
Malsun Protecting Soonja(Yeonbin) /(말순, 순자를 지킬거야)

UPDATES AVAILABLE ON EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY!!(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~ Soobin is a boy who lost his parents when he was 12. Since then he has been living with his grandmother in a small town. After he completed middle school, grandma sent him to the city as he was a very intelligent student. All of Soobin's excitement washed away when he got bullied by the city students. Because of his girly looks and easy to get bullied, they named him "Soonja" which means "obey" Soobin couldn't say anything to them but developed depression, anxiety, panic disorder and trust issues. After Soobin came back to the town for his own purpose, he met a young man who was a year older than him. He always stuck around him and Soobin became very suspicious of him. What was his purpose? Why does Malsun always follow him? He had no idea that Yeonjun, whose nickname was Malsun, fell in love with him at first sight. So, how can Yeonjun make Soobin like him? When Soobin was irritated by him? Stay tuned for the love story! Read it at your own risk if you have any psychological issues.

Bunny_Junnie · Andere
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55 Chs

Chapter 51

It was hard for Soobin to open his eyes as the room was filled with bright light. After several attempts, he finally managed to open them and found himself in a hospital bed. The room was empty except for some machines. His eyes were hurting, making it difficult to look around. He raised his left hand and discovered a thin tube attached to it. He tried to sit up, but his head was hurting as well. He turned his head to the side to see if anyone was there, but to his disappointment, the room was empty. He closed his eyes again, trying to remember what had happened. He recalled repairing the tape, but couldn't remember anything after that.

A few minutes later, two nurses and a doctor entered the room. They were there to check on Soobin's condition, having observed his movement through the CCTV camera.

"Hello, Mr! How are you feeling now?" the doctor came towards him and asked. Soobin tried to reply, but except for a groaning sound, nothing came out of his mouth. He felt as if there was something stuck in his throat. That's why he nodded and smiled. As he wanted to talk, he cleared his throat with a cough.

"Great! Do you feel any injury anywhere in your body?" He asked again with a very soft voice.

"Just a little headache." Soobin replied with a very low and cracked voice.

"Ah! Don't worry! It'll be fine. What was your name again?" he asked.

"I'm Soobin. I know you know my name. I didn't lose my mind, okay?" Soobin smiled which made all of the people's hearts melt in the room.

"Haha! Right! You seem really strong!" The doctor said and silently ordered the nurses something which Soobin couldn't understand.


Soobin was moved to a regular ward. After being awake for several hours, he could finally sit up. With nothing to do but sit, he leaned against the bed, a thin white blanket covering the lower half of his body as he stared out the window. As he reflected on the day before he left for his hometown, he couldn't shake a feeling of unease. He sighed, feeling worried.

At that moment, Yeonjun rushed into the room. He tripped slightly in his haste, it was clear that he ran there from a long distance. Breathlessly, his eyes met Soobin's and immediately filled with tears. Yeonjun managed to steady himself while gazing at Soobin. Seeing him, Soobin smiled faintly. Yeonjun ran to him and embraced him tightly. Soobin tried to speak, but stopped when he noticed how fast Yeonjun's heart was beating. He could also hear Yeonjun's sniffling clearly, as his face was buried in Yeonjun's stomach. Soobin hugged him back. He was completely stunned as he had never seen Yeonjun like this before.

"Hey! are…you…alright?" Soobin asked slowly. He was grinning as he couldn't stop smiling after seeing Yeonjun.

"Huh? Oh! That was my line!" Yeonjun wiped his eyes and freed Soobin from his embrace as he needed to check on Soobin's face.

"Huh?" Soobin asked confusedly.

"I should ask you if you're okay, no?" Yeonjun smiled while shedding a few drops of tears.

"Ah! I'm fine! But, are….you….by any…. chance…. crying?" Soobin peeked at Yeonjun's face which he was trying to hide.

"N-no! W-who said, I was crying? I wasn't! These are water." Yeonjun wiped his eyes and said.

"Okay, okay. Whatever you say." Soobin nodded, closing his eyes as if he knew everything. Yeonjun held Soobin's cheek very gently and looked at his eyes. He kept staring as if he couldn't move his eyes from him. His eyes filled with tears once again.

