
Malizaverse: The Series

When the protagonist, Mal Solomons goes on vacation with her family and family relatives, things go quite well, however things get heated when Mal gets berated and insulted by her abusive and erratic mother Adele, which causes her to become distraught by how her mother humiliated Mal Infront of her relatives. She forces herself to drift away into her mind by listening to music until she then detaches from reality and into a realm called the Realm of Nothingness, where she meets a spirit called the Entity, who tricks her into writing and creating her new world through an enchanted object known as the typewriter... In the story, Maliza, Shaina Malisha and others began to witness their realm soon become overrun and destroyed by the Darkness... And now they are on the run, trying to survive this Dark Apocalypse that are destroying realms and turning others into monsters. But as soon as the story progresses, things go from bad to worse as Mal's mind becomes invaded by the Entity... ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Characters: Main: Mal Solomons Maliza Pink Malia Topaz ________________ The Topaz Siblings: Shaina Malisha Kai Will Jewel ________________ Blair Anita Nikita Lucas Side Characters: 1. Ava Saito - (Malisha's BFF) 2. Melly Brown - (Classmate) 3. Kana Junto - (Classmate) 4. Jamie Winters - (Bully) 5. Carla Oliver - (Bully) 6. Agatha Saito - Ava's Mom 7. Leo Saito - Ava's Father 8. Jennie Lewis - (Bully) 9. Farah (Peasant Woman) 10. Ms. Ikeda/Emi Ikeda (O. Junior High School Principal) 11. Zena (Waitress) 12. Hana (Voodoo Lady) 13. Imani Hayaishi - (Bestie) 14. Bratt Davis - (Classmate) 15. Danni Anderson - (Bestie) 16. Hikari Kinnto - (Bestie) 17. Sara Izumani - (Classmate) 18. Asa Botan - (Classmate) 19. Jona Kage - (Classmate) 20. Kota Masashi - (Classmate) 21. Ms. Kame/Linda Kame - (O. Junior High School Art Teacher) 22. Ms. Polaris/Janie Polaris - (O. Junior High School Math Teacher.) 23. Wanda Thrud - (O. Junior High School Vice Principal) 24. Anna Lynn - (School Psychiatrist) ____________________________________________________ Worlds/Universes Mentioned: Dragon Ball Z, Super Mortal Kombat 9 and 11 Steven Universe Hoodwinked Brave Frozen 1 and 2 Shrek 1 and 2 and The Third ____________________________________________________

Malizaverse2020 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter Two: The Darkness Emerges


Me and Ava were having a moment until we then heard something like glass shattering. It was coming from inside the house where the party was still going on. "What was that?" The surprised look on Ava's face when we both heard that loud crash of glass breaking made me scared because I didn't want something bad to happen on this last night with her. "Someone probably accidently dropped a glass cup." I said but Ava didn't buy my excuse.

''No, that's just too loud to be just a glass cup." She gets up and walks back inside the house. I followed her only to then be stopped by Ava stopping so suddenly. I walk to her and see a frightened look on her face. I asked worryingly, "What's wrong? Why did you stop?" I look in her direction and see a pile of broken plates on the floor and Ava's mom standing in a drunk state with a wine glass in her hand.

The first thought going through my mind was ''Yep, she's drunk…" but then I look back at Ava, who was not only shocked but also upset about the fact that her mom got drunk on her birthday in front of everyone. "Wooweeee… look at all of you, enjoying this lame and boring party *hic* And there is my freak of a daughter right there and- What… who? Why? *hic* I… I thought I told *hic* you to stay away from her… *hic*…"

By the sound of her hiccups and her dozy expression, I can tell she had more than just 2 or 3 drinks. "Agatha… I think you had a bit too much alc-'' One of her mom's friends tried to calm her but Ava's mom pushed her to the side. "Moove… *hic* You… you little *hic* You brought her here? Didn't you? *hic*…" As the drunk woman walks slowly towards me and Ava, I can see the fear in Ava's eyes. Almost as if she had seen her like this before…

"Agatha, can you please just go sleep it off?" Ava's dad tries to talk his wife out of the embarrassing scene she just caused but suddenly she smashes the glass against his head, causing him to fall to the ground. "Daddy!" Ava yells out. Then her mom turns toward Ava and grabs her by the arm aggressively.

