
Reborn as Who?

(???'s pov)

So, here I am, dead. On the ground bleeding out my organs. Never knew death was this anticlimactic. I thought there would be an after life, or something. But no, it's just a void.

I'm so bored. I can't even move my body. Do I even have a body now? I don't know, probably not. Wish I did though. I could have at least played rock paper scissors with myself.

But no, I'm stuck like this. No control over anything, just like when I was alive. Wait, was I even alive? My memory is getting kinda foggy. All I remember are things from books and TV shows. Which is cool I guess.

Wait a minute, what's that blue square in the distance? It looks like a screen. And it's getting closer. Oh God, am I gonna die again? Nooooo.


The blue screen stops right in my field of vision. Or, at least that's what I call it. More accurately, it just came closer to a point where I can read it.

[ Choose world ]

What is this, some sort of system screen? Never thought I would see one of these. And how do I choose a world? I don't even have a body to touch the screen.

[ Think of any fictional world you like, and think 'I choose ___________ world' ]

Ooohhhh, so it's a mental thing. That's kinda cool actually. It gets rid of the problem of not having a body to touch it. Ok ok, what world do I choose?hmmm, y'know what, let's go with a world that's super wacky. I choose Star vs. the Forces of Evil world.

[ World chosen ..... Implementing system]

I get a system too. I've hit the jackpot.

[ Choose race ]

[ Human ]

[ Mewman ]

[ Demon ]

[ Other ]

Oh, I get to choose my race. Uh, let's just go with human. I already know everything about humans, so I don't have to learn anything new. And it would be a hassle to learn everything about a different species.

[ Race Chosen.... Comensing reincarnation ]

Oh boy, I can't wait to be reborn. I hope I'm born in Echo Creek. I'll get to meet star and Marco. Maybe even join them on a few adventures.


( 3rd person POV )

In a hospital, you can currently hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Squeezing her poor husband's hand, which is most likely broken now.

Many doctors are around the woman, trying to help ease the pain of childbirth. A female doctor is at the end of the hospital bed helping the woman with safely bringing out the baby.

"Almost there Mrs. Diaz, just a little more." The female doctor said.

"Aaaggghhhh, get it out." Mrs. Diaz screams, squeezing more on her husbands already broken hand.

With one last push, the baby comes out. Mrs. Diaz breathes heavily as she lets go of her husband's hand. Who soon passes out due to the pain.

The female doctor hands Mrs. Diaz her baby. Mrs. Diaz looks at her newborn child with teary eyes. Thinking of how perfect he looks. And that she wants to raise him to be big and strong. Just like his currently past out father.

"What will you name him?" The female doctor asks.

"I think I'll name him, Marco. Marco Udaldo Diaz." Mrs. Diaz says.

And while everything was going on. The newly named baby was currently thinking in overdrive. Traumatized by the experience he just went through. And also surprised who he is. Now, he can only think of one thing.

' I'M MARCO!!!!!! '