
Making the Demon Lord Love Me

Demon Lord Clover is hated throughout the Demon and human realm. After a turbulent war, they have been left cynical and listless. Ace is a seemingly naive but damaged young man looking to make his way through life. After approaching Clover, Ace finds more than he bargains for in the enigmatic Demon Lord. As he fights to keep Clover’s attention, dark secrets on both sides are revealed. Can a Demon Lord be capable of love? Read to find out... ------------------------------------------------------------------- “So it is true,” the young man said in a low voice, “You are the most hated Demon in this realm,” The Demon Lord let out a stifled laugh, “How lucky I'm only half-demon then, there’s less of me to hate. Now, if that is all you have to say, and even if it isn’t, get out. I’m sure your anger will last until tomorrow. You can challenge me then,” “I’m not here to challenge you,” the young man replied. This evoked a reaction from the Demon Lord, they suddenly became very still. “Then what are you here for then?” The young man bowed low and gave his response in an earnest and forceful voice, “My name is Ace. Demon Lord, I ask you to please accept me!” ------------------------------------------------------------------- ***WARNING*** Dear Reader, If you’re interested in learning more about the world and characters in this novel, they first appear in the web novel: The villainess is worse the second time around: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-villainess-is-worse-the-second-time-around_19276786806019905) (The following story may contain spoilers for said story!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Quick update: I have a new story which is a spinoff from this one: Summoning a wicked wizard - a new romance with Michael and some new characters: https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoning-a-wicked-wizard_21394369505128005#review

uhjuihoijio · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
124 Chs

Chapter 7: A little light

Ace and Bird raced after him but it was too late. The door shut behind Michael. Ace pivoted on his heels and ran to the edge of the cliff. Below them, there was a crater of earth pounded into the ground. The centre was distorted by a shroud of dust and dirt.

"Clover?" he called down.

There was no reply. Bird and Ace quickly mounted the lizards and charged down the rock face to the bottom.

"Clover?" Ace called once more.

He flew off the lizard ahead of Bird and descended into the cloud of dust, deeper into the basin. He stumbled blindly through the haze coming to stop as a figure silhouetted in front of him.

Clover stood very still for a moment. They dragged a hand through their hair. Ace searched around. There was no sign of Kalandra. Clover broke in a laugh. Ace stared at them dismayed.

"Where's Kali?"

"She's not here," Clover said quietly, "he tricked me. Michael tricked me again,"

"What?"Ace stared in disbelief.

"It was an illusion." Clover gave a begrudging smile," I taught him that and I actually fell for it..." they said slowly with glazed eyes

"Clover!" Ace grabbed hold of them, "Get a grip!"

Clover glanced down momentarily lost in thought.

"We have to go after them, "Ace added.

Clover turned back to him. A strange expression came over them.

" I'm sorry," they said, staring Ace straight in the eye.

"What are you sorry about? "Ace stared back with a pained smile.

"No, nothing," Clover went quiet, "forget I said anything."

They began to walk away. Ace followed after. He came in front of Clover blocking their way.

"I can get the box back if I use my magic," Ace accosted, "I know it will be difficult. Bird told me but if we're in the human world I'll be at full power. I can..."

"No," Clover's eyes narrowed, "Stop using your magic,"

"What?" Ace halted.

"Just listen to me for once. Your magic isn't good for you and this can be solved without it," Then with renewed coldness Clover added, "Besides, Michael won't get far,".

They brushed past Ace and kept walking. Ace paused, temporarily taken back by their harshness. Clover walked off disappearing into the cloud of dust.

"Aren't you coming?"


**The human world**

"I told you it would work," Michael declared smugly. He had his arms out outstretched staring up at the blue sky with a smile stretched across his face.

"Oh, I've missed this," he said under his breath.

In front of them, waves were lapping at a distant shoreline. They walked along the brilliant white sand.

"Clover really jumped off the cliff?"Kalandra stared down.

"Yes. Like I said they would." Michael glanced at her, "I'm a good judge of human behaviour,"

"I thought you didn't think Clover was human," Kalandra said weakly.

"Well, then demon behaviour. There's not much difference, "Michael dismissed.

"You weren't tempted to..." Kalandra began.

"Kali," Michael interrupted. "I told you. I'm done with getting my revenge on Clover. I'm done with Empire. I'm turning over a new leaf,"

"I never understood that expression. If the leaves fall from the same tree..."

