
Make A Man Sin

The sudden attack on the Santos Clan that lead to the death of Yonda's father, Tyson; who was a mafia leader made Yonda run to another city with a changed identity, living a low life. He even met a strange girl he fell in love with and was living his life but things took a twist when his father's assailants were back on his trail to finish him off and there he found out that there was more to the girl he was in love with than he knows about her. But Yonda was in for more surprises as the dead Bruno, his father’s head of security mysteriously came back to life and he revealed the identities of those who killed his father. But that was not all Bruno had to tell him, the mystery behind his supposed mother, Susan, was also unraveled and that left Yonda broken, taking away all his strength. Was he going to just let his father's murderers get away even though they are still bent on taking his own life? What truth did he learn about his mother and how did he handle it? All questions will be answered in this action and suspense-packed novel.

OlaRouffhy · Aktion
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Back At The House

Drew and his men were standing at alert outside the house, most of them holding cigarettes in their hands, exhaling satisfied puffs and watching as the smoke's trails go up; they all had a tired look on their faces but at the same time looked happy, maybe because they got the upper hand in the gunfire with Tyson's men.

"Boss". One of the men suddenly called Drew who was sitting in one of the cars with the car open. He did not hear that one of his men was calling his name, he was busy fondling the cap of the whiskey bottle in his hand.

The man walked up to him and tapped him lightly, "Boss". Drew looked up at him, pissed at him for disturbing his private moment.

"What is it?". He asked impatiently.

"Check this out". The guy quickly showed Drew the news he was watching on his phone.

Drew was more pissed, "You should tell me what you want before I get madder at you for disturbing my peace. Why are you showing me the news?".

"Just check it out boss. The police are looking for a guy that escaped from a hospital on the other side of the river, he has a gunshot wound".

"What has that got to do with me or the situation around here? You had better be careful and not get comfortable; no one can tell what the boss is going to do if he should think about punishing us for not being able to finish the job and take out the son". Drew stood up to go away from there.

"The boy came from this side and lost consciousness in the market where we had lost the trail of Tyson's son earlier. They even have his sketch and you should see it".

"Give me that". Drew snatched the phone from him and his eyes widened when he saw that the sketch was that of Yonda. "This is a second chance to finish him off properly. Get the boys, we are going to the other side but we have to be discreet about it, it would not be in our favor if the boss should find out about this and pressure us on it". Drew gave the instructions and got in the car, driving off, and his boys also followed him.

At The Hospital

Drew And his men got to the hospital but only four out of them followed him in and they went straight to the doctor's office. The policemen from there earlier were there, the doctor was giving his account of what happened to Yonda when Drew and two men came in, and the other two stood at the door.

"How can I help you?". The doctor asked as he saw Drew and his men enter.

Giving signal to his boys, they apprehended cops and disarmed them in a twinkle of an eye, leaving the doctor in shock and too shaken to even stand up from his seat.

"You will be doing yourself a favor of staying as a whole if you tell me what I need to know but if you do not, I will advise you not to want to find out what I can do to you. Are we clear?".

The doctor responded with a nod.

"Good. Now where is the boy?". Even though Drew knew well that Yonda had escaped from the hospital and that they did not know his whereabouts, he still asked.

"You mean the boy that was brought in yesterday. If you are talking about him, he had run away from here". The doctor explained.

"I watched the news, you fool. Tell me where he has gone to".

The doctor was in dismay, "I can not possibly know where he ran to".

"And there is nothing you can tell me about his movement?". Drew asked.

The policeman that had chased Yonda earlier was already feeling scared in this situation and he cut in the conversation, "He went across the Railtrack".

Drew turned his face towards him, "What did you say?. Bring him here".

The cop was brought to his front and he repeated what he said, "I chased him down to the Railtrack but he went across before I could get him".

"Take him with us, he is going to take us to that point". Drew pointed to the cop who had spoken. and he was immediately strung up by one of the men.

"What about the others?". The other man asked to which Drew only raised his hand and a silenced gunshot was heard the next minute. They all went out with the cop.

They drove at high speed and got there in no time.

"This is the place I lost him". The cop explained.

Drew went towards the track carefully examining the ground and when he got to the other side of it, he stopped and squatted. There was a trail of dried blood on the floor and that was what he bent to check.

"He is telling the truth. The kid passed through this way". Drew confirmed and beckoned to his men to bring The cop closer to him.

"Where does this way lead to?".

"It leads to nowhere of interest. The only thing that lies down there is the building occupied by a bunch of small gang members that rule that area".

Drew thought in his mind, "He probably is out of this place already but just not to leave any stone unturned, it will not be bad to check if he went to that place. No one knows what that kid could be up to".

"How do we get to that building?". He asked the coo who gave them the description of the building, still scared for his life

"I told you what you want to know. Please, let me go". The cop pleaded.

"Shhhh. Do not panic, come here". Drew hushed him and brought out a knife unknowing to the unsuspecting cop. Pulling him into a hug, he slowly plunged the knife into him and drop his body onto the ground...