
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

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356 Chs

Thus, The Proud Queen's Falls

The Herrscher of the Void's voice echoed through the Space, each word a sharp blade slicing into Kiana's soul. It was like the Herrscher was peering deep into her heart, exposing her deepest fears and the harsh realities she'd tried to ignore.

"Those you saved, those you protected, those you helped, none of them truly thanked you from the bottom of their hearts."

Deception and manipulation intertwined.

"I choose to believe!" Kiana declared, her voice firm and unwavering. 

It wasn't just a desperate plea, a way to cling to hope in the face of despair.

This wasn't a fleeting thought, easily dismissed. Kiana truly believed in the good in the world, in the kindness she had witnessed and the beauty she had felt.

It was a belief that she was willing to fight for, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

"I've been dreaming of all kinds of people. The echoes of consciousness and fragments of memories left in the Herrscher cores… their lives, their joys and sorrows, I can feel them all."

"Everyone has their own struggles, their own painful moments," she continued. "But they stand tall, even with the wounds they carry. That's what makes them strong."

"Good and evil are like you and me, existing in everyone's heart. They are two sides of the same coin, inseparable light and shadow."

"You are right, the world is not beautiful."

"That's why beauty is what people yearn for in their hearts."

"..." The Herrscher of the Void stared at the determined girl, speechless.

"This is my reason," Kiana declared. "Because good and evil exist together, I must fight for a future where we can overcome tragedy."

"I believe everyone has their own chance to make the world a better place. People with good intentions will always appear, passing the torch from generation to generation."

"Even if their ending is not perfect, they can still live a life of integrity and without regrets."

"There have been many people around me who have done just that."

"... It is because of the choices she and they made that I could stand here today."

"So I choose to believe, believe in her ideals, and believe in what they fought to protect."

"As long as I stand here, her flame, their flames, will burn forever."

"Good is something that needs to be believed in, while evil does not."

Sirin looked straight into her counterpart's eyes – resolute, bright, burning with conviction. It was... infuriating.

However, this was the only way to be worthy of fighting her, the other half she acknowledged.

"Yes, but because of that: people like you, and the Herrscher of Dominance, underestimate the power of belief."

Kiana had come this far with hope in her heart, relying on the kindness and support of countless people around her. No one understood the power of belief better than her.

Good and evil clashed.

The Herrscher of the Void and Kiana stood their ground, each holding firm to their convictions.

[Hahaha――, scratch that, I'm back! Herrscher of Dominance, eat this! This is for all that is beauty in the world!]

…I know they say villains die from talking too much, but even I, a Queen simp, can't believe Tuna actually managed to clap back like that. ]

[Kiana has really grown up, huh… into someone none of us recognize anymore. I guess we can only see the old her in the event stories now…)

[Noooo, don't fight anymore you two! You all MY WIFE… you can't kill each other like this!]


"Heh—it seems things are quite clear now," the Herrscher of the Void declared dully, her voice devoid of amusement.

"There's no room for compromise between us, nor any possibility of mutual understanding." Kiana and the Herrscher of the Void said in unison,

One good, one evil, their stances towards others diametrically opposed.

"How rare, this might be the only thing we can agree on."

"There's no need for further discussion. Only one of us can remain, you or me."

"Come then, I'm not afraid of you!"

Kiana wouldn't back down, nor would she rely on others any longer.

"Hmph. Struggle all you want, it's futile. This is it—your judgment day!" The Herrscher of the Void scoffed, unleashing her Herrscher powers in an all-out assault.

Spears of spatial rifts tore through the void, hurtling towards Kiana. Drawing her pistols, Kiana weaved between the attacks, returning fire towards Sirin whenever an opening appeared.

After all this time, neither could sway the other.

The battle for consciousness would ultimately be decided through combat.

[So in the end, The solution to everything is still just… fighting?]

[Their debate was so lit, I almost forgot that neither of them are exactly known for their eloquence… I can totally see both sides now, I'm basically ping-ponging between their two factions.]

[Do Kiana and Sirin really go to St. Freya? They never taught us any of that in school!]



In the quiet comfort of Cecilia's home, Sirin sat silently on the sofa, her eyes glued to the screen. The confrontation between Kiana and the Herrscher of the Void unfolded before her, a fierce battle of words and ideologies.