"Have a little faith in me, will you?" Michael sighed. He inhaled deeply. "The air is so fresh. I can feel my magic returning already," he said with a smile.

"Now what?" Kalandra said drily.

"Now we enjoy ourselves. We're going to play a little game Clover used to play with me. We'll hop from portal to portal until we lose them," Michael turned from her," Then we'll be free to do what we want,"

"Clover's not going to just give up," Kalandra followed him, still dubious.

"I have a plan. I always have a plan. A plan inside a plan inside a plan," Michael grinned darkly.

"Did you learn that from Clover as well?"Kalandra asked in a low voice.

Michael turned back abruptly. "What is it with you? I'm trying to enjoy the moment and all I hear is Clover, Clover, Clover. I might have been Clover's apprentice but that's where the similarity ends. Clover may be clever but they are impulsive. I am not. They might make plans but they don't see it through. I never take my eyes off the prize. I don't pretend to be nice. I'm happiest when everyone else is fucking miserable and I make no apologies for it. So Kali, if you want words of comfort I suggest you go back now."

"I'm not going back, "Kalandra retorted

"Then stop worrying."Michael gave a theatric gesture ahead, "The only thing you need to decide is what you want to do with the rest of your life,"

"I'll marry you?" Kalandra replied suspiciously.

Michael gave a snort of laughter and turned back to staring at the sky.

"And then? What will you do after that?"

"I thought the married women in the Empire just lie around crocheting all day. What more is there for me to do?"

"Do you even know how to crochet? " Michael smirked.

"I can learn," Kalandra said, annoyed.

"Well if that's what you want, " Michael shrugged," I just thought..."

" That because I'm an assassin I must be as ambitious as you?"Kalandra said flatly.

"You can lie around in bed all day for all I care, my love," Michael closed his eyes, feeling the sun on his face." I have enough ambition for the both of us,"


**The demon world**

"What now?"

"We're going to follow them. They're in the human world so that's where we're going, "Clover answered.

"Michael closed the door on the other side so we don't know where they are," Ace said doubtfully.

"When you see smoke, you soon see a fire, "Clover replied reticently.

"What?" Ace blinked confused.

"It doesn't matter where they go, I know someone who will chase them to the end of the world," Clover drew up their hand and created a portal.

"Clover?"Ace called after apprehensively.

They didn't respond. Clover stepped through the portal without another word. Bird and Ace followed into the black threshold. The wet coldness was something Ace still couldn't get used to. He shivered as he stepped through.

The other side was dark. Darker than the demon world ever became. They proceeded after Clover into the murky room. Through the great stained windows at either side moonlight streamed inside.

Ace's eyes slowly widened as they adjusted to the room around. There were swords upon the walls and coats of arms. A long royal blue carpet leading up to a grave throne. It couldn't be... Clover wouldn't have brought them here.

They passed through twilight patches of light and dark before Ace's eyes finally found their way to a severe figure sitting upon the dark throne. He remembered that emotionless stare and piercingly cold blue eyes. Ace swallowed with difficulty.

"We need to talk," Clover addressed the Emperor with cool regard.

"What can you and I possibly have to talk about, demon lord?" The Emperor leaned back under dark eyes.

His aura made the air static with electric energy. The Emperor could have called the guard. Instead, he simply sat upon the throne with unwavering complete authority.

"Calm yourself, Keitel," Clover said quietly.

"We're not on a first-name basis," the Emperor replied icily. "You break into my palace with these fugitives? I should kill you where you stand. "

"It's about the necklace. The device which the wizard stole,"

"Not just the wizard, "The Emperor answered," that boy beside you is the one who stole it." The Emperor's eyes fell on Ace mercilessly.

"I had no part in that," Clover replied, "We still have a deal. You still need the necklace to destroy the demon world. I want to help you."

"We had a deal," the Emperor said cuttingly." I fulfilled my end of the bargain. You did not,"

"I'm trying to rectify that, "Clover replied.

"What exactly do you want from me, demon?" The Emperor answered apathetically.

"Michael is here in the human world. He has the necklace now. We need to find him, "Clover answered stiffly.

The Emperor's severe aura abated. He leant back, on one hand, his face shrouded in darkness.

