
Manaka Sajyou's Journey Through Time

Ending everything and restarting everything, comprehending the four laws, arriving at the outflow, and sitting on the throne of origin, this is the story of Sajyou Manaka becoming a true god who controls and covers the multiverse.

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 56: Matou Kariya's Defeat

"Damn it..."

    "Hoohoo! Hoohoo!"

    Painful and panting, Matou Kariya coughed and vomited blood while struggling to crawl with his hands in pain.

    Veins popped out all over his body, and his ears, nose, and even eyes were constantly oozing blood.

    In this situation, his face, which was covered with blood and the dirty dust on the ground, showed no despair and fear that ordinary people should have at this time, but instead, his face was full of unwillingness.

    Why is this happening?

    Because Matou Kariya failed.

    Yes, Matou Kariya failed in the end.

He still failed to defeat Tokisaka in the end.

    Originally, he had gradually gained the upper hand.

    But...his already broken body dragged him down.

    This filled his heart with regret.

    Tokiomi Tohsaka must also be filled with shame.


    [I can't rest yet]

    Matou Kariya thought to himself after coughing violently a few times.

[Not out of danger yet]

    [Tosaka Tokitoki may have noticed something was wrong and is chasing after me]

    [I want to see Sakura one last time]

    Though he thought so, Matō Kariya could only crawl for less than five meters before he had to stop.

    He was panting heavily and coughing up the dark red blood that had already coagulated.

    [It looks like he's going to die]

    Feeling his body collapsing faster and faster, Matō Kariya had to realize this sad fact.


    Finally, he struggled to crawl to the bottom of a big tree in Kawabe Park in Fuyuki City.

Then, he looked at the park filled with warm memories of his past, and his painful expression gradually calmed down.

    At this moment, he seemed to see Aoi, Sakura and Rin playing in the park as usual.


    After a while, everything in his vision became blurred and bloody, and Matou Kariya no longer felt the pain all over his body. He only felt that his body was very light, so light that his soul was about to float up, and he also felt that his body was very heavy, so heavy that it seemed to sink into the bottomless abyss.

    This contradictory feeling made Matou Kariya, whose mind had already begun to blur, suddenly seem to understand something.

    In fact, the flesh has its limits.

Even ordinary people who are not magicians can rely on their willpower to overcome some limits and create all kinds of seemingly incredible miracles. But it has its limits after all, and it is impossible to explode endlessly.

    Not to mention, even the spirit has its limits.

    At this moment, the seriously injured and dying Matou Kariya has reached the double limit of his body and will.

    His broken body has already completely collapsed.

    I am going to die—this clear cognition appeared in Matou Kariya's mind at this moment, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

    He knew that even if Tosaka Tokiomi was not chasing him now, he would die soon if he was left alone.

I am afraid that I will not be able to survive this night.

    That is a fact that cannot be avoided.

    His heart was filled with a feeling.

    It was not the fear of death.


    "I am about to die, and I can't see Sakura in the end. What a pity!"



    Time goes back.

    Let us return to the moment before.

    After Matou Kariya survived Tokiomi's gem magic with his faith.

    "Tokiomi's attribute is fire, and he is good at gem magic. So-called gems are more suitable for magic processing than all other minerals. They have the characteristics of easy accumulation of thoughts and storage of magic power. Gem magic is an ancient magic that originated in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. Gems have many meanings in ancient Western mythology. The legendary Jade Record is made of gems, and some people believe that Jesus in the Old Testament Resurrection is also related to gems, so it is endowed with a strong mystery. "

    "Whether it is the "Nature" written by Hildegard of Bingen, the founder of modern gem magic, or the "Aristotle's Mineral Book" which divides 72 minerals, they all mentioned this aspect."

    At this time, while quickly and carefully recalling the words of Sajyou Manaka, Matou Kariya suddenly launched a sneak attack on the opponent.


    "Matou Kariya, it seems that I did underestimate you before."

    At the cost of minor injuries, Tohsaka Tokiomi, who barely and luckily avoided this fatal blow, said with a serious expression at this moment.

"Go to hell! Tohsaka Tokiomi..."

    The attack failed, but Matou Kariya was not frustrated. On the contrary, his anger grew stronger and stronger under the impetus of his will.

    "I really didn't expect that you, a half-baked person who had given up the magic before, could withstand my attack just now."

    Not paying attention to the other party's expression and words, Tohsaka Tokiomi said as if talking to himself: "But, next time I won't make such a low-level mistake."

    In fact, although the gem magic he just used was his full strength, he still had a kind of contempt for Matou Kariya in his bones, otherwise, he would not have almost lost his life because of the other party's backstab.

Then, facing the serious Tohsaka Tokiomi, although Matou Kariya, who had lost his chance, still had the upper hand with Sajyou Manaka's transformation, he had to retreat in the end because his body was collapsing faster.



    At this time, Matou Kariya, who was leaning against a big tree in the park, heard a voice.

    "Uncle Kariya."

    The timid voice of the little girl in his ear was accompanied by a hint of anxiety.

    "Sakura... is that you?"

    [Great, I can still hear Sakura's voice at the end]

    Matou Kariya was a little excited and wanted to reach out to touch the other party, but he retracted his hand when he was halfway through the struggle.

——————He was worried that his blood would stain the other party.


    After a while, after receiving a positive answer, the completely blind eyes of Matou Kariya slowly shed tears of emotion.

    "Kareya-kun, is it worth it?"

    Looking at the blood everywhere and the numerous serious injuries all over his body, Matou Kariya was already on his deathbed.

    Sajyou Manaka slowly walked up to the other party and asked curiously.

    Hearing this, Matou Kariya spoke with some difficulty.



(End of this chapter)