
Manaka Sajyou's Journey Through Time

Ending everything and restarting everything, comprehending the four laws, arriving at the outflow, and sitting on the throne of origin, this is the story of Sajyou Manaka becoming a true god who controls and covers the multiverse.

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 40 The Parade of Three People

We all look up at the same sky in this beautiful world.

Some wishes are simple, some are difficult, but they will shine like the stars in the night sky, suspended day and night and surrounded by the end of the sea of the heart ...


Sajyou Manaka, along with Altira and Matou Sakura, just the three of them, arrived at a recently opened amusement park near Shinto in Fuyuki City.

From carousels to bumper cars, from roller coasters to haunted houses ...

Eating winter ice cream, stepping over the leaves left on the ground, and avoiding the noisy crowds.

Sajyou Manaka kept going all the way with the silent Altira and Matou Sakura.

The amusement park had a marine park, the young girls watched the penguins play amongst themselves, the baby dolphins occasionally fluttered and gently hit the visitors in the face, and walked through the underwater tunnels as if they were swimming with all those fish, big and small.

Gradually, the day passed by and the afterglow of the setting sun began to appear.

Finally, Sandbar Sajyou took the two people around him on a spinning Ferris wheel.

"Want some sweets? Altira sauce!"

Sitting on the single box side of the Ferris wheel, Sandbar Manaka slowly ate the sweets held in her hands while opening her mouth and asking towards Altira.


Altira looked at the beautiful young girl in front of her wearing a long emerald green dress and didn't say anything, only silently shaking her head.

"Then, does Sakura want to eat."Sajyou manaka asked casually as she turned her attention to Matou Sakura at her side.

"Thank you, but no, sister-sama."The purple-haired toddler girl next to her shook her head gently as well.

"Hey ... I can eat it myself then~" Sajyou Manaka sniffed, puffing her cheeks out slightly in a somewhat disgruntled manner.

At this time, the rays of the setting sun suddenly shone in, accompanied by the Ferris wheel rotating to towards the very top.


"How does it feel, Altira Sauce!"After a long while, Sajyou Manaka looked at the scenery of most of Fuyuki City, which was already vaguely lit up in the distance below the Ferris wheel, and suddenly inquired thus.

"... It's interesting."Altira's tone at this point rarely showed some ups and downs.

"Then will Altira-san become my slave from now on?"The young girl's pupils reflected Altira's face.

"... Uh-huh."



There is such a being.

He is the embodiment of the Truth and the Root, and can accomplish and fulfill all wishes.

He says, let there be life - so wish, and life is swiftly born.

He says, let there be death - so whisper and death spreads immediately.

He is almost omniscient.

Nothing is impossible for Him, and whatever it is, He can manipulate, achieve, and destroy with unparalleled ease.

Seeing through everything, possessing everything, understanding everything, the Great [] is connected to Him all the time, and at the end of the egolessness, looking into the pure white purgatory, He reigns on the throne.

Thus unable to find any joy, even as a traveler, the feelings remaining in this life gradually began to dissipate as a result, so in the end He set an artificial limit to His power.

"Try not to look into your own future".

As the existence of the royal daughter of the root, He limited Himself.

This is the limitation and shackle that she set for herself, and in fact, if she did not limit herself, even the basic maintenance of "being human" would have become so difficult that even the very existence of life itself would have become a great burden.

----- Then, out of nowhere, He became her.

After being born as a human being, the girl was finally able to live as if she were a normal human being, and to have subtle joys and sorrows, to wake up from sleep in the morning, to open her eyes, to breathe, to look up at the sky outside the window, to listen to the song of the birds, to cast a penetrating glance at her sister, to focus on the plot of the original story, to actively seek out joys, and so on and so forth...

The young girl finally didn't become an undead with life like the original.

The kind that dies even while living.

The kind that lives even while dying.

There will be no pain, distress, or sorrow - as if they were pure white undead.

And yet - the young girl's feelings were still slowly passing away.

It was something that could hardly be changed.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. The second hand of the clock advanced.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. Today becomes tomorrow.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. It's a new January.

Tick-tock, tick-tock. A new year comes again.

With the passage of time, the girl's feelings became thinner and thinner.

Just like the famous God's Paradox, it was a fact that even the all-knowing girl couldn't change.

It seems that the girl has no choice but to survive like in the original story.

But then--- a sudden turnaround appeared.

Sajyou Manaka, who was omniscient and omnipotent from the beginning of her birth, now acted as a maiden and determined the world beyond.



Camera Shift.

Nightfall, Fuyuki City, arcade.


Sajyou Manaka steeply cast her eyes into the distance.

"What's wrong, sister-sama?"Matou Sakura asked with some puzzlement as she watched Sajyou Manaka's movements.

Altira beside her also turned her sight slowly to the young girl.

"No sh."Sajyou manaka didn't carry out an explanation either, but just shook her head gently while saying so.

[It seems that the new Reincarnator team is about to arrive]]

Sajyou Manaka thought with some anticipation and excitement in her inner heart at this moment.

At this time, a condescending gaze with a sense of déjà vu came from not far away.


Feeling this almost undisguised sight and unbridled pressure, Altira (Attila) stopped where she was and slowly turned her head behind her, indifferently sizing up the other party.

"Hmph, I really didn't expect to run into you here, destroyer of civilization yo."

The King of the Color of Gold, also known as Gilgamesh, who was currently wearing black modern casual clothes, looked at the sight Altira cast over and opened his mouth to greet him.


Without making any reply, Altira (Attila) just stared straight at Gilgamesh, not knowing what she was thinking, it seemed like it might be judging whether the other party belonged to a bad civilization or not? This made Gilgamesh slightly uncomfortable.

"Bad civilization judged, needs to be exterminated!"After surveying for a long time, Altira (Attila) steeply declared so loudly.


In the face of this sudden hyper-expansion, Gilgamesh unconsciously revealed a stunned expression.



(End of this chapter)