Uncharacteristically, Sirin was silent, her usual sharp wit and mocking remarks absent. She seemed lost in thought, almost mesmerized by the unfolding drama.

"Sirin," Cecilia said, a playful twinkle in her eyes, "they say they're extensions of your consciousness, but both sides seem far more eloquent than you."

Whether it was the Herrscher of the Void representing evil, or Kiana representing good, their words held weight, their convictions unwavering.

Of course, her heart leaned more towards Kiana.

The girl in the game, both in words and actions, embodied everything a Valkyrie should be.

"W-well, what does that have to do with me?" Sirin muttered, her earlier anxieties momentarily forgotten. Her mom sounded like she was praising someone else's kid, but the problem was, both of those "kids" were inextricably linked to her.

It was like she was being compared to her own split personalities, and she couldn't even figure out who to be angry at!

Cecilia chuckled, gently stroking Sirin's hair. "That's because neither side yielded to the other. Remember when Otto faced the Herrscher of Sentience earlier? If you can't win an argument, you can only retreat."

Though she often teased Sirin, seeing that the Herrscher of the Void in the game wasn't wholly Sirin brought her daughter some relief, and Cecilia noticed.

As for Sirin's worries... Cecilia could naturally guess.

"... Mom, are you saying... that I should also face that Honkai head-on?" Sirin mumbled, her head bowed, fingers nervously intertwining. "Like Kiana in there, she's so brave."

But she didn't think she could be as... resolute, as hopeful, as Kiana. Goodness and kindness were things she only experienced within the embrace of Cecilia's family. 

As for others... she was still too afraid to approach, afraid to hurt, and afraid to lose. 

"Those are their memories, but for you, it was real pain that you endured... I won't force you to do anything, but you're my daughter, and I'll always support you. Whether you choose to avoid it, or face it..." Cecilia said softly, her words gently seeping into Sirin's heart, easing the tension and calming her anxieties.

"Didn't you already take a step forward in ARC City, with your herrscher power?" Cecilia asked gently, her voice laced with a playful teasing tone. "My little Sirin~ don't overthink it, just take it one step at a time. Even if others forget, Mommy will always remember your growth."

"Just take your time, I believe in you." Cecilia pressed her forehead against Sirin's, the warmth of their skin a comforting conduit between them.

"... Mm." Sirin hummed softly, unsure of what she could do. But as long as she was here, by her mom's side, nothing else seemed to matter as much.

This was the warmth she yearned for, the one thing she wanted to protect. It was the love and acceptance she found in Cecilia's embrace, a haven from the storm within her. 

Maybe, just maybe, that love was enough to guide her, to give her the strength to face the darkness within and find her own way, one step at a time.

Even if the world didn't understand, Cecilia would always believe in her, and that was all that mattered.


As the Herrscher of the Void summoned Bella once more, the giant dragon simply hovered in mid-air, her wings beating gently. Her previous taunts, urging Kiana to strike down a weakened enemy, faded into an irritated silence.

"Bella? Why aren't you attacking?" she snarled, glaring at the colossal dragon before her.

Kiana, anticipating this, closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them, meeting the Herrscher's gaze with a steady intensity.

"Don't you understand?" she said, her voice calm but filled with conviction. "Benares... Bella, she's Sirin's friend. She harbors unconditional kindness towards Sirin, always hoping for her happiness."

"We are both Sirin, her limitless possibilities... but we've chosen different paths."

"Your heart is consumed by the desire to destroy this world, while I strive to protect what I believe in."

She paused, letting the weight of her words settle, then posed a question that cut through the Herrscher's anger and challenged her very core.

"In Bella's eyes, who do you think is closer to the person Sirin wants to be?"

The Herrscher of the Void, her anger boiling over, snarled, "Are you saying she chose you? That dragon chose... the Sirin she wants to see?!"

"Hmph—" With a derisive snort, the Herrscher exerted her dominion over her own Mindscape.

She banished Benares from the battlefield, then fixed a mocking gaze on Kiana. "Don't get cocky... Don't tell me you've forgotten where that power of yours came from? That power you stole—it's time to return it!"

