
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Videospiele
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Idol Contest and Being Stupidity Everywhere

Time passed quickly, two days passed quickly,

Luo Mo has also been actively working overtime in the company these two days, He really wanted to try his luck at the gacha banner, hoping to get something special.

He tried ten times in a row, but nothing exciting happened – just a bunch of ordinary materials. 

Disappointed, Luo Mo decided it was wiser to stop before he wasted anything else.

He figured he'd wait until he saw Kiana before trying again. After all, when it comes to luck, sometimes you need a little extra boost!

But unfortunately, Summer vacation is finally on the horizon, and that means beaches, swimming, and lots of free time! Well, it would, if it weren't for those pesky exams.

Kiana has been busy taking exams recently, vowing to compete with Sirin in terms of grades. Both of them are studying hard, although to be honest, Luo Mo feels that the competition between the two sides will ultimately come down to luck..

Not wanting to distract them, Luo Mo focused on his games and his lovely Luna. Besides, those crystals he was after weren't going anywhere, right?

While everyone prepared for the big idol competition at the end of the season, he decided to relax and wait for the perfect moment.

As the update contend comes to an end, the last idol competition event has also begun to warm up, which has led to heated discussions among players.

As the idol lists are announced one by one, they are basically the characters everyone expected.

The first is the Olenyeva twin sisters who appeared not long ago. They are still so lively and active.

This competition isn't just about fun and games. It seems Schicksal, Anti-Entropy, and even the mysterious World Snake are all behind the event. With powerful organizations backing it, this idol showdown is sure to be one to remember!

[ Choose the person you like and let her become an idol! ]

Huge posters are everywhere, showing off the contestants and their upcoming performances.

[ Who will you choose? Get ready to vote and make your voice heard! ]

Here's how it works: You can vote for your favorite character by playing the game and completing special daily activities. These activities will earn you votes – about four per day! Make sure to log in every day to get the most votes possible!


"The exam is finally over!" Kiana let out a big sigh of relief and stretched her arms high. The sun bounced off her bright hair as she grinned.

With a skip in her step, she ran over to Mei. "Yay! No more studying!" she cheered.

Kiana couldn't shake the memory of the last few days. Sure, training was fun, but those books? Ugh! They gave her nightmares. Still, pushing all that aside, a big question hung in the air.

"So, Kiana," Mei began, a playful twinkle in her eyes, "Think you're finally going to beat your sister this time?" Mei said gently touching Kiana 's hair,

Mei have gradually gotten used to the horns on her head recently, and there seems to be nothing uncomfortable about it, except that when people look at her, they first look upward unconsciously.

" Of course! " Kiana smiled and said with confidence,

After saying that, she opened the game with great interest. The familiar interface came into view, the sound of boarding the ship and the herrscher of void with costume of the fairy of the Fountain on the board.

She opened the page and said,

"Come on, come on!" Kiana bounced with excitement. "Let's see what this new event is all about. No one can beat me at this!"

She grinned, then frowned slightly. "Too bad my sister isn't playing. I bet I could even take the top spot in the idol contest."

Mei watched Kiana with amusement, then glanced at the screen. "Hmmm, this event..." A strange feeling washed over her. Her instincts screamed that this was one of those weird Event their Boss Luo Mo liked to design.

This one would probably be extra crazy.

"Speaking of which," Kiana chirped, still focused on her game, "I never asked – what character did Mei get in the event? What kind of voice did you do?"

Mei hesitated. "Well... you'll find out soon enough. Let's just say...it's not my finest moment." A shiver ran down her spine.

She had a hunch that these events usually meant one thing: Luo Mo was about to make her the butt of the joke again.


World Serpent Headquarter

"The eyes of the serpent are already upon us all. Natasha, you will bring honor to the World Serpent,"

The room was dimly lit, casting a faint glow that partially concealed the gray snake in the shadows.

Without turning around, he spoke to Raven in a calm and composed manner.

Clearly, this gray snake had a knack for setting the mood.

" ??? " What did the Gray Serpent mean?

Raven couldn't understand what the other party was saying at all, but due to the failure of the recent operation, she couldn't refute it.

In her opinion, it was lucky that the World Snake did not punish her at all.

As for the so-called honor of the place, she'd rather not have anything to do with it, let alone the gray snake.

"In this idol conference, you will seize the crown!"

The firm voice echoed in the void, as if foretelling an impending storm and a forthcoming victory.

"Hold on, when did I sign up? I wasn't aware of this at all. Am I still part of the new event?"

Raven was taken aback and spoke somewhat disjointedly, quickly launching the game to verify.

In the corner of the pictorial page, there was her own image and name, labeled as Natasha Ciora, along with a close-up of her face,

Her expression was incredibly animated. Raven couldn't help but suppress her real-life expression, but she quickly recovered.

Hold on, does Luo Mo know her a bit too well? It's almost as if she could… or could she not… recognize her in-game character at first glance.

