
Male Spy at an All-Girls School!!

Rin Grayson, Male Agent and Code name "Ant" of the Brotherhood Secret Service. He has one mission, protect the daughter of the Headmaster from all the inevitable danger that is directed on to her but there's a catch... He'll have to do it in disguise... as a girl at an All-Girls School!! "If it's cute, it's not gay!!!" - a certain Chameleon Author's summary: Basically, Boy crossdresses and disguises himself as a girl at an All-girls school for his Agent assignment in protecting the daughter of the headmaster and at the same time, forging friendships and bonds with his new classmates along the way. The Male lead is definitely a bad-ass in this story. He is both trustworthy and kind to his friends and the people that he loves and holds dear. At the same time, he is also shown to be ruthless and cold-blooded, showing no utter bullshit to his enemies, depending on the transgressions that they have done, most especially when they have acted upon his friends and loved ones. He also has his perverted moments, grinning like a lecherous old man having lewd thoughts to his female friends. He can be also quite dense, his knowledge sometimes is outside of the norm due to him being exposed mostly in his Agent duties much to some of the girl's displeasure. So many funny misunderstandings also await in here. The story is set on the fictional country of the Twilight Kingdom, a country where the Queen rules prosperously and is your typical modern one, with some exciting twist. Most especially, a certain place where only the criminal and lawless live... The Underworld. It is a forsaken place that will showcase a string of events that will definitely shake the heart of the very kingdom itself as webs of intrigue and plays intertwine with our MC, his friends, and allies being at the center. Male Spy at an All-Girls School not only deals with the story of our Male lead but also among others, showing how their lives are interconnected with one another in a single thread of fate, ultimately leading to an epic finale where everyone showcases growths in their physical and mostly emotional aspect with the MC leading on the top. In short, there will be cheesy moments, drama, comedy, romance, and definitely, action. It is a Spy story after all, with a harem, dark, comical twist. (Cover photo not mine. CTTO)

redmitte2x · realistisch
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75 Chs

Chapter 70: Battle for some smutty goodness!!!

Inside the Adult Section of 'Books for Everyone', the girl, Keana Blakes walks around as she shamelessly wonders her eyes all over the place.

Each bookshelf has a variety of adult books, novels, comics, mangas, and other related reading materials, each tailored for everyone with different levels of fetishes.

Keana Blakes prides herself as a lover of many fetishes indeed.

Loli, Traps, Big boobs, Flat chest, Feet, Stockings, Glasses, Yuri, Group, Catgirls, Demon girls, Bunny girls, MILF, DILF, Nurse, and many others that can't be mention for family friendly reasons.

Thanks to her friend, Jane, Keana was able to gain access of this forbidden place of literature despite her very young teenage age of 15, turning 16 this year.

Such trivial and insignificant matters of the community's constraint are irrelevant to one Keana Blakes, not even stopping the girl to pursue her literature desires despite the strict restrictions being imposed by the norm that society deems.

Of course, it's not exactly a big deal since porn can be accessed anytime, anywhere…

Anyways, despite all the smutty options presented right around her vicinity, Keana has a certain one book in mind, the book that she loves and looks forward the most.

Being here on multiple occasions, Keana knows the area around in every detail of the sections, navigating herself throughout the bookshelves like a true expert as she skips around merrily with a happy hum.

In just a few seconds, the girl finally arrives at her designated spot of the Adult Section, a bookshelf where her favorite book that is actually a series lays forth in one of the multiple books being compiled.

Keana's amber eyes then wonder around the bookshelf, looking at each compartment meticulously until she finds the book of her deepest and dark fantasies.

Fingers pointing, Keana's expressions finally brightens up as she finally found the book that she is looking for.

"Ah yes." Keana grinned lecherously like a perverted old man peeking in the Women's hot spring. "Soldiers of Passion, Volume 5. So it's the only one available? Thank goodness that I was able to arrive here on time. Hehe, Mama is going to enjoy you tonight baby~"

As Keana was about to reach the said book of her desire, her feminine hand suddenly bump into another, as the two respective hands of different people met with both touching the same book.

Keana then turns to look at whose slender hand is trying to take her baby away from her.

Eyeing at the culprit, Keana's eyes widen a bit as she saw another girl who looks to be of her age. She also arguably has the same eyes of passion like Keana herself as the girl still kept her focus on the book with pure determination.

Observing the girl even further, Keana definitely can't deny that this girl is a true beauty worth gazing upon. She has long straight silky red hair, a pair of enticing violet eyes, and an angelic face that you can't help but steal a glance on.

The mysterious girl wears a turquoise blue hoodie jacket with a light brown skirt. As Keana's eyes shifted lower to size her up a bit more, the girl is also seen to be with a pair of white high knee socks that complement her shapely legs and also a pair of white-red sneakers.

As a matter of fact, Keana would be enamored by the red-haired girl's enchanting features if not for the situation that the former finds herself at with the latter.

In a very short while, the girl with red hair also shifted her gaze towards Keana as the former looks at the latter with a stoic and unfazed expression, just like a robot.

Their grip unyielding on the book, both girls are now seen looking at each other competitively, like a spark of electricity bursting forth from their eyes as they fought for the true ownership of the object of their fancy.

"Miss." Keana emphasizes her address to the girl harshly. "I was here first, so if you don't mind."

"No." The redhead retaliated. "I was here first. It seems that you are blind to even notice such a simple factor.

A tick mark appeared on Keana's head as she responds. "Blind huh? Whatever, you seem to be a bit young here miss. How old are you exactly?"

"17." The girl answered nonchalantly. "And the same can be said about you girl. What are you, 16?"

Keana chuckles nervously in response, not answering that question, but the redhead simply nodded in satisfaction as she now knows the answer judging by the tense and edgy look that Keana is giving to her.

"Look, missy." Keana began again with the talking. "I've been a loyal avid fan of this book series ever since the beginning of its release. So it is only right that I get to take this book."

"Really?" The redhead uttered without a shred of emotion on her voice. "If that is your petty reasoning, then I'm even more deserving of this piece of literature since I've been a fan even before Volume 1's surprising release as every night, I look forward faithfully for the author's announcement about it.

'Crap.' Keana thought with a sweatdrop. 'She got me there good. But I won't give up that easily!! I've even risked my status as a normal and functioning member of the society just to enter this god-forsaken place and I'll be damn if someone, even if she's really hot I admit, will take the very thing that has comforted me in my lonely nights!!!'

Fire burning on her eyes, Keana with an unyielding fortitude of will shows that she won't back down from this fight, much to the slight surprise of the red-haired girl.

"That may be so." Keana rebutted with a tone fiercer than ever. "But I love this series more than anything else with all my heart and soul!! I have stake my entire being just so that I can enter and acquire this godly masterpiece!!!"

"I don't care." The red-haired girl dismisses Keana's statement. "I have been waiting religiously for this book's release and trust me-"

The redhead said as she used her other hand to reach inside her pocket for something very pointy, dangerous, and sharp, with her violet eyes flickering dangerously with cold murder.

With no one around to interrupt and witness them, Mors Crimstar finishes her statement with deadly intent.

"You don't want to cross me."

Oops, that escalated rather quickly. How will Keana Blakes handle this very situation with the emotionless redhead Assasin? Hehe Coming soon.

Thanks for reading!! If you like this book, then don't forget to add it to your library and vote with precious power stones hehe.

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