

I told my wives that they can go outside but be careful and I teleports outside as nobody can know my cultivation so I can move freely but my charm is on the god level so many girls and woman keeps staring at maximum time

I am now going in the city but I had no money so I hunted some beast and got their bodies to sell for money after selling I rested a room in a hotel or inn

now I am waiting for lightning incident so I can view it by myself and after waiting 2 months I sense large amount of energy is being accumulated in air so I went to see it and after 5 minutes a large a black lightning fell on a woman and just by seeing I can sense if it fell on the emperor realm cultivatior it can kill it but how can this woman be alive.

as I know, the lightning fell on lingxi mother so now I can marry lingxi in exchange for saving her mother. So after watching the incident I went back to planet

so now I am just visiting different places across whole pole star with my wives in between I have destroyed some youngster for eyeing my wives

3 months passed my cultivation also reached emperor realm, well I can reach divine realm but I am using Primordial energy to power my body soul and energy and my great way of Buddha have reached 2nd level peak and max Primordial energy is being used on soul

I am now above the xiao clan grounds and I see a old man drinking in a courtyard and has the highest cultivation in the area so I fly there to make him see me flying and get down there in fornt of him

xiao li seeing someone flying towards him and he can't sense his cultivation so he stands up

and as xiao li see someone young standing in front of him and first thing he thought that 'he is from a big background'

then I start talking ' my name is Alex' and he comes out of daze and introduces itself that he is xiao li and speaks ' senior what can I do for you'

i speak that ' I have heard about a incident that a black lightning fell on a person and that person is alive so I am here to see her' and we speak for some time

now he is talking me to see his wife and we come into a room in which a young woman is sleeping on bed but her face is somewhat pale and she is pregnant may be on her last month

I ask xiao li permission so I can diagnose her and after getting yes from him I start a formation and a circle come below her and start diagnosis

after some time I get what happend during that lightning and how she is alive

that lightning is slowly changing the bloodline of the child inside her and giving her a lightning divine body because of that child is sucking the vitality of her mother unconsciously to be kept herself alive through the process and that lightning is form the heavenly dao itself thats why that lightning hasn't killed the mother but now that child is sucking her vitality she is slowly dying

i turn towards xiaoli and tell him everything about his wife and child and he is also now scared that his wife is dying and ask my help and this is the moment I am waiting for

then I tell him ' if you are ready to betrothed your daughter to me I can save you wife' then he ask me about the age difference then I smile and tell him that 'for cultivatior there is no age difference as we live 10 of thousands of years so even if there is thousand of years age difference it doesn't matter, and she got the divine body and if you can't get a divine level lightning cultivation technique she will not be able to attain very high cultivation and can only be a normal child'.

then I tell him that I am not asking you to marry your daughter to me now, you engage her to me and about 17 years later I will come for marriage and as the for engagement gift you can ask me anything for one time and if it is in my limit I will do it

and after some persuading he agrees reluctantly because he knows that he is in the disadvantages position and I also told him that I am proposing a marriage and if I wanted to take lingxi nobody in this planet can stop me.

now we agree on the marriage in 17 years and as for gift he ask that if I can heal someone whose profound veins are destroyed and as I see the child or Yun Che , well I can heal him but if I heal him his marriage with Quinghe will not likely to be broken so I tell xiaoli that when I come for marriage I will give the medicine at that time as I need some time to find the medicine that can heal profound veins .

and I also give a storage ring which is filled with various pills and profound crystals and I tell him that it will be enough for you to reach sky realm and you wear this ring and it will become invisible and if you want you can give these pills and crystals to your family also but not to any clan members as for this treasure even the empire and sects will kill your clan so keep it safe ,and I give him a contact crystal to contact me when marriage preparation are done I will come or if you have any problem.

as I am flying towards hotel and thinking what to do next as 17.5 years are left to start the plot and when Yun Che come back then I can get the poison pearl and samsara mirror

some people are thinking what I will do with these treasure as I have my daos but I will be making my Dao weapon with all the heavenly treasures and as who will build it for that I have my weapon making mountain in the bank it just needs energy and instructions , I can also build my weapon but I am a bit of lazy person (hhahahH) . I also use my clones to cultivate.