"But that's beside the point, Raven. As the World Snake's representative, I'm here to assist you."

Gray Snake swiveled around and gently rested his hand on Raven's shoulder. His lifeless eyes glowed a menacing red as he spoke in a strangely encouraging tone.

He had been rather critical of Raven for not firing even a single shot during the previous mission, but now it seems that this is a good opportunity for her to redeem herself.

Gray Snake made up his mind to thrust Raven into the limelight and turn her into the World Snake's poster girl! Idol!

"…" Raven fell silent for a moment, not uttering a single word.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she instinctively felt a sense of crisis.

She flashed a quick smile, planning to tactfully dissuade him.

"Grey Snake, there's no need for our World Snake to resort to underhanded tactics. We're a large organization, after all. It wouldn't look good if word got out, and it wouldn't do us any favors in terms of publicity."

She had heard that Grey Snake often tried to sneak into MiHoYo Company's database, but it was said that he rarely succeeded and didn't gather much information. He was up against a hacker who seemed to be top-notch.

Was he trying to rig the votes to make her the top-voted idol?

No, no, no, she didn't want to be at the top at all, she was perfectly content being at the bottom.

"Cheating?" Gray Snake shot her a disgruntled glare, his gaze drifting off into the distance through the window.

——Though to Raven, this room felt more like a prison cell with a window.

" How could we cheat? If you think about it carefully, aren't robots considered human beings? It just so happens that all World Snake members can also participate. "

Raven was left speechless, silently praying that Luo Mo wouldn't trick her too much.

As for whether the other party genuinely cared about her, she had zero expectations.


A while later, it was clear that the voting gap hadn't widened much in the first two days;

The major contenders were more or less neck and neck.

Interestingly, some participants teamed up, like the Olenyeva twins, the two 'Seeles', Einstein, and Dr. Tesla.

However, there's no distinct advantage in pairing up, as the top three spots on the first day were all occupied by solo players.

Currently, Theresa is leading the pack, followed by Kiana, our protagonist, in second place, and Bronya, who recently got a new armor upgrade, in third.

Kiana swiftly escorted Mei back to her mom's place, primarily because it was conveniently close.

The idea of trekking all the way back in this heat was just too much.

Besides, her mom would undoubtedly be thrilled to see her! The same goes for Mei. Who could possibly dislike Mei?

With a swift "whoosh", Kiana leaped onto the plush sofa. She then reclined, turned on her side, and grabbed her phone. Her movements were impressively agile.

In contrast, Mei was the epitome of grace. She delicately adjusted her skirt and seated herself on the sofa in a dignified manner, appearing slightly anxious.

"Hold up, why am I only the second lead?" Kiana scrutinized the voting results, her excitement dampened.

" Damn it, are all of them perverts? Why is Theresa the number one idol? She is already my aunt's age! "

Kiana gritted her teeth and said, how could a mere expired loli defeat an innocent and popular girl like her?

Her mind wandered to boss that live at Theresa's villa. A sudden thought struck the imaginative Kiana.

Could it be... there really is a strange transaction? Kiana rubbed her chin and thought,

I have to say that Kiana's intuition is still very accurate, but unfortunately, Luo Mo hasn't made a deal yet this time!

In other words, there's a genuine fanbase for Principal Theresa.

No matter how you slice it, someone should be brought in for a thorough interrogation!

" Teresa is still so popular! Times are changing, but one thing hasn't changed. People still like this one. " Cecilia said with emotion, her tone full of aftertaste,

Cecilia remembers Teriteri and feels nostalgic, even though she is a bit bitter because she didn't have time to document those moments before the 'Theresa grew up'(mentally) tragedy, that time Theresa went rampage burned all her idol records from industry.

Back then, Kira Shigure from her team had also performed, but alas… there was no hint of magical girl Teriri's charm!

It was no surprise that Theresa stole the show.

Rumor has it that the audience at Kira Shigure's secret concert fainted, It must have been a freak accident. (nah she just tone-deaf)

At that time, she returned to the army with a disappointed and sad face, and she comforted her for a long time.

"So, Mom, did you cast your vote for me?" Kiana lifted her head in anticipation, catching a glimpse of Cecilia's profile, her eyes filled with hope.

Cecilia responded with a slight smile and a merciless retort, "No, my vote went to Theresa. Can you blame me? She's just too adorable!"

"Wha——, Mom, how could you?" Kiana was taken aback, staring at Cecilia in disbelief, her voice involuntarily escalating.

Maybe Theresa would be happy if she heard the news, right?

"Hmph! Silly sister, I voted for you, so you better thank me." Sirin suddenly materialized on the sofa, clutching a bag of potato chips, and looked down at the reclining Kiana.

" By the way, you will definitely lose this exam! " Sirin said with a cold smile.

