get severed, never to be reconnected.

There is, however, one link that is established the day a person is born.

The soul link.

In more colonial terms, a soul link is a connection between soulmates. There is only one of these links per person, and are shared by only one other person, and cannot be severed, even beyond death. These links are always connected, can withstand any strain, any pain, any circumstance, and any horrors that may be faced. These links are what makes both halves become whole, and make life worth living for each person. They are sacred, and valued more than life for many individuals.

However, the soul link can be a double edged sword.

While it is true that the soul link is the link that can bring the greatest happiness known, it can also bring the greatest pain known. Not every soul link results in a relationship. Many things can prevent it. External sources. Prejudice. Anger. Jealousy. Fear. Anxiety. A lack of knowledge.

For miraculous holders however, it can sometimes often just be plain complicated for the link to be made clear.

This story focuses on one of the most complicated love affairs between miraculous wielders, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Each and every time in history, both of the wielders of these magical items have been chosen due to their soul link - They are always soul mates. For some couples, however, this can be a far more dangerous prospect than others.

Miraculous holders are placed into a dangerous position, and not always literally. Should these miraculouses be given to a couple who are not soul linked, the results could end up being disastrous, sometimes bordering onto outright hostility.

The Ladybug and Chat Noir of the 21st century set themselves up for more difficulties than needed when they agreed to hide that they were Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain Cheng, a match made by the heavens themselves.

Not once before had a Ladybug and Chat Noir duo hidden their identities from one another.

It was setting themselves up for heartache.