"Agh! Mom… stop, you're hurting me!" Ava struggles to break free from her drunk mom's grasp, at that moment I try to help my best friend get free from this crazed woman. "Get your hands off her!! Let her go! Let g- Ah!" Suddenly Ava's mom pushes me with full force, making me fall so hard on the ground that I hurt the back of my head.

My head started hurting so much to where my eyesight started getting blurry. "Agatha! Stop!" I heard one of the people that were watching what was going on as I saw blurry visions of people trying to stop Ava's mom from hurting her. While I was trying to get up, I could hear grunting and yelling as the loud sounds of thuds and objects being thrown around filled my ears.

As I get up from the floor, my vision clears up and Ava is still trying to break free from her mom who was gripping and squeezing her arm. I tried to help her by shoving her drunk and aggressive mom, causing her to fall over.


The sound of something breaking then startled both me and Ava. When I looked at the glass table, at the edge, I could see there was blood. "Mom… are you… okay?" Ava said worryingly when she saw the small stain of blood dripping off the edge of the glass table. She looked over her mom and saw blood coming out of the small gash in her head. Everyone who tried to help was injured from Ava's mom who assaulted them when they tried to help Ava and I was shocked from what I was seeing. "Ava…" I murmured.

Ava turned to me with a frightened look on her face. That face hurt me deep down because this was the last thing I wanted to see. "I… I think we…"

Suddenly, Ava's mom slowly gets up as her blood from her forehead runs down her face. When Ava looks back at her expressionless mom, she is terrified. I could tell she was unable to move because she was frozen still from seeing her mom like this. But then, as I looked at the crazed woman's pale form, I saw what looked like a dark aura of shadows floating all over her. At this point, I knew something was wrong. Ava tried stepping back slowly until her mom then lunged toward her. "No! Stay away from her!!!" At that moment, my body reacted and…

My mind went black for a minute until… I felt something strangely cold. Kind of like when you're holding a block of ice and it starts to melt in your hands… But there was only one problem, I wasn't holding anything. I didn't have a weapon. I've only been using my hand to try to stop Ava's mom from attacking. When I finally gained my composure, in front of my hand was a frozen statue of Ava's mom. When I looked at my hand, I saw frost flakes on my hands. That's when I realised what happened.

I froze her but I honestly didn't know how I did it. I didn't even know I had this kind of power. I turned toward Ava and the other people, the looks on their faces… It scared me. I decided to run but then I felt someone grab my hand. "Malisha, wait!" Ava tried to stop me but pulled my hand away and ran away.


I couldn't help but worry about my little sister even though I was on the sofa, listening to music with my headphones on, I still felt paranoid. But Malisha wasn't the only person I was worrying about, my older brother… Kai.

2 Hours Earlier…

"Hey Kai…" When I heard Malisha say his name when she walked past him and out the front, I got out of my room. The minute I saw him when I made it down the stairs, I decided to confront him. "Excuse me, mister. Where were you?" I said as I stood in front of him.

I did all that I could to be the more independent one but of course, when there's independence... there's responsibility.

"What does it look like?" Kai then shows a takeaway bag with food in it. "Food? Seriously, Kai?" I asked but he then smirks playfully…

"So… you think this is funny?..." I thought.

"Hmph… What? You worried about me or something?" The smug look on Kai's face annoyed me. I grunted, "Can you quit toying with me and just answer the question!?"

Even though I was annoyed with him, Kai looked calm. "You should eat… you know you're not yourself when you're hungry." He said and then walked past me. I was about to walk after him until my stomach then rumbled. I then looked at the takeaway bag of food that I was holding and sighed, "I guess… I should probably let Kai rest and settle down for a moment. I'm gonna have to talk to him later… I'm starving."

End of Flashback…

"Hey, Shaina?" I hear my brother's voice as I wake up from a daydream. "Eh?" I look behind me and see Kai who was looking in the fridge for a drink but stopped when he noticed me daydreaming. "Are you okay? You've been sitting like a statue on the couch… Is there something on your mind you want to talk about?" He asked as he took a soda can from the fridge before closing it. I sighed as I got up from the couch. "Kai... we need to talk."

I was finally ready to talk to my brother until suddenly someone started to knock hard on the door.