Abruptly, the Herrscher severed the flow of spatial energy within Kiana, reclaiming her stolen half. The sky turned a blinding white as Kiana reverted to her base form.

With a final taunt, the Herrscher declared, "Now, let's have a fair and square duel."

[Wait, she's back to White Comet?!]

[Can we report the Herrscher of void for hacking? This isn't fair!]

[Fair and square? How can this even be a fight? White Comet versus the Queen?!]



It seemed that even though everyone liked to poke fun at the good ol' Miss Tuning Fork, they were all too aware of White Comet's... limitations.

"Ugh, and this is what she calls a fair duel?!" Kiana grumbled, resisting the urge to chuck the device across the room. "It's just White Comet, how am I supposed to fight her with this?"

The writers couldn't possibly be making things this difficult for her... right? Making her fight with White Comet was really overestimating her abilities.

"Hey, White Comet can fight too! Watch me clear this with no damage hit." The Herrscher of Sentience chirped, reaching for the device in Kiana's hand.

Kiana quickly dodged her grasp. "No way, I'll try it myself. There's no way she can do something I can't." She retorted, focusing her attention back on the game, her competitive spirit flaring. 

She wouldn't let anyone, even the Herrscher of Sentience, underestimate her!

"Eh? Queen... why did you get rid of Bella?" Bella mumbled, looking at Sirin with a hurt expression.

The giant dragon in the game had been unceremoniously deleted by the Herrscher of the Void in a fit of pique, leaving Bella feeling quite aggrieved.

They were both Sirin... both her masters. Why take it out on her?

"Because Bella, you don't listen! Always doing things I don't approve of!" Sirin declared, lifting her head from Cecilia's lap to shoot Bella a defiant look. "Tell me, will you dare to disobey me again?"

"Uhm, no, never! The real Queen is still here!"


The battle, which initially seemed like a guaranteed victory, quickly turned into a grueling trial. Kiana fell countless times, her body crashing to the ground with a thud. But the thought of giving up never crossed her mind.

Again and again, she picked herself up from the ground, each time rejoining the fight. The stage had invincibility enabled – there was no risk of a game over. But every time she fell, her defeated words sent a pang of sympathy through the viewers' hearts. No one could bear to see her fail again.

Yet, the Queen's attacks were powerful and far-reaching. As the starting Valkyrie, White Comet simply couldn't dodge effectively, let alone counterattack. Time and again, her health bar plummeted dangerously low. But fueled by unwavering conviction, Kiana refused to yield.

Fight, fight, fight… Even against an impossible foe, her mind clung to a single thought: never give up.

The Herrscher of the Void mocked her foolishness, her naiveté. Her companions were locked out of the Domination Theater, unable to offer aid.

She was utterly alone.


Kiana gasped for air, her body battered and bruised. If this wasn't a battle of consciousness, she'd be long past the point of collapse.

"Huff… huff… Maybe you're right. Maybe I don't have the power right now. Maybe this is all pointless." She rasped, each word a struggle. "Forget fighting back, it takes everything I have just to stay standing."

But then, a wave of memories washed over her, memories that transcended the pain and exhaustion.

"But... every time I fall, every time the pain makes me want to give up... I remember so many things." Her voice softened, a wistful smile gracing her lips.

"Burnt toast pizza, bell pepper curry that wasn't spicy, triple-scoop parfaits, a feather shimmering with light, the gates of St. Freya, and her final lesson..."

She closed her eyes, reliving those moments, each one a beacon of warmth and hope. "Every single person who helped me, who guided me forward, who showed me kindness."

"Their smiles, their gratitude, their hope for the future, their hands reaching out to me, their light shining upon me…" A wave of gratitude washed over her, a surge of strength that defied her physical limitations.

With newfound resolve, she looked upon her opponent, her eyes blazing with a newfound courage.

"How could I possibly utter the word 'surrender'?!"

"On this journey, I've received so much. Courage, blessings, hope… all my most precious memories, they're all here. Weighing heavily on my heart, warming me to my core."

"That's why—"

"I am anything but powerless!!"

With a roar, she transformed once again, donning the celestial armor. But this time, it was wreathed in blazing flames.

