
Making My Dream Harem In Another World

No NTR and Yuri ... I was stabbed by a drunken man, trying to protect my 'Three Crushes' After getting stabbed, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to them. They also returned my feelings. I was happy and sad at the same time. Regretting my decision to not confess to them sooner. At my last breath, I asked them. "I am... dying... so...can I touch...some mel-" I could not complete my shameless request as I died. But that was not the end and as I reopened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I didn't know why but the words came out of my mouth naturally. "Please be my wife!" The goddess also took interest in me and told me if I become stronger than her she will accept my proposal. And as a Alpha male, how could I back down and so I accepted her challenge. As I embarked on my journey to become stronger and win the goddess's heart, I found myself in a world teeming with magic, adventure and beautiful girls. So will I be able to complete my goal? ------- Howdy readers, before reading do note that it's a wish fulfillment novel, so don't expect it to have logic. thank you -------

SomethingCringe · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Don't Ever Desrespect My Parents

"Then I won't be polite." He said with a smile but behind that was a big rage.

Even though his parents were weirdos, they still cared for him, and he just could not let someone disrespect them.

"Ok then, I will not use any aura fighting you. How's that?" Alex declared, trying to be cool in front of his beloved sister.

'He just keeps getting on my nerves,' Frank was just getting irritated by his foolishness. 'Has he even seen what I am capable of?'

"Ok then, I also won't use magic, I will fight you with a sword." Frank also declared, he just wanted to give the spoiled kid a taste of his own medicine.

As they both took their stance, Frank started to regret his decision. He had hardly ever held a sword. Not to mention practising it.

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks—Frank hated to admit it, but he was against someone who has trained with a sword for many years.

And Alex even knows how to use aura at his age.

'Damn it,' Frank cursed inwardly. 'I should have agreed to use magic. Now I'm going to get beaten to a pulp.'

Frank took a deep breath, trying to muster whatever courage he could find. He stood, holding a wooden sword in his hands.

As they both took their stances, Frank's lack of experience with a sword became apparent in his unprofessional posture.

His grip on the wooden sword was uncertain and slightly awkward, revealing to anyone with knowledge of swordplay that it was his first time wielding one or that he was a novice at best.

His feet were positioned unevenly, with one foot placed slightly ahead of the other, betraying his unfamiliarity with the proper stance.

His shoulders were tense and slightly hunched, indicating a lack of confidence and proper form.

Frank's body seemed to lean forward too much, throwing off his balance and leaving him vulnerable to attacks.

'He is a bitch. Doesn't even know how to hold a sword.' Alex chuckled seeing Franks's posture. "Should I play with him?"

As both of them were ready, a butler started the fight.

"Match begin!"

Alex rushed forward to attack Frank. He didn't put his guard on as he thought Frank was just a novice.

Meanwhile, Franks's heart was beating fast. It would not be a problem if he had used his magic skills.

"Remember, always stay calm and adjust your posture." His sister's voice rang across his head.

He remember the training he did with his sister last week. How he was beaten in just a move every time he tried to attack her.

"Whenever a swordsman is madly charging at you. He always has an opening on his upper body. Observe it and wait for the right to land a hit."

As he observed Alex, who was rushing at him, finding his opening was a piece of cake.

"Not now."

"Not now."

"Right now."


Alex who swung his sword to slash Frank was taken aback by his attack. He really didn't expect Frank to hit his openings.

He instantly jumped backwards, holding his chest where the hit was landed. 'How can he... No, he just got lucky, yes, he was just lucky to land a hit.'

He glanced at Frank, whose stance was somehow corrected.

'I should be a little careful next time.' Alex thought as he observed Frank. Although Frank has adjusted his stance, he still had a lot of openings.

Now, Alex confirmed that Frank was just lucky to land a hit on him.

A few minutes ago.

Unknown to them, Two men were observing their fight from the mansion's second floor.

One of them was a little old, around fifty and was wearing the traditional butler attire.

And the second one was young and wore the Nobel attire. He resembled Alex a lot. He stands with confidence and elegance. Observing them carefully.

"Alfred, who's that child?" He asked the butler, referring to Frank.

"Master, he was the one that saved young miss from the wolves." The butler replied.

But the man didn't answer him, he observed Franks for a few seconds before he said. "Strange, I don't feel any magic from him. And looking at his body. He could not possibly be a swordsman." The man questioned.

As Alex and Frank tool their stances to fight, the butler asked. "Should I stop the fight?"

"No, no, let them continue." the man replied, he was curious to see how Frank would perform.

He was surprised when Frank was able to see his opening and react in time.

Present time.

As they both continue to clash, Frank was able to stop Alex's every attack. But he was still at a disadvantage because of his body.

He was quickly reaching his limit. 'Sigh, I am going to lose.'

'How is he able to keep up with me all this time.' Alex was getting frustrated because he could not land a hit on Frank. 'Damn it!! hit.'

As he held his sword up trying to slash Frank. He infused aura with his sword. "Don't blame me, you have brought it upon yourself." He used aura as he didn't want his sister to see him as pathetic.

On the second floor of the mansion.

"He's really talented," Lucas said as he observed their fight.

"It's a pity he will lose."

Frank also sensed something was wrong with this attack. He tried to put his sword in front to defend but he didn't have much strength. 'I am already at my limits.'

Gritting his teeth, Frank's mind raced for a solution. He couldn't accept defeat, not to this stupid moron.

'Will I really be defeated by this moron? No, I can't accept it. Think, there should be a way...'

'What if I infuse my pure mana? I haven't tried but it's better than nothing.'

He decided to utilize his newly refined pure mana, a concentrated form of energy he had been tirelessly developing.

Though it was only a small quantity, he hoped it would make a difference.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Frank channelled the pure mana into his wooden sword, infusing it with his newfound energy.

The weapon glowed faintly, emanating a shimmering aura that was a testament to Frank's determination.

"How...? Is that aura?" Lucas exclaimed.

Alex felt something was off but his pride won't allow him to back down. As he infused his aura and swung his sword upward.


The next second, Alex's wooden sword was cut in half, he was fozen as his neck was just inches away from Franks's sword.

"Don't ever disrespect my parents..." He said, his voice mixed with anger and exhaustion.

"O-ok..." Alex said, a little ashamed of his behaviour.

He was really just trying to protect his sister that's why he said that to provoke Frank and prove his sister that he is an imposter.

Clap! Clap! Clap!