
When war become a must

One day, 18 years ago, I was just 7, hiding under a table in my little children room, while a gang man was shouting on my mom's face, and other two was catching she making her knees on the ground, I wasn't afraid, but mom forced me to promise her not to reveal my self, this guy voice was cutting the silence of night, I didn't think that they would kill her, she told me that they are just looking for money and they will go, what was not the truth, they were looking for my dad, as I understood, I heard the last breath taking, they slater her nick, I was telling my self that they are just hitting her, didn't expect that coming, then I heard nothing, just silence, so I decided to go and look, she was already died, I couldn't cry, just looking at her, couldn't believe it, my only world, only backup, my backbone just broken. That moment was a change of live, my dad was an officer, currept one, he stolen a huge amount of money from them and he only thought about himself, he ran away out of the US, he planed to abandon us, but it wasn't just abandanc, he made a war, and left us to finish it, mom was feeling that, we were gathering our staff to leave the city, unfortunately, we didn't have needed time, but the only thing created through such events, is a hungry monster looking for blood, that's me, that's a man created by a war to make a war.