
Man is sailing, Starting to ask questions to Whitebeard

wap.faloo = p2r (pay 2 read) trxs.cc = f2r (free 2 read) / 175 chapters available mtlnation.com = f2r (free 2 read) / 268 chapters available source: Author: May Summer Solstice 作者:五月夏至 https://wap.faloo.com/959204.html http://trxs.cc/tongren/5906.html https://mtlnation.com/novel/im-sailing-ask-whitebeard-a-questions-at-the-start/ - Luo Ke traveled through the world of Pirates, and fell to the moon and was sealed. - Fortunately, I awakened the Live Answering System. In order to lift the seal, Whitebeard was able to answer the questions, and the live broadcast was started simultaneously all over the world. - So under the attention of the whole world, - [Question: Why did Fleet Admiral Sengoku conduct a public execution on the Second Division Commander of the White Beard Pirates in the Marineford?] - [Question: Who adopted the newly born Ace and brought him up?] - [Question: On the Summit War of Marineford, Who knocked over Garp and successfully rescued Ace successfully?] - The people all over the world who watched the live broadcast and saw all this were shocked. It turned out that Garp was a traitor to the Marines. - With the continuous emergence of live broadcast answers, More and more secret things were known, and the entire One Piece world collapsed and broken. - Disclaimer: Translating this to everyone to share, Cause the idea is good like the one I translated start selling jars but I finished it in MTL so I stopped it (got bored), But I got interested in this novel, and corrected some names/symbols likes Baibeard = Whitebeard, Sauron = Zoro, Marshal = Fleet Admiral.

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32 Chs

29 Oscar Actor Yellow Ape Borsalino

In the navy headquarters, Garp's face is a bit unpleasant, He glanced at the Borsalino with an unhappy expression.

'You usually act too old and can't work hard. How come you meet and hit my grandson Luffy so hard. Do you have any problems on me?' Garp stared at Borsalino.

Sengoku also looked at Borsalino somewhat unexpectedly, and he did not expect that among the three admirals, Borsalino would be the most ruthless against Luffy.

He had always felt that this guy was not good enough, and he could be lazy and never work, So although Borsalino has a strong strength, Sengoku has never placed Borsalino among the candidates for the next Fleet Admiral.

Unexpectedly, This guy turned out to be the most powerful at the critical moment. In the image, He just exposed the identity of this kid, and Borsalino turned on his fruit and directly attacked Lu Fei.

It seems that he had misunderstood Borsalino before. In retrospect, Although Borsalino was usually a fool, He was more active than Sakazuki and Kuzan at the critical moment. Maybe he should also put Borsalino into the Fleet Admiral candidate survey.

After all, Sakazuki is too cold and ruthless, and Kuzan is too lazy. The three admirals have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Although Borsalino is a bit old fritters, old fritters also have the advantages of old fritters, which can be considered.

Not only Garp and Sengoku, Other navies also responded with surprise or admiration to Borsalino.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is a thankless thing to deal with Luffy. The most direct thing is to offend Vice Admiral Garp, Who is quite famous in the Navy.

They thought it would be the Admiral Akainu, Only Akainu dismissed these.

Unexpectedly, Borsalino actually stepped forward and made mistakes in stereotypes!

"As expected to be Admiral Kizaru!"

"As soon as Admiral Kizaru shot, Luffy fell!"

"You have to rely on Admiral Kizaru. That Luffy fought back and forth in front of Seven Warlords of the Sea and many lieutenants. It was almost impossible to die. He was defeated by the admiral in just one kick. It was amazing Admiral Kizaru!"

Everyone praised Borsalino actions.

Sakazuki also nodded in agreement with the Borsalino, and being able to do so did not lose the responsibility and face of the admiral.

In the gaze and praise of Garp and everyone, Borsalino's eyes were a little confused, But his face showed a casual smile, "Well, it's no big deal, These are not worth mentioning."

But Borsalino thought in his heart, 'Isn't this guy going to save Ace later? How did Grandson of Garp-san situation escape from me?'

Just as everyone was waiting for a miracle to happen, Or if the prediction was wrong, That Luffy was killed by Borsalino.

Ace of the White Beard Pirates looked anxiously at Kizaru raising his leg, The golden light brewing on Kizaru's foot, It seemed that Luffy was about to die in the next second.

Everyone watched this scene intently. For 1 second, 2 seconds, and 3 seconds, Kizaru's feet were already on Luffy's face, But no one came to the rescue like before.

In the next second, Kizaru kicked Luffy's face straight with his golden legs. Luffy was kicked out with a brush, and then Luffy was caught by the White Beard.

? ? ? ? ? ?

Question marks appeared on the heads of all the people who saw this scene.

'What is this situation?'

'What happened?'

'Admiral Kizaru kicked Luffy from the most dangerous place to the safest place?'

Just when they wondered if Kizaru had kicked Luffy to death, Or he was seriously injured and was about to die.

Luffy, Who was caught by White Beard, Woke up from the hands of White Beard in a few seconds, and was still full of energy to continue charging, But was thrown to Ivankov by White Beard for treatment.


All the people who saw this scene were immediately dumbfounded. They didn't know how to react to this situation?

'Could it be that Admiral Kizaru made a mistake, I didn't expect Luffy to be so resistant?'

'Is there something that has diverted Admiral Kizaru attention?'

'Its impossible for Admiral Kizaru to deliberately hold back power to send people there, right?'

'This is the ADMIRAL of navy, He shouldn't do such an outrageous thing.'

At this moment, The atmosphere of the navy headquarters is a bit strange.

The navy, Who had just praised Borsalino for killing Luffy in a flash, suddenly lost his voice.

Sakazuki who had just looked at Borsalino with approval just now was glaring at him.

Garp, Now who just blamed Borsalino for being cruel to his grandson, Expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Borsalino.

Sengoku period covered his head with a headache, and Borsalino was indeed the old dough stick he knew.

'This guy is still unreliable.'

He has said that Luffy is threatening and must be removed, But this guy even held back at this time.

'I'm still myself though?' musing Borsalino

Leave comments for mistakes in the paragraphs. TY.

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