
Malsun Protecting Soonja(Yeonbin) /(말순, 순자를 지킬거야)

UPDATES AVAILABLE ON EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY!!(⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~ Soobin is a boy who lost his parents when he was 12. Since then he has been living with his grandmother in a small town. After he completed middle school, grandma sent him to the city as he was a very intelligent student. All of Soobin's excitement washed away when he got bullied by the city students. Because of his girly looks and easy to get bullied, they named him "Soonja" which means "obey" Soobin couldn't say anything to them but developed depression, anxiety, panic disorder and trust issues. After Soobin came back to the town for his own purpose, he met a young man who was a year older than him. He always stuck around him and Soobin became very suspicious of him. What was his purpose? Why does Malsun always follow him? He had no idea that Yeonjun, whose nickname was Malsun, fell in love with him at first sight. So, how can Yeonjun make Soobin like him? When Soobin was irritated by him? Stay tuned for the love story! Read it at your own risk if you have any psychological issues.

Bunny_Junnie · Andere
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55 Chs

Chapter 47

As soon as Yeonjun hung up the call, he came to Soobin as he noticed him waiting while talking.

"Umm…I-I am sorry. This day should have belonged to you. But, I need to go. Something came up so…. it's urgent." Yeonjun was very disappointed as he didn't want to leave.

"Oh, it's okay! I never said I wanted to spend the whole day with you! You should go if it's that urgent!" Soobin tried to smile, but he couldn't as his hands and feet started trembling when he noticed that guy coming towards them.

"Let's go to the parking lot. I'll drop you home first." Yeonjun said.

"No-no! It's fine! I can go by myself! I won't get lost, you know? You should leave now." Soobin was trying to chase Yeonjun away as soon as possible.

"Are you sure?" Yeonjun took Soobin's hand and gently touched his palm with his other hand. If it was some other time, Soobin would love the touch of his beloved. However, he was scared as he kept glancing at his former teacher, coming towards them. He hurriedly moved his hand, gasped with a low voice.

"Ah! Yeah! I-I I'm sure! Let's go to the parking lot. I'll see you off." Saying that, he started moving swiftly.

"Ah! W-wait!" Yeonjun followed him. He became gloomy as he thought Soobin was mad at him.

"I-I'm really sorry." Yeonjun nearly ran towards Soobin and grabbed his arm when they reached the parking lot.

"I know you're angry at me, and you should be, but..." Yeonjun made Soobin look at him, his grip was firm on Soobin's hand. Meanwhile, Soobin tried to calm himself, but when he couldn't, he shouted,

"I TOLD YOU IT'S FINE! CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND? JUST GO! I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH YOU ANYWAY!" Hearing this, Yeonjun let go, he was heartbroken and speechless. He wanted to say something and hug the taller boy, but he couldn't figure out what to do. He retreated to his car and glanced back at Soobin, who was looking away, avoiding his gaze. Soobin felt guilty, though he was more scared that Yeonjun might encounter that guy. All he wanted was for Yeonjun to leave as soon as possible.

Yeonjun started the car and Soobin kept staring at him for as far as he could. He could guess his breakdown was very close and he needed to prison himself soon. He looked around and felt relieved when he didn't see the guy. He thought he lost him which made him less scared. He remembered what he did the previous night. Although he was proud of himself, he was afraid, afraid that he'd come for him. He took a taxi and departed towards his house.

He leaned on the seat and looked outside through the window. What did he just do? Why did he yell at Yeonjun? He didn't find the answer. He was regretful and wanted to apologize, remembering the dreary face of Yeonjun. He couldn't understand how and when he should apologize. Moreover, he knew he couldn't describe the situation he was in. He could never recite his feelings, his ups and downs to anyone no matter how close they are with him, knowing they could never understand him.

