
Making Modern Weapons in a Fantasy World

In the continent of Dark a group of dirty and bloody individuals commit a forsaken summoning of a demon. While on earth a man named Fred reading in a library gets flashed out of existence. Given knowledge on making weapons Fred will have to live in a new world filled with magic.

Rellik0 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Meeting a God

Fred spent his days reading at a public library reading books, novels, anything that got his attention. Today was going to be a very difficult day for Fred as he was choosing the next thing to read he was transported somewhere unknown face to face with a mysterious man.

"Who are you?" Fred looked at the man in curiosity.

"I'm close to what you call a god? Actually you could think of me as a different species from you humans."

"So like alien or god which is it?"

"Science wise I'm closer to a alien but religion wise a god. Lets skip this part and get to why your here."

"I feel like its more important for me to find out what you are not why I'm here."

"Well too bad we don't have- well I don't have time for that. Long story short you are being summoned to another world do you decline or agree?"

Fred was then informed of the situation. A group of people hoping to explore a unexplored continent to hopefully find relics, land, or even treasures find a ruin that had a technique that would allow them to summon a person from a different world to theirs. However this group believes they are summoning a demon who would help them accomplish their tasks. It was this mysterious man's job to allow both sides to complete this agreement.

"So Fred? Would you want to transfer to this world?"

"Am I allowed to have anything for going over there?"

"You will be granted knowledge about anything you choose and bring one item with you."

"I agree give me all known knowledge of weaponry."

"Granted however, I recommend the item you bring with you has sentimental value or something to remind you of the world you are leaving."

"No need I have no attachments to Earth let me bring a glock fully loaded and extra bullets for it with me."

"Are you sure you want to bring this item with you?"

"Absolutely I need a method of protecting myself right away."

"This I need to inform you of something."

The man explained that the world he will be transported to every person there will have a system they cultivate to allowing them to gain strength. So to make things simple to Fred he told him he will be given a leveling system like a game he will be transported at level 30 so he could deal with most average things.

"So in my 'game' terms what's the highest or strongest being on that planet?"

"Oh that well for humans their highest achieved so far would be level 7000, but on that planet would be level 9000 that is the so called level cap on the planet."

"So you're saying there's a level cap? Is there a way to go over it?"

"Well yes its quite simple just leave the planet the universe has laws in place so nobody can destroy planets easily but that's another thing, I will send you over shortly, again are you sure this is what you want to bring with you?"


After that response Fred was transported to another planet on the continent called Dark a group of cloaked individuals stood around a magic circle. The circle flashed a light and Fred was left standing in the middle completely naked with a glock in his hand. Fred was seeing a HUD in his vision much like a game it displayed his level, XP, and stats. After getting a feel for his situation he looked at his surroundings he was in a giant cavern of some kind, dimly lit up by torches. Fred turned and looked at the individuals one by one. In total there was 10 cloaked figures 4 of the ten looked female.

"Who are you all?" Fred asked the question and looked around to see who would speak.

"Oh great demon we ask of you to kill a person in exchange we will offer some slaves to you." The man directly in front of Fred spoke after he finished speaking the 4 females took of their cloaks and stepped forward.

"These four will serve you for eternity so long as you kill who we ask."

"Deal show me who to kill and consider it done." The cloaked man seemed happy at the response he pointed down at the tunnel behind him before continuing to speak to Fred.

"Outside of this Cavern some fools chased us in here trying to kill us, they wanted the scripture that summoned you here so we had no choice but to use it as a last resort."

Fred didn't respond to the man just simply nodding his head. In Fred's sight text popped up asking if he will accept the mission. Nodding his head seemed to accept it for him, before he could move though more text popped up asking him what class he would like to be. Fred played some RPGs before so he knew some classes but what was strange was there was no classes showing. Thinking to himself he asked 'System what classes are there to choose from?' the system responded with 'Anything you can think of, after choosing host can choose one more class as a secondary later.' After seeing the reply Fred immediately wanted to be a necromancer. After choosing his class Fred braced himself for knowledge to poured into his head. Seconds passed and nothing happened leaving Fred confused. 'System what skills do I get?' the system popped up with more text saying 'All spells are formed from imagination only limited by the persons creativity of course things that relate to your class cost less mana to use, but more powerful something is the more mana it requires.' After reading the explanation Fred understood only some of it but he didn't bother asking more questions he just wanted to go explore.

"Lead me to the entrance, what is your name?" Fred looked to the man who was the only one speaking.

"My name is Fredrick sir demon."

"Fredrick huh? What a good name." Fred nodded and kept following him to the entrance of this cavern.

"Sir demon we have blocked this entrance by blowing up the rocks to it we can open it for you at your word sir."

Fred nodded to the man to open it, the cloaked individuals pointed their hands to the rubble of rocks blocking the entrance and instantly the rocks vaporized like water turning into steam. Fred looked calm on the surface but inside he was deeply shocked 'So that's how spells work mages must be the strongest on this planet than.' Shortly after the rubble evaporated the cloaked figure dropped to the ground panting. 'Host mages are strong because of spells however the mana spells consume are no joke.' Fred saw the systems response and asked a question. 'System how much mana do I have and how much mana would I use if I use the spell they used?' 'You have 2500 mana host, the cost to use their spell would be 1200 mana host, however if you wish to expand the radius of it it would increase the cost of mana.' Fred took a moment to process those words before looking straight outside the cavern in the sun light was about 30 individuals outside sitting around a makeshift camp. They all turned their heads over to the opening where Fred was located at.