"Ugh! Seriously!? At a time like this!?" I thought as I walked towards the door. I opened it only to see my sister, who was breathing hard. Also, there were frozen snowflakes on the left side of her face. "What th-? Malisha, what's wrong!? Why do you… look like that?" I asked worryingly.

"I think… I think I… killed… someone!" When my sister said this, I could hear the fear in her voice. Suddenly, her body collapses but I caught her in time before she hit the ground. The moment I touched her arms, I could feel her skin was ice cold, almost as if she was frozen. It didn't take long for me to notice Kai right beside me when Malisha collapsed in my arms. My ice-cold sister tries to keep herself standing as my brother tries to comfort and calm down. "Hey… calm down. Tell us what happened…" Kai asks her what happened, but Malisha doesn't answer. "God… she's cold…" Kai says as he tries to keep Malisha awake but she then lays against his chest. I take a blanket from the coach and wrap it around her, "I'll go turn on the heater…"

A Few Minutes Later…

As Malisha laid in bed, the snowflakes on her skin soon started melting away when the room soon started to get warm. I sat by her side, hoping that she'd be okay. "Mm… Mmnah..." When she wakes up, tries to get up from the bed but is unable to. "Hey, it's okay. Just lay back... your body is still frozen..." I said as I comforted her.

"Huh?... Sis?... Where..."

I then put a wet cloth on Malisha's forehead, "Just relax... you're gonna be okay."

"Sis... why... Why is it hot in here?" She asked. When she takes the cloth off, she sits up right.

"Malisha... What happened? Did something go wrong at the party?" I asked.

"I… I was at Ava's party and… her mom… something was wrong with her mom… She hit her head on the table… there was… blood… Ava…"

Malisha then started fluttering, almost as if something was wrong with her eyes. "Shh… It's best to rest first. Just save your strength." I said as I took the cloth off her forehead and wiped her eyes. "I don't… feel so good… Shaina…" Malisha breathed. "I know… Just rest. You'll be ok."

I left the room to get water but I stopped by my room door when I saw Kai come out of his room with a new top on. Even though It was hot in the house because of the heater, seeing him wear a long sleeved top had me worried. I decided to question him about it, "Why are you wearing that? It's hot in the house…"

"My shirt got wet from that stuff that Malisha was covered in." Hearing the hesitation in his voice made it obvious that he was hiding something.

"Kai… is there something you wanna tell me?" I asked but he tried to avoid my questions again. "I'm fine… I just want to be alone right now." Kai then walks past me but I stop him by pulling his arm back. "Kai please… Just tell me what's wrong." I insisted but he pulled his arm away. "Nothing's wrong. I just… I just need some time alone…"

"Is this about Malisha?" I asked.

"No… I just-"

"Just what?... Are you gonna do something bad behind your family's back that we might find out about later?"

"What? No, why would i-"

"Then what is it, Kai? Why are you always avoiding me and Malisha every time you come back from God knows where you go during the day… I mean, seriously… I'm the only one who actually works."

I tried to get him to tell me what was going on but he just kept trying to act like nothing was wrong.

"If that's how you feel, then that's your problem."

What Kai said really annoyed me to the point where I couldn't hold back my frustration with him being distant from me and my little sister.

I grunted, "Seriously!? What is up with you? You're never like this…"

Kai then looks at me with an annoyed expression on his face, "Well, I'm sorry, Shaina. Times have changed, we're not teenagers anymore so get used to it."

He tries to get away from me but I follow after him. When Kai walks outside, he finally stops when I pull him by his arm again. "Kai, wait!"

Kai then turns toward me in frustration, "What!?"

"Please… just… tell me what's wrong!" Insisted but he refuses to answer and continues to try avoiding me. "Nothing, okay!? Just stop trying to-"

"Kai, stop trying to run away! Just tell me what is going on wit-"


I shuddered, "Kai… you're hurting me…"

Shocked by what he was doing, he lets go of my arms and steps back..

"I'm… I'm sorry, I… Shaina, I didn't mean to…"

A strong wind suddenly began to blow from the storm in the sky. "Wha…" We both looked up at the sky and saw a black clouds, forming a black whole in the sky.

"Wha- Agh! What is that!?" Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain. I swear it felt as if a machine was drilling into my skull. "Shaina, what's wr- Agh!!" I hear Kai behind me groaning in pain as the storm soon started getting stronger. At that minute of pain, I began to hear screams of agony. But it wasn't just screams from other people… through it, I heard my mother whispering. Her voice was enough to make me sob as the painful screams drilled through my head.