"All that I've received, I will carry it forward!" She cried out to Sirin, feeling an unstoppable power surging within her.

"I'll share it with even more people! I will not fall here!"

The Herrscher of the Void watched in astonishment. She was certain that the core of her powers remained untouched... then how?

Then, it dawned on her – the power flowing into Kiana… The Gem of Haste!

"I will bear her ideals, their ideals – and keep moving forward!!"

Flames erupted around Kiana, engulfing her in a fiery embrace. Crimson armor materialized around her, the flames forging a magnificent, blazing great-sword in her hands. Gripping it tightly, she met the gaze of her other self, her eyes burning with fighting spirit.

Finally, the true battle had begun.

(Kiana, I believe in you. You won't lose to her. It's… a promise.)

(Waaah, dummy, bell pepper curry... how could it not be spicy?!)

(Kiana... Perhaps... but, this is my duty!)

(Tears in my eyes… Each of those things represents someone who cares about her, who looked after her. She remembers them all, every single one.)



"Get her, Kiana! Take her down! The hero always defeats the demon king!" Rozaliya cheered, her excitement exceeding even Kiana's. Her little fangs peeked out from time to time, but in a way that was more endearing than intimidating.

"Oh, oh~ so this is what they call a last-minute power-up!" Liliya chimed in languidly, supporting her sister.

Kiana, her eyes glued to the screen, her heart overflowing with gratitude and a hint of bittersweet sorrow, murmured, "Himeko-Sensei... I... I never imagined... that you'd be the one to help me in the end."

Even now, at the very end… was Himeko-Sensei still the one to lend her a helping hand? 

Himeko shook her head gently at Kiana's words, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Don't say that, Kiana. It's more likely that the Gem itself chose you. This is something only you could have achieved."

Her student had blossomed so brightly. She, on the other hand, felt she had done little to help, especially when it came to her teaching. As for saving her… wasn't that simply a teacher's duty, to protect their student?

In her eyes, such things went without saying. What truly filled her with pride was seeing Kiana inherit their ideals and beliefs, carrying the torch forward for a new generation.

It also gave her pause, making her reflect on her usual lessons. It seemed that only a handful of phrases she'd repeated countless times had actually proven useful.


Empowered by the Gem of Haste, Kiana finally fought on equal footing. With each swing of her blazing great-sword, her resolve solidified. She poured every ounce of strength she possessed into her attacks.

She wouldn't lose. She couldn't lose.

So many people had placed their hopes in her, had supported her. And that Gem... she wouldn't let them down!

Raising her great-sword for a final strike, she saw only her enemy reflected in her fiery blade.

Defeat her! Her mind clung to that single thought.

Under Kiana's relentless assault, the Herrscher of the Void faltered, her strength waning. She tried every trick she knew, but it was no use. Once again, she was about to fall to that blazing great-sword, that woman, that Gem…

"Why?!" She roared in defiance. "Why do you presume to stand against me?! Just because you're the 'good' Sirin, and I'm the 'evil' one?!"

"Such things never existed! I chose good, and you chose evil!"

With one final surge of power, Kiana unleashed a wave of flames that consumed everything in its path.

The curtain fell on their battle, the story reaching its climax.

Kiana had won, fulfilling her promise. The Herrscher of the Void had lost, however much she refused to accept it.

In the ensuing whiteout, a heavy silence descended. All that needed to be said had been spoken. The battle had reached its inevitable conclusion. There were no words left to exchange, only a parting of ways.

"It's over..."

"Indeed, it is... The Gem's power... it's flowing into you. They've abandoned me, chosen you. It seems your convictions proved stronger."

"I'll make sure they weren't wasted."

"Do as you please. With me gone, your life will be a lot easier."

"I'll bear the burden of your sins. It's my responsibility."

"That's your choice… You could have lived in blissful ignorance, or died an innocent. But you chose this path."

"Sirin's bloodstains, her sorrow and despair, the weight of good and evil that all humans must face—you'll spend the rest of your life carrying that weight."

"I'll do everything in my power to ensure the world never sees another Sirin."


"The victor remains, the loser fades away. Those are the rules. I have no objections." The Herrscher of the Void said, her voice tinged with a strange mix of emotions. But there was no rage, no despair, only the quiet acceptance of defeat.