" You? Are you so kind? "

If it were anyone else, Kiana would naturally be very happy, but it happened to be her second sister who was constantly quarreling with her. The sun was really coming out from the west!

"Believe it or not, it's up to you!"

The reason Sirin cast her vote was quite simple. She knew Kiana better than anyone else, so it would be odd if she voted for anyone else…

Especially considering that the promotional poster featured Sky Ranger, a character that could be considered half hers, rounding up. Who could blame her for not participating this time?

Sirin gave a fierce look and bit into a potato chip, the crunching sound echoing as if she was sinking her teeth into someone's flesh.

But here's the thing, some people are reluctant to participate, while others are eager to join. However, when they do participate, they often find it less enjoyable than they anticipated.

"Mei, don't let it get to you, it's just an event," Kiana comforted, noticing Mei's blank stare at the event rankings. Mei's position was quite low, far from the top.

She wasn't trailing at the end, but it was pretty obvious that clinching the top spot was a dream too far for now.

"Yeah, it's just an event," Mei responded with a gentle smile.

The low ranking was a surprise, sure, but it wasn't something that got under her skin. However, it did light a small fire of competition within her.

What caught her attention were the encouraging messages flashing under each character, written by everyone who voted.

A common cheer was 'Go for it! Cook that rice!' which threw her off a bit.

Was she being seen as just the cook? But then again, isn't a good meal important? She pondered why there was a need to push her even before the curtains were raised on the event.

" Okay, okay, today we are going to start the singing of each idol, please be serious. "

Cecilia pushed Mei to get out of her recent autistic state, and looked at the next performance with anticipation.

" Ahem... I wonder if I'm still welcome here? " Luo Mo arrived late and said to everyone present with a smile.

The event was kicking off any minute now, and dodging Theresa's icy stares back at the villa seemed like a good plan. So here he was, ready to shuffle the gacha banner deck with a bit of that Kiana charm—two goals, one shot.

He really respects Theresa. He has been Lady Theresa's sharp edge from the beginning. This has never been false. He can even swear by his little conscience.

With a thumbs-up from Cecilia, it was time to roll out the red carpet for each idol's moment in the spotlight.

They will appear in order according to their current ranking. The first one to appear is Theresa.

She belts out "Stupidity Everywhere," pouring her soul into every note, leaving the crowd in awe.

everyone saw the silly version of Theresa singing some strange lyrics on the virtual stage of the game, and below there were several Theresa-like avatars with funny and (not)intelligent eyes.

Her voice, quirky and offbeat, sends waves of laughter through the audience.

" Captain, have you completed your mission? "

"Or are you fishing again? "

"You say you like Theresa the most "

"But you won't top up to buy Judas for me"

"Topping up for bǎnyā?"

"Topping up for bǎnyā? I'll slap you!"

"Is it because Theresa.."

"Isn't Theresa cute enough? Oh oh~ "

"You are not allowed to touch Theresa's head anymore"

"I'll let you taste "

"I'll let you taste Theresa's flying kick! "


To be honest, Luo Mo is still very honest about his promise. Even in the cover song, Teresa's words related to the magical girl Teriri were deleted.

" So... this is Theresa's idol performance? " Cecilia couldn't help laughing as she watched this scene, with an inexplicable rhythm.

Is she too outdated? Or are times developing too fast?

" Yes. " Luo Mo's answer was concise and to the point. He looked around from time to time to see if there were any suspicious candidates looking for him, but the good thing was that only Kiana's family was present.

No worries, even if a raven swooped in, it wouldn't change a thing. Luo Mo told himself, trying to shake off the nerves.

" Auntie... is she such a person..." Kiana stared blankly at the nonsensical lyrics on the screen, inexplicably gaining a new understanding of her auntie.

I have to say that my aunt is really good at getting along with children.


Theresa's little eyes in the villa next to her were even more resentful. She could only secretly pray that the students would not find out that it was her voice, and just think it was an electronically synthesized voice. Well, that's it.

As for Luo Mo next door? Although I have the urge to settle accounts with him, I'm sorry... It's really impossible to go there and face Cecilia, especially now!

She firmly believed, turning the fork in her hand, and the bitter melon in her mouth seemed not as delicious as before.

[Just this once... Yes, just this once, it's time to thank Himeko! ] Theresa thought bitterly in her heart.


"bǎnyā(salted duck)? Me? " Bronya's voice was tinged with disbelief, her grip tightening on Seele's arm as they made their way home.

A glance at the Live had her brow furrowing in confusion. If Theresa's act was any indication, what did that mean for her and Seele's performance?

I have no memory of dubbing any other voices... Yet, Bronya couldn't shake the feeling that consistency was key for the event's theme.

" Let's go... Seele, let's go to the boss's place first. "

" Okay, sister. " Seele nodded obediently in agreement.

Bronya stopped and walked in the other direction, which was Luo Mo's (Theresa) residence.