"I… I can't think… it hurts… I can't… it hurts… Stop! Please… it hurts!" My mind was going in circles, I couldn't bear the agonising pain until suddenly… the pain stopped. I open my eyes and see my brother on his knees, still in pain. I look up and see the dark portal in the sky starting to expand. "Agh! Stop… please… stop… It hurts! Ugh!" I turn towards my brother and see him still groaning from the intense pain. I try to comfort him, but he soon calms down when I touch his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked. "The screams… I… I heard… I heard…" Kai says under his breath. "I know… I heard it too…"

I look up at the dark portal in the sky and see dark silhouettes start to surround us. "What the h-Eh!?" Suddenly we were both swallowed up and off the ground by a dark shadow which separates us from each other. I try to reach Kai but I'm suddenly pulled away by an unknown force. The last thing I saw before I blacking out was my brother reaching out for me as the darkness closed in on us.

Meanwhile In Another Realm…

As Maliza looks through the rubble of the destroyed time machine, she finds a survival kit bag with three first aid kits and a survival manual, along with three water bottles and two walkie talkies. When she takes it, she then feels a sharp pain in her left arm. Maliza looks and sees that her left arm is injured and bleeding out heavily.

She sat down and took out the first aid kit from the bag to treat the wound. As she's treating her wounds, something then slips out from her pocket. Maliza looks over and sees an amulet which was starting to glow and flicker. "Huh… this is new… I've never seen it do this before." She said as she picked it up.

The day Maliza got the amulet was the day her sister Malia got married. She didn't really think anything would happen on that special day until a strange woman in a black, hooded robe showed up uninvited.

Flashback (Malia's Wedding Party)


The party wasn't what I expected but it was worth the food and drinks. Of course, I loved the pudding cups. I was sitting next to Bulma while she and Chi Chu talked and drank champagne.

Chi Chi : "Gosh, can you believe it? Malia must be so lucky. Being the Wife of a God…"

Bulma : "I know. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous. In a good way, actually."

I looked over to where my sister was sitting and saw she was a bit nervous from the wedding. I thought she was just surprised that she actually got married so when Malia saw me looking at her, I smiled as I waved at her. Malia's warm smile was really heartwarming. She was lucky to be the one to be blessed by the Gods… since she is the perfect warrior.

My stomach suddenly makes a funny noise, making me blush in embarrassment. Bulma looks at me with concern, "Maliza, are you okay?"

"... I'm okay, I just need to eat something…" I got up and headed for the table where the food was served. I didn't really want to stuff myself during the party so I decided to eat a caramel doughnut and went to sit in the garden away from the event. The only reason why I wanted to eat alone was because I sometimes felt uncomfortable eating in front of people.

As I sat and ate, I felt a strange aura nearby…

"Such an adorable look for a fable…"

I look to my left and see a woman in a purple cape with a hoodie covering her head. "Oh… Hello. I don't really remember seeing you from anywhere… Are you a friend of my sister or something?" I asked as I got up.

"Hmph… I see. You must be her sister then. If you get the chance, please give this to her. It's a wedding gift." She then hands over a small purple box with a black bow and a note on it. "Oh, okay… I'll be su- Huh?"

When I placed my hand on the box that she was holding, I felt something strange coming from the lady. I don't know… but something about this woman felt familiar. Like a familiar scent or a familiar aura. I didn't understand… it felt unsettling.

I took the box and then took one more glance at the woman, "Is something wrong?" She asked.

I then gulped softly, "Um… forgive me if I'm wrong but… do I know you from somewhere?"

"Me?... I'm afraid not." She said, "Oh… okay, sorry. I guess it's just me being a little paranoid about meeting someone I've never seen before. I suppose I better bring this wedding gift to my sister. Thank you for bringing this." I said and turned away.

"May the Elder Gods be with you…"

"Excuse me?" I asked but the woman was gone.

At first, I was spooked but then suddenly something inside the box I was holding was glowing. I decided to take a peek in but then remembered that it was a gift for my sister. "Hmm… maybe I can take a little peek…" I thought.

