
Malice of Truth

As time continuously diverts through and our era has been consistently changing with progressive summation and division of cultural development covering the entire grasp of this world. Ones and foremost remains a mystery in the circulation of genuine time for the peak conclusion no one posses. Holding never-ending capabilities of answers pointing directions to uncountable measures of enhanced educated assertion in the revolution of limited seconds. One must hold and conclude the title of "Malice of truth" inheriting divine prowess that upholds heavenly miracles production of information that corroded and forgotten during the genuine time in comparison even Greater king of the world (one that has the backing of the authority of all living beings) couldn't surpass in every aspect. Krezo took the voyage on land to gather hints, clues, to decode the mystery of his past and to gain the truth keeping his mental restraint on hand, slowly eradicating a portion of memories of misery and devoured happiness on an adventure of comradeship together breaking the chain and setting on each other behind equal freedom of achieving their dreams, ambitions, and intentions. As they pick up all the puzzle piece creating a lead, the massive amount of truth embedded into their mind with twists they never expect with midway developments on their selves and as each other's comrade propagating a story of morality, truth, nature, embracement, and dreams propelling their decisions derive to their destiny.

Reiju_Eclipse0307 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 12:Grand Feast

A tale of the past, when Krezo and Szenzen still don't share the same fate of meeting each other yet, she has the habit of sightseeing the moon every night for an extended one to two hours for such a period with a mix of hallucinating dreams and daydreaming thoughts with an optimistic outcome.

"Who created such beautiful scenery, with its perfect location creating a pretty dynamics with the stars and alluring sight of a dusty eye even the most cautious guy will be dancing into its palm," said Szenzen, caged by the wooden made barricades of a boxing ring, lying down exhausted full of sweats.

"I would love to meet the creator of this masterpiece if I gained freedom that is," said Szenzen in a depressive tone analogous to a bird dropping into the ground.

After achieving an upper hand into the slight overkill death battle of two swans gliding into the lake of romantic intimacy of gratitude and allegiance, releasing only sixty percent of the whole of her negative kinesa capability.

"Using my kinesa hurts my pride but if it's to bow gratitude and to assist the fallen general who got insane and now keeps smiling like a creep, I'll fully devote my skills to its maximum," said Szenzen on her mind clumsily states a negative message with a positive intention.

Greedily takes the first move, enhances her negative kinesa all through her body flows skyrocketing all of her physical attributes.

Strella with visible shock on her eyes fully blooming like the moon Szenzen always admire, kept dodging all punches and an attempt of a devastating hit counting into the total amount of 125 chances in 5 seconds steering to the wreckage of numerous houses in the surroundings and overall accumulated forces eradicating a mountain outside of Nimanso.

"Speed is irrelevant if your chances are missing, a stupid rhino who keeps targeting blind eye without any idea If where is her own opponent. What a waste of power, you think that clumsy fighting style could defeat my loyalty to Vincento?! Give up woman" said Strella to Szenzen, feeling like her own power could suppress the uncontrolled bull, with ominous vibes.

"60 percent? What a funny math joke. If I must measure the percentage of my own. Then it is higher than yours, billion percent." confidently dictate Strella.

"You use it wrong, you got in our way and now you mock the proper usage of mathematics. You're making my nerves explode, unsanitized dog" said Szenzen pumping up with enormous exhilaration from Strella's talk.

"What did you say!!!"

Clashing with their adjusted and controlled negative auras releasing both of their 100 percent, the ground nearby cracks from the center of their blood bathe duel developing an epicenter of a temporary aftershock. Strella picks up a sword hidden in leather made a pocket from her legs, Szenzen formulates her

posture. Delivers equal forces of slashes and punches washing away the clouds that blocked the sunlight, breezy and forceful winds making Vincento smirk from faraway.

"Look at them combatting into their satisfaction, their negative auras give me chills. It's no fun seeing your puppets having a moment of their life and fighting with each other" said Vincento, continuing his musical performance, seeing them as simple subjects of puppetry.

As the two queens of a chess piece confront battling for their kings at which only two possibilities are present, the queen sacrifice leads into a situation resulting in the annihilation of one of the two for tactical advantage or a circumstance that concludes to a dominant win against the others.

At some part of the continent riding a silvery-white chariot of two available seats on the back and a singular sitting in the front significant for the charioteer, the certain chariot that collides with Szenzen endangering its life.

"Why are you still nervous, Jack? That girl is obviously at fault. He got in our way" said representative Musdante Siver, an important figure of Langsi City, convincing Jack, the driver of the chariot, who is sweating to its peak.

"I'm really sorry Sir Siver, It is only that my conscience cannot approve this type of incident and the guilt is present all over the place. I will try to seek a blind eye, Sir Siver Please approve my apology," said Jack pathetically carrying the burden.