"Farewell, Herrscher of the Void. Farewell... other me."

"I'll never agree with your ideals, but… You've won. So walk your path to the very end."

Sirin gently stroked Bella's massive head, a look of melancholy in her eyes. She glanced at Kiana, but there were no villainous monologues, no hysterical screams. Only a flicker of envy, barely perceptible, in the depths of her gaze.

"Struggle with all your might, Kiana, right to the very end."

Slowly, Sirin began to dissipate, her form dissolving into motes of light, golden threads that drifted into the boundless sky.

A soul extinguished, fading away without a sound.

What were her final thoughts?

Unfulfilled desires? Fleeting moments of joy left unexplored?

Unfinished vengeance against Schicksal? Judgment undelivered?

Or perhaps… the bitter sting of defeat?

It didn't matter anymore.

She had lost. And now, she was gone…

Thus, The proud Queen's Falls, her grand exit complete.

With her loyal dragon by her side, she departed for realms unknown, leaving behind the battles of the world below.


(Captainverse Events? Side story 5)

Luna ran a hand through her braids, making sure they were neat. Then she smoothed out her skirt, which was so fancy and detailed, it looked like it was made of flower petals. All thanks to that special costume card, she looked just like her grown-up self from the game, Luna Kindred. She was back to being graceful and beautiful!

She had seen it herself—the way Miss "Always-in-Control" Kongming had frozen in place, completely dumbfounded. She kept muttering about things not being scientifically possible, clutching the costume card as if her soul had departed, before finally stumbling away…

Luna Kindred, for the first time, savored the taste of victory.

It was exhilarating!

"Look, human! No one can call me small anymore, can they?" Luna Kindred asked, a little bit shyly. She lifted the edge of her skirt and smiled, feeling proud of herself.

Now that she was all grown up, her figure far surpassed Kongming's. Even that Irene wouldn't stand a chance. And that whole argument about who met the human first... He had clearly said she was the first!

She was number one!

"Uhm… Maybe tone it down a bit? I think you looked better before…" Luo Mo said, trying to move back a little as if he was trying to get away from something dangerous.

"Hm? What~? Don't tell me you're afraid of them?" Luna Kindred asked, her eyes widening. She licked her lips suggestively, her slender fingers brushing against her ample bosom.

"Of course not! I'm a gentleman. Why would I be interested in those?" Luo Mo said, but he couldn't stop looking at her. He told himself it was just gravity, but his words didn't sound very convincing.

Who would have thought Luna Kindred could still grow up after all these years? He thought she would stay small, like Theresa, forever a little girl. He thought the laws of the universe wouldn't allow her to grow up.

Wait a minute... maybe this meant he could finally get rid of that "lolicon" label!

Luo Mo felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was suddenly less worried about Luna Kindred's... "accusations." 

"But… It's obvious I was the one who succeeded in the game! Even Kongming… even she ended up my prisoner." Luna Kindred pressed, taking a step closer, her smile taking on a sharper edge. She wrapped her arms around Luo Mo, pressing her body against his, her lips close to his ear. "I'm all grown up now~ You can't use that excuse to avoid me anymore..."

The scent of roses enveloped him, not the cool embrace of rosemary, nor the refreshing fragrance of orchid and Osmanthus. Hers was a heady, intoxicating aroma, seeking to claim every inch of space around them.

Her warm breath tickled his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He felt a flush creep up his neck, unsure how to handle this bolder, more assertive Luna Kindred. She still possessed the straightforwardness of a child, openly declaring her desire for a coveted toy...

And now, she was ready to take it, not worrying about when or how.

She just wanted what she wanted.

"Wait, I..." Luo Mo tried to say something, but Luna Kindred wasn't listening.

From her perspective, this unexpected turn of events presented the perfect opportunity.

"Well then~ Time for bed."

With a gentle push, Luna Kindred steered Luo Mo towards her room. A swift kick sent the door swinging shut behind them.

Her red eyes glowed with a hint of desire, but she wasn't hungry anymore. 

Tonight, the moonlight seemed particularly enchanting…

(TL: Why I write this?)