I opened up the box and saw a beautiful amulet. It had a crystal in the middle with a pentacle symbol around it. I was mesmerised by the way the crystal was glowing, It was almost like a universe living inside of it. I then took a look at the note on the lid of the box. It said:

To My Dearest Friend Malia - "Lilith"

"Huh… I should go back and give this to Malia." I thought as I placed the amulet back in the box and closed it with the lid.

After the party, I gave her the amulet and decided to ask about the strange woman that came to deliver the gift.

"Malia, do you know someone by that name? A friend named Lilith?"

"Hm? A friend… I don't really remember meeting anyone named Lilith… maybe a fan."

What my sister told me, it worried me. That woman had an aura that felt familiar and strange, I couldn't explain to my sister because I didn't want her to worry. After that day, that woman was still on my mind. Day and night, her voice just couldn't leave me.

"May The Elder Gods Be With You."

Those words just couldn't leave my head. Years later, I was finally able to forget about it. When my sister passed away, I felt lost… I never thought that my sister would leave me or her family so sudden. I didn't know what I was gonna do without her… She was the only thing I had. The only person I was close to. The only thing that was left behind was the amulet, so I decided to keep it as a memory of her.

End Of Flashback…

"My gosh…" This was the first time I saw the amulet glow but the pain from my wound made me ignore it. I put the amulet in my survival kit bag and took a bandage from the first aid kit. When I wrapped my arm with the bandaid, I then noticed a light slowly floating down from the sky. I got up and walked towards it and as I walked closer, the light formed into a square like shape and then split into two as they landed lightly onto the ground. As I stopped walking, I picked them up…

The square-like figures were actually paper with writings on them. As I examined the pages, strange things were written in them. It read:

First Page:

"I promised myself that I'd never go through the stuff that I went through again. My mother is abusive and toxic, my sister is a drug addict and my dad is a worn out alcoholic. It took a lifetime of my childhood and teenage years for me to accept those facts, that my family isn't perfect. I'm not perfect. None of my actions were ever good enough. I tried everything to receive appreciation and love from my mother but nothing I did was ever good enough for her.

I seeked guidance from my sister but… she was always too busy getting lost in her own world while getting high. And my dad… Well, he tried everything to give my mom the life she wanted. Gave her a house, money, all sorts. He treated my mom with so much respect but… it was never good enough. Even my own sister tried to earn her love and appreciation… My sister was a fast track-star athlete, best A student and top graduated senior.

My sister was the best at everything… Not even that was enough for my mom. Instead of loving and praising her, she gaslighted and manipulated both my sibling and my father. That led to my sister and my dad becoming burned out and depressed. So depressed that they gave up and turned to drugs and alcohol. It wasn't long before my mom started doing the same thing to me."

Second Page:

I didn't understand. It felt as if my life was crashing down, even though there were times where I felt happy and stronger than usual, there were a lot of moments where I felt despair and depression. Mostly when my mom gaslighted and abused me. My mother was the one dragging me down with the rest of my family… Because of my condition, I was never able to attend normal school… or even make friends. They always made fun of me because I was different. I hated my mom for my condition… but I wanted to forgive her… because she was my mom. I loved her… even though she hurt me mentally and psychologically. I still want to forgive her. I want to believe something is wrong with me but… I just… I just want to be normal."



"What is this?...." As Maliza finished reading the two pages, something strange started happening. The amulet in her bag then starts to glow, only this time, it was glowing brighter than before. "...Why is it doing this? What's- Huh?"

I then see a vision of a girl and a strange figure talking to each other.

Girl: "I... I don't know if this is enough. I'm doing everything that I can, just give me time. I need to rest."

Figure: "Rest? You barely even finished three pages and you're pacing up and down. Are you thinking about something?"

Girl: "I'm not-! I just... I just need time. That's it."

Figure: "In this dimension, time is infinite... You'll be stuck if you stop now. Remember, what's written is written. You can't change it-"

Girl: "I know! I just... need to rest."

Figure: "Fine. I'll leave you to it then."

Girl: "Just don't go, okay? I don't wanna be alone here."

When the figure disappears, the amulet stops glowing and the vision fades but Maliza could really take in all that she saw in that vision.

Maliza puts the amulet back inside her bag. As she walks down the path, she sees a temple up ahead. Not really knowing better, Maliza follows her instincts and enters the temple. Little did she realize; this was the beginning of her journey…

To Be Continued…