"W-what are you doing? You're making me shy." Soobin was also looking into his eyes, but he started avoiding him when he was feeling shy.

"You scared me to death, you know?" Yeonjun said while sitting on the edge of the bed, facing Soobin. In reply, Soobin looked downward as he didn't have anything to answer.

"When I found you not breathing…I thought…I thought…y-you…." It was hard to handle his emotions for Yeonjun. He was experiencing it for the first time in a while. He wiped his tears with his sleeves and sniffled. He looked at Soobin again, took his hands and grabbed them gently.

"You can't, got it? You just gave me hope that I can like you how much I want. And the next day…you tried to leave me? Do you think it's fair? You could've at least called me, no?" Yeonjun said while looking at Soobin, with his tearful eyes. Soobin couldn't understand half of his words, but he understood how much it hurt him to see him like that. He didn't even realize that he was almost dead. So, he thought Yeonjun was being a bit overemotional.

At that time, Arin rushed inside.

"Oh my goodness! It was hard to find this hospital!" Arin was huffing as she went through so much just to get to the hospital.

"I went…to the other hospital at first….and then…" Arin finally noticed their faces as if they were confessing to each other. She walked towards them when Yeonjun asked,

"I've sent you the address! How could you go to the wrong one?"

"Shut up! And MOVE! I have some business with this one!" she glared at Soobin with her scary eyes, giving him the terrifying look. Soobin gulped as if he committed some crime and now he was caught by the policeman. He kept avoiding her gaze. In the meantime, Yeonjun stood up and moved a little.

"HEY! YOU PUNK! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, HUH? I TOLD YOU, YOU COULD TELL ME ANYTHING! BUT, NO! YOU CHOOSE TO KEEP ALL THE FUCK INSIDE YOUR MIND. AND YOU WERE ALSO TRYING TO DIE? WELL, YOU COULD'VE COME TO ME! I'D KILL YOU MYSELF!" Arin started shouting although she was tired. Her blood started boiling when she remembered that Soobin was trying to commit suicide though she promised herself she won't get mad at him and talk with him humbly.

"W-what are you talking about?" Soobin asked. He was very confused as he couldn't understand her clearly.


"Hello, Sir! How are you feeling now?" One of them asked.

"I'm totally fine, I guess!" Soobin replied smilingly.

One of them came towards Yeonjun and said,

"The reports came out and he seems fine now. After doing the examinations and according to the patient, we came to know that he passed out due to his malnutrition and the lack of sleep. Moreover, the patient is facing some mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, panic attack etc. The doctor is suggesting you to take him to a psychiatrist as soon as possible and not to do those things that'd trigger his trauma. This time, he got lucky. But, we can't guarantee what's gonna happen next time. Try to act more natural with him and not to stress him out. Moreover, We've prepared a list of medicine and foods to feed him so that he can recover as soon as possible. Look here." The nurse stopped and showed Yeonjun the prescription. The other one was checking Soobin in the meantime.

Yeonjun was listening to her and both he and Arin were surprised to know that Soobin just passed out and didn't try to kill himself. Though they were curious about what happened, they were focused on the nurse at that moment. Yeonjun looked at the prescription which the nurse was holding.

"Most of the medicines are vitamins. You can feed this one to him in case he doesn't intake enough protein. But, try to avoid it and feed the real protein type food. And check the food list as well. You must feed him these items regularly. At least twice a week. Do not let him skip any meals and look at these two medicines. Feed him these before going to sleep. This one will help him circulating blood to lessen his stress and this one will make him sleepy. And for now, we are gonna inject some medicines in him. It'd boost his recovery." the nurse stopped and moved the paper board from her one hand to another.

"And, you can take him home today if you want. But, we'd suggest you take him home after recovering his feet swell. Collect the medicines before his discharge." The nurse continued. She took out the paper from the board and handed it over to Yeonjun. He took it and bowed a little.

"Thank you." He said and smiled lightly.

"So, do you want to go home?" Yeonjun went to Soobin and asked.

"No." Soobin and Arin said at the same time.