After a while when he reached home, he went straight to his room, locking the door. He needed to take a shower, but he felt too lazy to do that. He threw his body on the bed as he was physically and mentally exhausted. He was thinking of a way to converse with Yeonjun properly and say sorry to him. Unfortunately, he couldn't figure any way out. While thinking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Yeonjun rushed to his place and saw a familiar figure waiting outside his house. The middle aged guy was quite skinny, there were also wrinkles all over his face causing from too much tension.

"What are you doing here?" Yeonjun went towards him, asking a bit rudely.

"Should I ask permission to see my own son?" He replied gently.

"Your son, huh?" Yeonjun scoffed as he didn't find it funny.

"You didn't think of me as your son when you kicked me out of your house! So, what do you want now? Aren't you feeling disgusted now? When you're seeing me? Won't your body rot or get unholy if I touch you?" Yeonjun was getting emotional, but he tried his best to keep calm.

"I know! And I never regretted it! But, your mom! She always gets worried for you. And now, she's sick. She has kidney failure and it's gonna cost so much that I can't manage it. That's why I….you know I can't go to anyone else. So I came to you instead. Please help me out this time. Not for me, but for your mother's sake. I beg you." He pleaded with his hands, sticking them together.

"Argh! Stop it now! She's my mother! You should've informed me about her earlier!" Yeonjun touched his hand lightly to break the plea. He was acting rude though his heart was very soft and couldn't be mad at him anymore. Rather, he wanted to go and visit his mother as soon as he could.

Without delay, he took his father in his car and started driving to the hospital.


Soobin woke up to the sound of someone knocking at his door. As he was half awake, he didn't think much of it and went to open it without checking who was there. When he opened the door, he shocked. The person he hated most was standing in front of him, smiling. Being astonished, Soobin gasped and tried hard to slam the door in his face. Unfortunately, he already put his feet inside the door and tried to trespass Soobin's place.

"Listen! Listen to me! Please! Give me a chance! Just once!" he was shouting while trying to enter. After a while, Soobin gave up as he was tired. He was breathing heavily, looking downward. He stood right next to the door and didn't let the man enter. Seeing him give up, he also became calm.

"Why? What did I do to you? Why are you acting like this? Can't you disappear from my life? Can't you?" Soobin looked at him this time. His teacher saw fear in his eyes. His eyes were tearing up even if he was trying his best to hold them.

"I'm sorry, hm? Please don't hate me. I want you to trust me one more time. Give me a chance one more time. Can't you?" He was standing at Soobin's door. He wanted to grab Soobin's hand, but he didn't dare as there were people outside and watching them.

"I CAN'T! I JUST CAN'T! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE ME LIKE THIS! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LEFT THE TRAUMA ON ME. PEOPLE ARE HATING ME BECAUSE OF YOU! THEY look at me and call me a slut because of you….they….DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I WENT THROUGH? IF YOU WERE SO SORRY, THEN WHERE WERE YOU FOR THESE YEARS? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? WHY DID YOU CAME BACK NOW WHEN I WAS slowly forgetting everything and trying to start a new life? I don't wanna hold a grudge, but like I said, I just can't forget…you were the one all I had and you were the one I trusted the most. But, now….I'm hating myself as well. Please leave now. Just go! I don't wanna see you anymore." Tears fell down from his eyes as he couldn't hold them anymore. His whole body was shaking because of the anger, disgust and fear.

Astounding Soobin again, he came closer and hugged the boy.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea. But, I believe, you'll forgive me one day." Saying this he kissed Soobin's lips as he was completely unshielded within his grasps.


Hey guys! How are you doing? I hope you're doing all fine 🥺 Did you enjoy reading the story so far? I hope you did! Thanks for rooting for me until now and please keep reading, voting and commenting 🥺🙏 You know I won't get anything except for mental peace, but I'm willing to write more and share the full story which is in my head🤭 Btw, I'm not doing so well. I got a seasonal flu and it's getting worse. And tomorrow is my birthday. I'm officially turning 25 tomorrow which is irritating me. I don't wanna get older😭🤧 I'm depressed bcz of it cz I still didn't get a job😮‍💨 Anyways! Pray for me and happy reading! Love you!!🥰😘