"Sir Siver, As the great man's saying, STARVE YOUR DISTRACTION, FEED YOUR FOCUS. No evidence is visible to the eyes of society and we must focus only on this momentous gathering of the representatives." said magnificently Menestru Paul, the personal advisor of Sir Siver, with a confidential smirk while touching a lantern on his left viewpoint.

"What a heart-moving opinion Paul, but you're forgetting something. Focusing on only a singular point of view in life could ruin the other side, but retaining distance could observe from all angles. Do you get my point? I'm saying the one who breaks the morality is that girl, trying to negate our stoicism. We are mountains compared to grass plain that she represents and all bottom feeders whom all knowledge is to complain." said Sir Siver with a face of an experienced representative.

" You're awfully correct Sir Siver," said Paul with an oxymoronic phrasing.

"We must stabilize the peace. I could feel it nearing with my strong sixth sense, once a slight threat appears a certain problem will bloom, thus leading to an inevitable war," seriously toned Sir Siver.

After the tremendous destructive battle of the two appointees caused multiple risks and damages to the city, approximately 20 minutes are consumed transpiring imminently equal of strength but one conquered the recoiling balanced duel. Strella is on the verge of death walking out of the radius that they've fought on with numerous blood dripping wounds and fatigued eyes spitting saliva spit on the ground.

"Shit, one of hella troublesome opponent.

That bitch pisses me off, I'm the only person who has the strongest loyalty in the world. If I see anyone trying so hard to be a loyalist, I'll kill them." said Strella arrogantly, leaving the critical state of Szenzen's body, not expecting such things to be changed.

A clear image of blue sea invades Szenzen's mind, as neat as the stars from above glimmering continuous tidal wave soar sorrowful mind aiming the core of melancholy dance shot by a sudden beat of own heart.

Szenzen in a state of false death resurrects her own vitality screams a frantic loud voice reaching Strella across the distances, eyes half dead and only sclera(white part of an eye)

is visible, blood bathed head gushing of a streaming liquid on her face.

"Ah--, I-I need to win uagh-wuah," said Szenzen determined and not easy to back down, puking a small amount of blood.

"The moon God, where is it? where is he? where is she? what is it!!!! I-I need to win, No?!

I must win!" opening her eyes desperately wishes to win.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" a shout from her heart acquits as a catalyst of an unknown spawning or either summoning.

A creature darker than black, blazing void flames on its back, big eyes of an ant which is microscopic but zoomed out, head of an asymmetrical trapezium with three violet triangular scales on top, arms shape similar to a scissor and a double-crescent mouth.

"What is that thing? Do you have this crazy ability from the beginning?" said Strella dumbfound and speechless to this turn of events.

"An ancient creature who defies the law of time which sets expeditions from the past all by itself for the summoning of its user, the king who massacres the entirety of his species leading to extinction and devoured them cannibally, conquers the language barrier of all entity and becomes the embodiment of all animal due to it's a chimera appearance"


said Szenzen of an eye, turning from a colored white to fully darkened as an influence by the pure negative kinesa of ULC, with an unfamiliar voice showing a neutral tone.

ULC absorbs the entire number of the animal and insects corpse all over the area, upon consumption rapidly enhancing their combined kinesa release ten times before.

"Obtaining a new relevant ability amidst my defeat, such irony this world posses. My beliefs in the moon God suddenly rose" said Szenzen reverting her original voice laughing with relief.

During the middle of the struggling difficult battle of two right hands, a specific crow reckoned such strategies on his mind before their confrontation. Made a move in an analytical approach, as to assume either possibility connects to other and vice versa, creating logical judgment before the conclusion.

"Thanking myself that I created two plans before the hunting period, If Strella wins against the girl invader then the plan (Dominoes Destruction) will proceed immediately as I execute Deverra. The second which is I chose based on my observation is to first apply agony to all citizens before the announcement of the execution that I'm currently putting all over the city still, 31 percent have not yet heard my masterful piece of musical work which personally drives my insanity," said Vincento toned egocentric

"To all my subjects, can you hear my cinematic piece of music? I must show my gratitude and present you all a good news. Can you guess it? No, you can't. I will be executing a certain mouse that keeps me awake in my sleep, so bothersome. Do you all agree?" said Vincento announcing a public killing with a sarcastic voice patterning small hints of evil entity.

"That mouse... is Deverra Castrou," said Vincento closing up confidently and excitedly showing his devil smile.

The plan of Vincento, the restoration of the name "De Vairrere" is mainly due to his grandfather and fully conquering Nimanso as executing the acting lost child of the royalty, Deverra. The flow seems on point coexisting with the cold breezy wind as the city's climax is nearby, the smiling general eventually got out of the cellar.


Vincento's God complex is so cringy, What do you think?

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