"We both want the same thing," Clover went on, "You cannot fight a war on two sides. The enemy of your enemy can be your friend, "

"We will never be friends," came the sharp reply, "your demon philosophy doesn't interest me. What I want is results. If I give you the resources to find Michael, he must be found without fail. The court is already growing suspicious. I want this to be over. I want Michael dead and I want the demon world destroyed."

"I understand."

"Do you ?" Said the Emperor rising from the throne, " My patience has run out. If Michael and the necklace are not delivered to me within the month, I will make it my personal mission to break you. Everyone you love. Everyone who ever helped you. Who even met you. I'll kill them all. Then I'll take their bodies and throw them into the demon world with a match if I have to. I don't care what it takes. I'll have my way, one way or the other,"

The Emperor passed Clover and marched out of the throne room. He glanced darkly at Ace as he did so. The doors closed behind leaving the three standing in the dark.

"Why would you make another deal with him?!" Ace exclaimed, "He's the worst one here!"

"He's many things but he's a man of his word. He'll give his full effort to find Michael. That's what we need right now,"

"You're going to kill them?"Ace stared in disbelief.

Clover shrugged, "Not if they give me what I want,"

"You just promised the Emperor..." Ace began.

" The Emperor is going to do what he wants regardless of what I do. I'll deal with him after we find Michael and Kali,"

"How are you going to deal with him, Clover?" Ace exhaled breathlessly, "Don't you think these things through?!"

"I think best when I don't plan too far ahead," Clover dismissed.

"You're unbelievable, "Ace breathed.

"Aren't you too quick to pass the blame? Who told you to put the necklace in that box? Do you think magic like that just falls out of the sky? It's called dark magic for a reason. You made a gamble with your life and now I have to clean up your mess,"

"Maybe if you stopped treating Kali like a child and saw that she's a fully grown serial killer, you wouldn't have let her steal it from you!"

"Kali would never have stolen from me if you didn't intervene in the first place!"

"Both of you, STOP IT!" Bird cried. "This is going nowhere. We can't argue amongst ourselves,"

"Whatever, I was done anyway, "Clover remarked indifferently. "Arguing with you is pointless,"

"Then we agree on something, " Ace returned bitterly. There was an extended awkward pause.

"What happens now?"Bird said, breaking the silence.

A rustle came from outside the doors. There appeared to be several people gathering outside. Ace glanced apprehensively at Clover

"What if the Emperor changed his mind?"Ace said uneasily. "And he sent for the royal guard?"

"Doubtful. The Emperor of Rotan has never told a lie in his life. He's much too boring for that," Clover sighed.

The doors flung open.

"Gods! I must have done something terrible in my last life. Every time I see you, there's trouble," Albaric threw a palm to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Good to see you too, Sword Saint," Clover returned.

"This is a surprise," Rena added, following him inside. A cloister of sisters lined up behind her

"Bird...Ace..." Albaric turned to them in surprise, " What are you doing here?"

"We came with Clover," Ace answered sheepishly.

"Then you were all hiding in the demon world then?" Rena surmised.

"Don't misunderstand sister," Clover grinned, "I had nothing to do with attacks on the tower. These geniuses thought of that on their own."

"But here you are," Albaric said flatly.

"For once, the demon and the saint's goals align,"

"I don't know about that. All I know is the Emperor summons me in the middle of the night and says 'deal with it' so here I am," Albaric sighed, "but what exactly are we dealing with?"

"Michael and Kali stole the necklace, " Bird said quietly.

"If there was ever a worse combination..." Albaric said under his breath." But still, how did they manage to steal from you?"

"I was a bit preoccupied, " Clover answered briskly.

"Must have been some preoccupation," Albaric replied severely.

"So where is Michael now?"Rena questioned.

"Somewhere in the north," Clover replied. "But I can't sense where. He must be jumping around using the old portals,"

" He said he destroyed them," Albaric frowned.

"I thought the attack on the tower would have made it clear that he didn't. "

"So what? We follow him down there, he'll just jump again. We need to get ahead of him but how?"

"I've already got an idea in mind but I'll need your help," Clover smiled.

"The Emperor has already ordered us to..."

"No. You two specifically Albaric and Rena. I'll need your help. That's why I came to Empire first,"

"Us?" Rena answered doubtfully," what can we do that you cannot do yourself?"

"By my estimation, you are the two most powerful holy magic users in the continent," Clover smirked, "You can't always fight darkness with darkness. Sometimes you need a little light."