
ch1: country mouse.

Rham woke up late as always, scratching his eyes in annoyance. "Another day another suffering."

Yes, he is indeed a lazy, pessimistic brat. Granted his annoyance today are doubled, no even TRIPPLED or QUADRUPLED! because of a single worrying factor, his cousin from the city is coming.

Charming, fashionable, the one you would picture if you heard the moniker campus crush. It was already noon, that jackass of a cousin is probably here already.

"Ugh, I wanna fall asleep and never wake up" Apperently Rham's favorite hobbies are loathing the world and cursing one's self.

Rham slowly opened his eyes. There lies his messy room. Bunch of papers, books, and chess pieces decorated his place chaotically, ahh crap, Gotta go clean up,

But first...

A foul stench of alcohol stung his nose, gotta get rid of this obvious signs.

Ma' would definetly whoop my butt if she found what I did on Ivan's bungalow. Slowly he throdded through a sea of mess. Rham finally bounced out of his cave like a bear after hibernation. Rham never saw a bear before but he's used to being called one. Or was it Boar? He can't remember.

His gaze fell upon the only mirror at his frugal looking lavatory. Deep sunken eyes, a fairly fat‐fairly muscular abomination. He accumulated enough tan that his skin looked like a border between heaven and hell.

He scowled at the painful sight.

"Good morning handsome"

Rham just gave a simple sheepish smile.

It was mid shower when he realized something grim, something very wrong.

That bozo probably now lurks at this very house yet no dubious pranks, no stupid jabs and puns. Nothing. His instincts screamed. He can feel it deep in his gut.

The panicked Boar bursted out of the shower room butt-naked with just a piece of towel covering his bits. Paying it no mind he rushed to his room. Scrutinizing every nook and cranny for any signs...

Though the task might be hard to impose given the state of his room. Rham got a very nice tool to help him find that flowery moron. His mind.

If I'm laying in ambush to surpise my dear cousin where would I hide?

His heavy gaze fell at three places. The closet, under the bed, or that suspiciously human-shaped pile of clothes.

"Tch, I know you're there jackass. You look stupid" without hesitation Rham gave it a round house kick! The mountain of clothes toppled and fell. Yet...

What the? It's hollow? Rham was momentarily confused. Ugh, this is stupid. Maybe he's still chatting with Ma' downstairs. Maybe I'm just overthinking it and there's no trap and he's fucking with me with psychological warfare. Or there's one in a million chance he finally matured. A changed man proper to his age.

Like that's gonna happen!

Abruptly Rham opened the closet door as swiftly as he can, without checking the insides he swung his fist, delivering a devastating blow.

His fist returned a wooden thud.

"AHH FUU-" The brown bear cried in agony. He felt as if his arms were swallowed by flames. That's typically what would happen if you punch hard wood real genius am I.

Still he's not here either.

Blowing his sore knuckles his sharp-as-daggers eyebrow perked up in irritation as his ears catched the soft, hearty giggles escalate to a full blown howl under his very bed.

"Why you cheeky lil'!" Rham felt his blood slowly reach the boiling point. It wouldn't be surprising if steam bellowed out of his nose.

"Come out there punk! Dont you miss your, lovable cousin! Come out now or else I'll gut you and turn you into duckfeed." Rham declared calmly. Before swinging his leg into a sweeping kick!.

"FUUUU- DAMMIT!" He cried for a second time.

What the hell was that? Some plastic or metallic thing. The laughing voice distorted mechanically. Possibly due to the damage.

"Oh man, you broke my dear tape recorder" an annoyingly familiar voice spoke.

"well your expression was so priceless cousin, worth every penny" said Phil with an subdued grin, clearly struggling to bottle his cackles.

He emerged from the window. Where did he! Oh yeah right, the bloody roof. I'm such an idiot.

The sole Victor of the improvised hide and seek.

Flashed his toothy grin, his mushroom brown hair hid his eyes with a veil of fluffy bangs. And his face, handsome as ever. I couldn't believe we're even related. It's like comparing a barbaric orc to an elegant elf. Both got pointy ears but the similarity stops there.

Great, he hasn't changed.

"I didn't know thrashing inanimate objects were yer hobby cousin, heheh, and by the way, please mentain your room hygienic"

Rham gritted his teeth dumbfounded, his bloody trick were three layered! And worse of all he fell for every single one! "Why the long face lil' cousin? Your elder bro is here~ shouldn't you celebrate instead?" He spread out his arms wide before surprising him with a tight, warm hug.

Frowning Rham opened his mouth but after a second thought, closed it again with a grumble. "Heh, don't pout lil cousin. Its just a testament how superiorly smart i am. don't take it too hard on yourself" he said, while secretly hiding a playful malice with his unfazed beams of a grin.

Rham returned the hug back though a much tired, defeated one. I'll get back to you two fold my lovable older cousin. I swear. Truly I swear.

Rhamcell Salazar De Castro won't be sleeping well in a while it seems.