
I can't move my legs...

I couldn't think right anymore, everything was just spinning in my head! Why couldn't I move those legs? He kept up asking me to stay calm but calmness was gone already. Suddenly the doctor entered with some nurses. They held me and he injected something in my drip, I suddenly felt my body becoming numb. Before I even noticed I was already sleeping.

I woke up sometime after, guess much time had passed since my crises. When I looked up he was still there. I couldn't help myself but cry, before I knew tears were already flowing uncontrollably.

"Sob, sob... please tell me why I can't move my legs...sob", I looked at him, must have been very pathetic. But all I wanted was to know what had happened.

"The doctor says it's just a temporary situation. It must have been caused by the accident, you haven't lost the ability to walk, your brain just needs to re-adapt... So don't be scared, he said you should be able to walk in less than a month okay?"

Even though I still felt something bitter, I just nodded. His explanations seemed to have sense.

"Then please when will I be able to go home?"

He started staring at me again with that nonchalant look, as if my question bored him somehow.

"You're not going home 'till you totally recovered, you can't leave alone for now."

"But... I don't like staying here..."

"Ok, then you'll come to my house, that's the only choice you have."

"Mr, I don't even know you! Why do you want to decide on what I have to do or where am gonna go?!"

"Is that so? Let me remember you that am responsible for you now. But if you have a family member, a friend or even your boyfriend you can give me the contact, I'll call to notify your state."

"I'll call myself..."

The truth was that I had none in this town. I moved here it's been just a week, I had not even found a job yet. But I felt so awkward that I lied, why will I stay at with someone I don't even know?

"So, you mean your mom will travel all this distance in her current state? I don't think you wish for that to happen except if you're a bad child."


"Do I know about your mom? Don't bother about that, for the moment you have two choices so select one."

My mind started drifting... I had no idea of how he managed to get those informations. Who was this man and what he wanted from me, I had no idea. But he kept on clinging onto my back, not letting go of me.

"Am not going to leave you alone" his words surprised her. Her heart started to feel uneasy, ponding in her chest... Who in this world will care for her? This man surely had something in his mind when doing all this was what she thought. Just some few times she had spent in this town made her understand that everyone had to fight for his own happiness. People were tricky and vil. No one did anything without seeking for it's own benefits behind, and this man was surely not an exception...

"Sir, I understand that you paid the bills to compensate me for the accident but I think it's enough now. I feel uncomfortable with everything you are doing so far so please you could already leave the rest to me."

"Where are you going to stay when you'll leave the hospital?" He said ignoring her request.

She stared at him for a moment before pursing her lips... It was obvious that she had no where to go to.

"that's no problem sir, I'll find out a solution to this as soon as I get out."

"Nonsense, you'll stay at my place."